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Derringer Philadelphia

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r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
Been too long since I posted work, Less talk more rock!

Like the title suggests this is a Deringer Philadelphia, a pistol the Americans may well have heard of :). Its still pretty rough around the edges and has some lumpy/missing bits.

The plan is finish the mesh and then to take it into 3D Coat. I'm going to voxelise it and see if i can get more of a hand made quality to it. Once thats done, low poly and Shaders



this is an example of one. its not my reference shot and these pistols vary pretty broadly. its pretty close to the final look i want though


  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    What's going on with the inside of the barrel? Can we see a shot of that?
  • Kitteh
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    Kitteh polycounter lvl 18
    DDuckworth wrote: »
    What's going on with the inside of the barrel? Can we see a shot of that?

    Looks like rifling. Sweet model, though I'd watch the edge tightness (it's too hard in a few places). I modeled this gun super low poly (<500 tri) a couple years ago, neat little gun.
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    Well that's what I was thinking, but it looks too heavy to be rifling, I didn't think anyone had even come up with rifling until long after this period of guns, but I could be wrong.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the comments guys. it is indeed rifling, I was surprised to see it too but there you go
    Ill double check my refs and see if its too deep
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    No I don't think it's too deep, this is just very strange rifling to me haha!
  • Kitteh
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    Kitteh polycounter lvl 18
    Rifling has been around since the late 1700s but didn't become prominent until the American Civil War (1861-1865). This gun was produced throughout that period (Lincoln was killed with one).

    Also, it's spelled Deringer if you're doing the original gun, Derringer is just a common misspelling of the original man's name.

    Also, as you can see from the ref, your trigger guard needs to be much wider and more bell-shaped (wider at the bottom than the top).
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Kitteh wrote: »
    Also, as you can see from the ref, your trigger guard needs to be much wider and more bell-shaped (wider at the bottom than the top).

    cheers I've since done more work on that part. I'll widen it though.

    DDuckworth: how do you mean its strange?
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    Well I mean it's strange in real life, I thought the first invention of rifling was the modern version we use today, the cylindrical grooves that are in the barrel of modern pistols, I thought all guns up to modern rifling simply had straight barrels with nothing on the inside, like a pipe basically, nothing about your model - just the real world object :)
  • Kitteh
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    Kitteh polycounter lvl 18
    DDuckworth wrote: »
    Well I mean it's strange in real life, I thought the first invention of rifling was the modern version we use today, the cylindrical grooves that are in the barrel of modern pistols, I thought all guns up to modern rifling simply had straight barrels with nothing on the inside, like a pipe basically, nothing about your model - just the real world object :)

    Well, that is pretty much like modern rifling, just with much deeper grooves since the barrel is so short.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    hasnt this type of rifling been superseded by polygonal rifling. (I had heard H&K adopted it )
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Update Time :)
    I've Widened the finger guard and worked on its shape more. One the main body of the pistol I've cut out the recesses for the various pieces of inset metal and distressed the surface a bit. Next up i want to finished the Barrel / Hammer and add some tooling detail on the metals.

    For anyone thats interested the body is a decimated voxel sculpt. the smoothing isnt great because of the decimation. Thats why there is some faceting in places.

  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Right, just finished the barrel. Also ditched the last render setup. much to soft to show the details.
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    That's awesome, I take it you sculpted it in 3d coat?
  • Sean VanGorder
    Nice. The chipping on the wood is pretty slick.
  • WillMac
    Sculpt looks great job, nice renders also. Love the battered bits especially, was an interesting gun to choose. Looks totally different from them refs, the hammer and the engravings... are you gonna work in some more engravings?
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the comments every one :) Glad people like the wood. I'm pretty pleased with it myself. The wood is indeed sculpted in 3D coat, it made the chipping and the booleans for the inset engraved panels extremely easy
    WillMac wrote: »
    Looks totally different from them refs, the hammer and the engravings... are you gonna work in some more engravings?

    I've mixed and matched a bit between different physical guns so there is a definite difference from those pics I've posted.
    TBH I've taken the bits I liked from different photos that I've found. I think its a mix of slightly different periods of production and the fact that its a totally hand made thing.

    So far as the hammer goes i've modelled the base of it and will be posting that soon. Its also my plan to do the engravings. Im still working out what the best approach to handle them is though.

    Do you think there is some element that looks wrong? Since i've started sculpting the wood i dont know if i could make major changes but the rest is still pretty flexable

    Here are some of the refs i've been using.
  • WillMac
    Nice one upping them refs, now i see what you doing is a blend of them both... I would def add the hammer mechanism, and just keep on with the floral pattern plates and maybe the grip pattern, although that looks a pain. (is that a job for 3dCoat or a Z-projection or an Ndo).

    Your heading on the right track with it, basically. And the textures could also add a lot to that "handmade" quality too. :thumbup:
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Got the carved detail on the stock done.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    I've just finished my low poly pass. TriCount: 3,826
    Any crits would be very welcome.

  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    really cute pistol and really good highpoly :)
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    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    Nice! How did you go about the carve details? Was that too done in 3d Coat?
  • Zelenkov
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    Zelenkov polycounter lvl 9
    Looks like you and Raul share the same recipe ;) Shrink wrap for the handle?
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    SimonT: thanks man :) It is kind of tiny isnt it.

    Endomi:Cheers, yeah the details are carved using a couple of methods. the main being.
    1: unwrap the basic mesh.
    2: convert the flattened uvs to a mesh (I use headus uvlayout but there are
    maxscripts to do it). once you have a mesh in a flat state and a 3d state you can morph between them.
    3:draw splines representing the chisel cuts on the flat mesh
    4:make the splines renderable rectangles.
    5:put a normalize modifier on the splines and turn of optimization. turn up the segments.
    6:skinwtap the flattened splines to the flattened mesh.
    7:morph the flattened mesh back into place.
    8:export to 3dCoat.
    9:voxelise the shapes and subtract the guides.

    Zelenkov: Rauls stuff is damn awesome :). very inspirational
  • Pedro Amorim
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    SimonT: thanks man :) It is kind of tiny isnt it.

    Endomi:Cheers, yeah the details are carved using a couple of methods. the main being.
    1: unwrap the basic mesh.
    2: convert the flattened uvs to a mesh (I use headus uvlayout but there are
    maxscripts to do it). once you have a mesh in a flat state and a 3d state you can morph between them.
    3:draw splines representing the chisel cuts on the flat mesh
    4:make the splines renderable rectangles.
    5:put a normalize modifier on the splines and turn of optimization. turn up the segments.
    6:skinwtap the flattened splines to the flattened mesh.
    7:morph the flattened mesh back into place.
    8:export to 3dCoat.
    9:voxelise the shapes and subtract the guides.

    Zelenkov: Rauls stuff is damn awesome :). very inspirational

    say what?
    i would like to see a video of this right here.
    looks legit
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Sure. will post a vid with my next update.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Getting going with the textures, my focus so far has been the base metal of the barrel and hammer, the rest of the sheet is just blocking. No real spec or gloss map yet either. just a quick and dirty spec to get me close.


    a closer shot without the colour grading.
  • Zelenkov
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    Zelenkov polycounter lvl 9
    a very good start on the textures! can't wait to see more. although, the end of the barrel looks a bit blocky....maybe add a little more tris to round it up a bit?
  • Kitteh
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    Kitteh polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome normal map bake, super clean, though I think you've got way too much high frequency noise in your metal. Notice how while it has a lot of sharp details, it doesn't have an overall noise to it like your texture does.

  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Zelenkov: The bevel on the end of the barrel is present on some of the guns. its not really supposed to be rounded.

    Cheers Kitteh
    Below is what i was using as a guide, that said i think you're right, Less noise would be good.
    Im going to reboot this I think. I need to get some more fitting textures.

    Im between minds with the normal bake. Its done in max using RTT and im not convinced its syncing well with Marmoset, The corners dont look correct.
    I'm going to do a bake in XNormal and see if that's any better.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Damn nice Rob, you're just showing off now with that engraving ;) The metal piece on the side looks like the marmoset logo stretched hah. Did you keep your UV's like they were originally? Lot of wasted space there.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Andreas wrote: »
    Damn nice Rob, you're just showing off now with that engraving ;) The metal piece on the side looks like the marmoset logo stretched hah. Did you keep your UV's like they were originally? Lot of wasted space there.

    Thanks :), I did the layout after reading a post by Earthquake, he was recommending people to space their islands out more so that they would render well at lower Mip Levels.
    I had intended to post they layout in that thread and ask for feedback but never got around to it.

    Been having problems with the wood, I can get the metal looking how i want or the wood, but not both. IOR control in marmoset is per material not per pixel. Guess im expecting too much from Game tech. (i love you mental ray)

    I've spent some time doing a shader in shaderFX which allows me to map IOR and its working pretty well. will post that soon, along with the promised video for Pedro.
  • HornyRhino
    great success man... i wanna see the video on how you do the carved detail really interesting... :D when you posting it?
  • snow
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    snow polycounter lvl 8
    say what?
    i would like to see a video of this right here.
    looks legit

    I chuckled at this.

    Couldn't have agreed more!
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    I got back into this the other day and got it 90% where I want it to go.
    I havent made any effort to fix texture seams yet so ignore those.
    So far Its been suggested I increase the contrast in the metals spec and personally I think i need to get some of the noise out of the texture(especially the wood). in any case all crits welcome :)

  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    I love guns like this, I mean sure, new guns are made for their effectiveness but I just love the carved handles, heavy barrels, metal work decoration, etc. etc.
    Awesome model and amazing texturing! I feel like I could reach into the screen and go on a killing spree! (take that in any context you wish)
  • polygonfreak
    Love it, the only crit would be to see a ding or two on the barrel. Just curious, how many hours do you have on this project?
  • Cordell Felix
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    Cordell Felix polycounter lvl 9
    video would be awesome of how u did the detail @_@
  • marq4porsche
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    marq4porsche polycounter lvl 9
    Beautifully done, It looks great in those shots. I'm loving all the detail you put into it.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Dont know how far a Deringer phili would get you :) being barrel loaded and all.
    Its hard to say how long it took as it was done in small lumps. probably more than a weeks work (fulltime) if you count in all the messing and tests. I dont sculpt much so the wood took a while to get how i wanted it.
    Cordell Felis
    Ill do something describing the voxel stuff soon. What specifically interested you?


    Thanks man, its been a bit of labor of love.
  • Cordell Felix
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    Cordell Felix polycounter lvl 9
    the detail you did with the "voxel" I would love to know how to do clean detail like that!
  • bbob
    Looking good, but I would say that the wood is looking a bit too reddish, maybe try leaning toward a more orange hue?
  • Mark Dygert
    snow wrote: »
    I chuckled at this.

    Couldn't have agreed more!
    Are you kidding me?
    MoPKnit for Maya and Slideknit for 3dsmax.

    (The MoPKnit link has more info on both, the slideknit link is straight link to the actual script which can be hard to find)
  • Pedro Amorim
    now.. this is what i'm talking about! great work!
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    Sic semper tyrannus. Looks awesome.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Uly wrote: »
    Sic semper tyrannus.
    Poor Abe.
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    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    This has turned out great. I do agree with pushing the spec a bit in the metal, itll really make it shine.

    Thanks for also sharing your technique on the handle, and thks vig for the post of the maya script. havent messed with it yet but I find it very inetresting way of dealing with those kind of shapes. I suppose ive done something similar in zbrush, using the uvs to project patterns... kind hit and miss though. Perhaps this will work out better for me
  • Mir
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    Mir polycounter lvl 6
    This is awesome! Love the carvings and all the other details, i hope for a video of the process!
  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    Dont know how far a Deringer phili would get you :) being barrel loaded and all.

    1 would be far enough... I need to kill whoever came up with the apple advert "if you don't have an iPhone you can't ___" the idea behind it is pure evil, its like bullying everyone who doesn't have one!
    for the record I don't have an iPhone and I don't really have a need for one.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks mate, I LOVE that pistol your working on. Epic stuff.
    Good luck with it, cant really comment about ZB, cant stand the program.
    Uly, Cordell Felix, Mir
    I'll get round to it :).I hate narrating stuff though.
    Thanks for posting those links, I had trouble finding them when I was doing this.

    Right! an update. Wood is tinted more Orange (thanks bbob) and I've increase the contrast of the metal a little.
  • Sean VanGorder
    Much better with the wood color change, love it :)

    No real crits that I can see. If anything, I'd say that you can't really make out the chips in the wood anymore, which is a shame, cause they looked awesome on the sculpt.
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