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Kingdom Death - Twilight Knight

polycounter lvl 12
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Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
My next mini sculpt is finally up for sale woooo!


An ongoing project im working on called Kingdom Death - a fantasy boardgame played with miniatures. The twilight knight is the second mini released sculpted by me, and concepted by the awesome Lokman Lam.

The end result is a mini roughly 37mm in height and you can see her here:


Shes for sale buy her!!!

You can see the kinds of details we had reduce or simply remove alltogether to get a readable print at this size, also a few things we tweaked to exagerate the final result.

I hope you guys like her! More to come!


  • Flaringo
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    Flaringo polycounter lvl 11
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    My type of woman, buxom! :D
  • Mark Dygert
    Awesome, really nice work, as always =)

    If I was going to have a minor beef it would be with the hair. If this was for an actual in game model the hair would need to be redone and probably some opacity maps applied, same for the cape its a little too sculpty. the bead thing makes it look a little bit like a tentacle?
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    mmmmhm. boobs!
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    I love those hips!

    It looks like a fun kind of thing to model, since you use subdivisions, but don't need to worry about detail as small as pores. How does your workflow work, exactly? Do you model in T-pose or do you create them in the final pose?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome stuff, the print came out great! :)
    Nice concept to work from too!
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    That is freakin awesome. Wish I had mad sculpting skills like that. And someone to print out what I made.... I'm so utterly jealous of you
  • BlackulaDZ
    very nice, this kingdom death stuff is sexy. I wanna say some folds on the cape look squishy but it's not noticeable in the print so meehh. cant wait for the next one!
  • throttlekitty
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Wooo! Nice to see you're still doing these. They're turning out great. My favorite work of yours. :)
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    Flaringo: God wont help you on this forum!

    Anux: More buxom ladies!

    Vig: Hey thanks man!! I do share your thoughts about the hair and the cape, I'll have to do better next time!

    divi: Ahaha yeah :D

    Zwebbie: Good question, I actually sculpt everything posed, i find it takes longer to do that way, but its much more fun to sculpt non symetrically! Pretty much the workflaw is alot of back and forth and a few botched prints usually - luckily the guy im working with has good hookups with printers so we can do a few 'tests' to see how the print is going to look - and where its working / where its not working. Thats usually where i find out that normal looking 'cool' things needed to be removed and certain things flattened out or exxagerated because they just get lost, a good example is her face, the face you see in the render, isnt the face in the final model, the final models face needed to be exxagerated to hell, it looks really ugly with huge eye sockets, sunken right into her head etc. but it needed to be that way to show up and be readable on a face thats only a couple mm high.

    MoP: Thanks man, yeah lokman is a legend with his hot girls!!!

    Jeremy-S: haha thanks man, its not that difficult - get into it!!!!!

    BlackulaDZ: Im glad you think so, we started off with a more traditional looking folded cloth kind of cloak blowing in the wind, but it wasnt working so we opted for a softer, almost ghostly looking 'floating with a mind of its own' cloak.

    throttlekitty: NOM NOM NOM!

    Frump: Thanks man im glad you like!
  • HntrLuc
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    HntrLuc polycounter lvl 18
    cool work man! looks like fun!
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the write-up, Hazardous, that's an interesting process. I'm actually very curious now as to how the exaggerated-for-printing version looks on a render! Asymmetrical sculpting sounds like fun and it's definitely something I want to try out once I've finished all my current WIPs. I wish I could also print, but alas, students don't have much money to spare.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    HntrLuc: thanks man its heaps of fun! I like building chicks the most :P

    Zwebbie: Haha i hear what your saying man, but still take a crack at modelling that way youll learn a whole bunch more!

    Heres some wip shots !!











    I would love to go nuts on the details and really polish these models up but its pointless when printing them at such small sizes.... Its the one thing thats been really tough to find a balance with. Simplify the design, or keep the detail but blow it up to a reasonable size ?

    Every new piece is always interesting... More to come!
  • cycloverid
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    cycloverid polycounter lvl 15
    I really love chunky simplicity lately, and this character does exactly that. Really nice presentation and clean sculpting. Her arms look a little too frail to me, but that's just a nitpick. Everything else is really plump and reads well!
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    God DAYUM! :D This has to be next the hottest thing after my gf (I'm being morally correct) :D~
  • HandSandwich
  • Mladen Jovicic
    this is totally sweet man. dig the print n sculpt!:)
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    Farkin delicious!

    For the more minor stuff that might help this pop a bit more, I think the hooded cape could use a few finer wrinkles, and even a couple of those U shaped wrinkles. At this point it's lookin a little blob-like. Could also use an ever-so-slight bumpage on the armor.

    One thing that really jumps out at me is how narrow her waist is compared to her hips. I understand you're going for a girl with a little padding and it's working really well on the lower half of her body but her abs don't reflect that. So what we end up with (in my eyes anyway) is kind of a Chun-Li effect.

    Course we know this is me really nit-picking. I love your work in general.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Heeeellllloooo Curves!
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    great work Haz, I wish I had the money to buy them all :D
  • woogity
    really cool piece, i didnt realize the miniatures companies were using 3d artists now as scuptors, thats awesome!
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    woo, prog pics *saves to desktop* ^____^

    awsome sculpt mayne, really sexay print too
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    cycloverid: Thanks man, looking back, I agree with you - I could have beefed up her arms!
    9skulls: Shes watching man, be safe!
    HandSandwich: Hell yeah!
    Mladen Jovicic: haha thanks man :D
    pangarang: Thanks for the crits man, I'm still finding it challenging to get the best results with printing something so small - cant go into to much detail, but each new design brings about new challenges and we keep pushing more and more every time!
    Richard Kain: Got have curves man!
    crazyfool: Haha its the thought that counts man!
    woogity: Those hand sculptours still have the edge over the 3d guys working at this size, they can get details and edges sharper no matter what the printers say TRUST ME. The advantage of the 3d guys is that its relatively not a big deal to repose a little goblin mesh to make variants for an army / squad instead! But yeah, a few companies arew looking at it with a more open mind now!
    Nizza_waaarg: hah thanks man!!

    Ill hopefully have a few more released soon, and shock horror one of them is a dude - omg I created something that doesnt have boobs or big thighs!
  • die_Kröte
    Zwebbie wrote: »
    I love those hips!

    It looks like a fun kind of thing to model, since you use subdivisions, but don't need to worry about detail as small as pores. How does your workflow work, exactly? Do you model in T-pose or do you create them in the final pose?

    +1 on dem hips
  • j4polaris
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    j4polaris polycounter lvl 18
    Fantastic model dude. Added to my inspiration folder for sure. :)
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    Hey guys heres a 360 Spin of the Mini setup in Adam's lightbox!

  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    Sorry for the image bomb,

    Heres some more shots of the mini, and how it looks on the sprue!











    Shes only 37mm high! I want to get some shots to really make the scale more obvious....
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Great stuff, love them curves buddy. :)
  • Saiainoshi
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    Saiainoshi polycounter lvl 9
    Them birthin hips!
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    wow! ressurection!

    hboy: Sorry man thats not my sculpt! Its been hand sculpted sliced and prepp'd for casting, you can tell because the fidelity is still higher when working by hand at that scale.

    In my experience and many printers later, to get super high quality prints from a 3d printer of a character thats under 40mm from foot to head is still quite a bit behind the time honored hand crafted method when you compare the results side by side.

    Having said that there are some prototype prints being done at the moment that have upped the quality significantly, bridging that gap a whole bunch!! Ill see if i can get some permission to post some comparison shots!
  • ajr2764
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    ajr2764 polycounter lvl 10
    Alright, gigidy gigidy goo. Very nice sculpt and really digging the proportions you have going on there.
  • Barnstable
    Very rarely do I see a 3D model that I'd like to umm.... do things to....

    So I'd say sexiness has been achieved.
  • Apophis3d
    Barnstable wrote: »
    Very rarely do I see a 3D model that I'd like to umm.... do things to....

    So I'd say sexiness has been achieved.

    Indeed can I take her home?
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