The ZGametools is a Complete toolset, composed of Four plugins dedicated to illustration, Tileable Texture , Models baking and connectivity with external Editors (Images Editor and OBJ file Editor).
Renderer Module, is dedicated to rendering/illustration work.
The Module propose a rendering batch process that can output different types of render passes using BPR.
The Rendering batch process runs a Bpr render of the subtools in accordance to their visibility options ( selected, visible,all)
During the Rendering Batch process each passes are saved on disk within the workspace, you’ve defined in workspace manager.
Texturer Module, is dedicated for Tileable Texture creation.
Presets help to set render options to combine Zbrush and other tools like Allegoritmic or Quixel Softwares using matID workflow
or UE4 and unity using the basic PBR workflow the propose ZGametools.
* PBR materials :
Library of Quad shaders that store Albedo, rough/gloss, Specular, metallic, RGB Values.
* A framer is a ZTool that is composed of key elements :
The “tile_area” and “render_area” subtools help to frame on the canvas
One Wrap plane mesh not subdivided as placeholder ( duplicate it to stack several wrap plane meshes)
One Wrap plane mesh ready for use ( but not subdivide )
The Module propose a rendering batch process that can output different types of render passes using BPR.
Render batch process apply in accordance to subtools visibility options ( selected, visible,all)
During the Rendering Batch process each passes are saved on disk within the workspace
you’ve defined in workspace manager.
The Module is dedicated to model baking and suggest two workflow, baking using the Zbrush Algorithm or Using Substance Batchtools if you own a license of substance designer.
The toolset work with OBJ file only.
Generate a melscript, in case you want to open all the Obj files exported within the workspace Directory.
Core module, is the module that resolve paths of all rendered passes, all baked Textures, and all Meshes exported from the Baker Module.
To start you must to select the module you want to working with. This include Renderer, Texturer or Baker + zbrush baking algorithm, or Baker + Substance Batchtools algorithm to bake the textures.
The image below shows the Panel UI when you work with the Renderer module..
All Rendered passes types displays into a file selector, open the desire file with the Image Editor.
Similar to Renderer , all Rendered passes types displays into a file selector, to open the desire rendered pass with an Image Editor.
All Baked Textures types displays into a file selector, then open for edit with the Image Editor, the pass that match with the active subtool.
If you have batch exported your subtools, then you can edit the Obj file with the user defined Software, in accordance to the Sub directory within the workspace that is active.
Note : The File that will open into the application is the Active subtools ( alt click to select the proper subtool to edit is the rule).
Similar to Zbrush baker.
You can edit the baked textures type of your choice that correspond to the current subtool.
You can open for edit obj files, if your have already batch exported yoru subtools from the baker module.
Re-import the current Subtool in Zbrush, in accordance to the subdirectory within the workspace directory.
You can Reimport from UVs Directory, if you create that Directory , it
should reimport the subtools, and let you choose if you want to re-project the details onto the new mesh.
Note : Common Features are includes with Renderer, Texturer and Baker modules
It’s a pre-defined organization to improve your workflow and you don’t have to worry about where you should save your assets, it will guide you.
The workspace manager reinforces the Zbrush project It’s a safe place to recover after a possible ZProject file that could be corrupted and could refuse to load in Zbrush.
One click to save the current assets : Ztool, alpha, materials, or Brushes
Startup Zbrush, and reload the last Zproject in one click.
Change the Project name to save the zproject with different Name and backup past iterations of your work.
All the settings and panels Ui state are restored after a possible application crash of Zbrush.
The Workspace is the central place, to bridge and connect with external editors and edit the files you generated with Zbrush, into the Image editor or your favorite 3D editors.
The workspace directory is easy to backup and to commit on any versioning software like Perforce.
The workspace is portable and can be shared to make collaborative work.
Create Workspace
Plugin preferences can be store as file on disk within the workspace manager,
but you can also use the Slot System for quick store and restore of your settings.
Ztemplates :
The Ztemplates are blank ZProject files that are stored into
ZGametool plugindata, then you can call back later for next use with a
different project. You can Store 4 Ztemplates ( one per slot).
Particularly useful to store canvas size, ztool to load at start up, materials, etc.
Texturer is default provides some presets of Ztemplates, but you can store your own ZTemplates.
An example of what you can do :
Note: ZTemplates are only available with Renderer and Texturer Modules.
BPR to QSM :
Texture to QSM :
Send to photoshop and reload in Zbrush
QuickSketch Classic :
edited : 9/7/2016
( release notes / changelog )
Looking forward to seeing more.
About the normal map shader, i do not use the one provided by default with the Zbrush installation, but a tangent Normal map custom shader i had created by myself and you can even download it here for free and test it : )
I agree this is not like procedural texturing, but as substance designer user, i know how it can be hard to handle the height value with mixed effects.
This way I think the workflow is open and maximized so you can continue to work with the baked textures in Substance designer, or painter, or what ever you want, you ask me for a support for something you like to have, and i will evaluated your request, and do my best to provide a good support.
The only argument i can to oppose to dedicated texturing software like substance designer or the Quixel suite , is that with Zbrush for workflow, you keep everything to be driven by 3d data, which is not what substance designer is capable to do
the first one i described in the previous message, but the second one is all dedicated to nanomesh.
It would be so helpful if we could export into an obj (or even goz file) the position/rotation/scale of all the instanced meshed. because the use of "One to Mesh" is something that makes zbrush to becomes instable if the nanomeshes polycount isn't low.
I try to make complex textures, and i exercise me on some kind of work that any textures artists should want to create.
an example into UE4 :
hmm, back to nanomeshes discussion :
1. the nanomesh rotation variations has no stepping value of the XYZ rotations, that would help.
2. instanced mesh make the zproject and ztool file to stay correct in term of disk size.
3. unfortunately nanomeshes are instances meshes, and this way you can't to paint on them, so the concept was to duplicate the mesh hide the other, and then convert all array mesh *and nanomeshes into real polygons.
that's not good at all , if any one has a ^^
* about array mesh it better to use make mesh before to create the nanomesh or after you make one to mesh for each nanomesh you must also to convert the array into mesh, and that doesn't work with two array stages.
So when i get ride of the issue with the plugin structure, i still have to found a workaround.
- When you save as zproject file, the filters settings are saved.
- When you click on psd document bridge, F1 or F2 icon, it disables all other filter then after you click on "Zbrush to PSD" icon it save on the disk and open in the psd editor.
you can even export multiple filters applied, but it doesn't retains the bpr filters setup.
at this moment i stay blocked for various stupid reasons, it not easy to deal with zbrush and such of big plugin project.
So by any chance if any skilled Zscripter with a good knowledge of it, crossed this post and got any idea about a workaround or a solution i would have forget to test out.
Zbrush make me crazy
Technical discussion on Zbrushcentral
I cross my finger for a senior software enginneer at pixologic read that message , i keep dreaming
The Zscenemanager runs that way. Maybe you could get in contact with the creator.
yes that a lot for me, really get tired of scanning all around for any space to pass by, finally this approach isn't the good one too
Let me explain,
i made the full port of the previous version, I look for solution to make the installation easier into a custom menu, and it worked, but...
For some reason i cannot understand, some code in my plugin A and plugin B doesn't work properly, Routines stop to proceed in the middle of the code for no reason.
Next issue, all buttons of type "Switch" that are defined into plugin A or plugin B doesn't works( psd Document bridge,texturing tools),
wre it work for plugin C, tried many method to bring this to work but in vein.
The first issue seem to happen on many feature of te plugin
like the quicksketch tools in the process, it that goes at the point it creates a plane3D, and after it should change the value into Tool:initialize ( h radius, h divide etc..) but it doesn't.
Marcus tod me about unpredictable result if I going this way, and he was probably right.
So the last option that offer to me, is to create several plugins and duplicate my code sometime to make sure that each module get access to full features.
This mean a come back into the Zplugin menu.
Im just not really sure the user appreciates to have like 5/6/7 plugins that stands in Zplugin pallette.
Also I am not sure the user would appreciate if I add my plugins into various existent menu.
It's a difficult choice, i made my best I can't make more,Zbrush refuse sall attempts and each approach i apply.
But it's ok i need some rest but i will back up this version and restart on a this third approach, will see how it look in the end when done.
The difference is that almost everything is done using the Zbrush Api with my plugin i can't to externalize the process, or i need to code a new Zbrush myself ^^
Module 0 : PSD Document Bridge
-content Here - (depends of the Selection)
so you have all types of map exported from Zb to the psd editor. (shaded, mask, flat, shadow, AO, sss, etc.. + bpr filters f1, f2 etc..)
if Texturing module ( with pbr tools)
- ALL bpr + filter
if illustrator module ( no pbr)- ALL bpr + filter
if Substance bakerModule 1 :Texturing Module
Module 2 : Illustration Module
Module 3 : substance batchtool Module
What do you think ?
Also i really have the need to rename the plugin, now it has no more sense to be named quicksketch master, what do you think of "ZGameTools" , I am not very good at naming thing ^^
my case is special, because there is too much features in my plugin, each time i had new feature i need to declare more and more variables , and this is the limitation i had reached with zbrush.Even not because my code isn't optimized, i could have optimized a little bit more to save more variables, but that would not had change anything i will have collide with this at a moment or another. ^^
+ 12k of line of code into a Zplugin is huge ^^
ok let me show you a first screen and explain a little about it.
This is the main core module, you choose from the module list the module you work with, so it can be for illustration purpose or concepting with quicksketch tools, but you can also link Zbrush to a PSD editor .
the main module looks fine into the File Menu*.
if texturing module is selected it will open the render generate from the texturing module instead of illustration or model baking**.
* if some of you prefer a different position, suggest me a different solution, but this way we can have both modules from Zplugin menu in a tray and game tools into the second Tray or even both in the same. or create an hot key to popup the subpalette on screen, there still a lot of possibilities, File menu should be the best one.
** the names are susceptible to change along the development.
but I am good for today
the Save Plugin Preference code will be reused to write the batch for substance batch tool, i really want to start this today about this fouth modules, but well, if i focus on the "renderer" and "texturer" it will be faster to create the last module.
for the model baking uv, there will be option to tag subtools with preffix _high, _low and cage.
there will be at first time, on ly Zbrush baking, and substancebatchtools, i will see what can be done with xnormal, i must to get time to check how the batch mode is working.
The logo are no proper after the renaming, but it's not the priority.
what is best with that system in place, is that you can work with both module at same time ^^
there is a lot of work but it enough for this long night of coding
I forget to talk about the Plugins preferences that can be saved on the disk, you can store them and settings will survive to Zbrush restarts.
depending on the selected slot (1,2 or 3) i can also add a function to define a path to save the plugin prefs.
Each module has these preferences options (Renderer, Texturer and Baker).
I need to define a workflow with Ztools to create low poly model and export with a prefix (_low).
Same for High poly mesh, export each subtool with a modelname_high_whatyouwanthere.
And also i know it possible to create cage using zbrush, so i will see also for that.
A question i ask me a lot, should i create separate product sell them each items at a reasonable price, and sell a bundle with all the toolset but at a lower price than when you purchase item per item.
Manage separated product will just make my code harder to update and the handle onto one single Zbrush installation, but i am open.
Zbrush Baking Worklfow is working well for the selected subtool !
I will add a function the batch obj file, but with a lot of subtools when exporting the hires mesh, that could take a long time, i don't want the user to have Zbrush screen to not respond, if each subtool is composed of million polygons.
Any Suggestion ?
Best Regards
I've skimmed the thread a few times out of curiosity and so far the only thing I am getting out of it is that your tool seems to provide a way to quickly output render passes for compositing, as shown in the video with the big Zbrush guy. The rest is very unclear, and since no examples are provided there is no incentive for anyone to give it a try.
Look at your first post - it has a lot of text, but not a single image explaining what your tool does. And then scrolling down the thread only shows a few pictures, the most advanced of which (cream colored wall with moss) being far from convincing. Now that doesn't mean that your tool is not useful, but you definitely have to explain it better and provide clear and relevant examples that people can relate to. It's nice that you took the time to record videos, but first and foremost you need to just show some results.
To be more clear:
My main objective by posting here on this forum, is to get some feedback from the professional artists and the whole communuty of game developer, so i could be responsive with all your expectations.
Then simply show us what your tool can do. If it saves artists valuable time and/or allows them to do something they couldn't do before, they will use it.
I know i probably pushed too much efforts on the development and the progress.
I was about to make some work to show case what can be done with the Texturer module , and try to make convincing texture works.
but Zbrush has decided it would not happen yet.
I didn't know about Zscript limitations. I thought i would be comfortable to work and add more and more useful tools, workflow etc..
In less then a week i had revamped the project and created several modules ( 4 plugins to be exact)
- Core module, is the module that handles rendered images depending of the selected module you are working with. You can exchange between a psd editor and Zbrush. You can even use both modules on the same project, all preferences are saved.
- Renderer, that is the module dedicated for rendering work, so you can make the final compositing in photoshop.
- Texturer is fully devoted to Tilling texture works.
- Baker is dedicated to baking and batch export, using Zbrush workflow ( and substance batchtool )
With that new approach,i can get ride of this Zscript limitation,and let me now add more and more useful tools depending of the module in use.
All right, i will try to polish the first topic, i suppose that you must be brave to read all my messages , it's more a development discussion
i wanted to know what the artists would like to have as new tools. I am an artist myself so i know what i would like to have to speed up my workflow.
But it still interesting to consider other artists and the feedback they can bring to the project.
(I thought about baking layer per layer , someone asked for that on twitter #askZbrush. )
Core module, is the module that handles rendered images depending of the selected module you are working with. You can exchange between a psd editor and Zbrush. You can even use both modules on the same project, all preferences are saved.
- Renderer, that is the module dedicated for rendering work, so you can make the final compositing in photoshop.
- Texturer is fully devoted to Tilling texture works.
- Baker is dedicated to baking and batch export, using Zbrush workflow ( and substance batchtool )
I understand that you are working on multiple things/modules, but I still don't see what you are getting at overall. Exchange what between Photoshop and Zbrush ? Render what ? Bake what ?
Even if your development is not finished, sure enough you can show a proof of concept illustrating what your tool does. Without it, it is not going to be relevant to anyone ...
Tell me if it's better and clearer now about the functioning and the objective of the tool
PBR and Quicksketch Master will be explained into a different mini tutorial
Unfortunately I still don't understand how your tool is going to help me and why it's better than already existing tools in Zbrush. Need a kind of very short and clear explanation and video.
I have a few of my own wishes and just try to understand if they meet somehow with what you are doing. For example I am very much in need of some bridge to Photoshop that could bring Zbrush sub-tools as smart objects with depth being Z depth combined there. Photoshop is actually 100% ready to do same 2,5D "deep composing" Zbrush is capable of + doing it non-destructively. It's just so terrible and tedious routine of making countless and countless clipping groups and blending modes there that prevents it. I would very much prefer to tile/wrap those smart objects/groups in Photoshop , scale , move, compose and then bring back to Zbrush to be updated accordingly. Maybe just as a single plane/sub tool to paint nanomeshes on .
Perhaps what I described is not possible at all. Still have a lot of other problems and have no idea if you address them somehow. I never do any square shaped textures , mostly 2x1 and still tileable in both directions. Would it work within your approach?
ps. Wonder why nobody did yet a bridge to Corel Painter. Imo one of the best painting soft available having true depth stored in its files and layers .
Maybe not for the 1.0 but just the next update
some other feature that could help like
enable the tilling on two borders only
i will check if there is some way to make contiguous texture too.
Are you using nanotile plugin with nanomeshes ? it has not the same AO and as no SSS support, even if you can render using BPR and save the SSS passes. nanotile drops the mesh on the canvas and render using bpr and MRgbZGrabber. my plugin do not drop the model on the canvas.
It possible some day it try to load all render on the canvas and bake on the 2.5d canvas so i can export layered psd file.
Or maybe i can also add some tools that substance engine ( batchtools) has, so i can manipulate the render passes and automate more and more.
My plugin speed up the process, establish a solid workflow and keep all component editable
and i wanted to not leave Zbrush to make such of texture work.
It doesn't replace Zbrush existing tools, it automate all tasks using the Zbrush existing tools, probably you have your habit,and know exactly how to proceed, so you don't loose your time setup everything. I would like to provide solid tools to help any kind of people to create tiling texture using Zbrush.
Core painter format is layered Tiff right ?
If yes, you work with tiff format and if corel painter is the default application to open Tiff file it will work with ZGametools.
if Corel painter handles hot reload, it would help more
I don't have corel painter, so i can to test this out.
Hope your solution would be a workaround for that exact problem. Once I come to nanomeshes i.e tiny details covering the surface and fibers I just don't bother to make them perfectly tilable . Usually the seam is hardly noticeable already and they cover the base surface not so densely to make a big problem with tiling.
My problems within Zbrush workflow:
1. 2,5d canvas is totally destructive and extremely inconvenient . Still working on real sub-tool planes is often not possible at all . My subtools are often pieces of photogrammetry scanned subjects 20 mil each and I have to compose tileable textures from them so I really need a 2,5D composing solution , just more convenient one. Maybe rather Fusion bridge than Photoshop one. Although I would prefer Photoshop definitely.
2. After the base layer I start to cover it with tiny nanomeshes and fibers. They are extremely inconvenient in Zbrush too. Would love to see something resembling Max object painter and some random object scattering tools. What Pixologic did here is very weird imo and often hardly working. I am just too lazy to transfer fibers and all the setup into normal 3d soft to do it there. Any improvement in that regard would be much appreciated.
3. Once I think everything is set up it's time to BPR render. I have two main problems.
First one. Those nanomeshes having texture with some transparent (balck) parts on while being rendered correctly on shaded "beauty" pass are impossible to render properly on subtool ID pass . I use MaskPlug UI for ID and it renders nanomeshes with the texture nevertheless , not id color. I have to do special "ID" one color filled textures for nanomeshes . Not sure, maybe I do something wrong still any workaround would be helpful .
Another problem is their Normal RGB material. It uses gradient image with wrong gamma . Have no idea why . I did my own . Still I constantly forget to set ambient liglighting off and turn the render into "best " before BPR . Would love to see some script that would do it automatically since rendering proper normal pass is most time consuming operation in Zbrush. It usually hangs 2-3 times before you manage to do it ( with hi res outputs )
ps. Don't know anything about Corel Painter .riff file format unfortunately. Painter even doesn't work with Zaplink properly . Still it's only true good painter with advanced brush engine that I know work with true depth for impasto brushes and doesn't fake it.
My subtools are often pieces of photogrammetry scanned subjects 20 mil each and I have to compose tileable textures from them so I really need a 2,5D composing solution , just more convenient one.
Maybe rather Fusion bridge than Photoshop one. Although I would prefer Photoshop definitely.
1. here is an interesting point.
(I have no idea what fusion bridge is, i cannot found anything in google)
I know that full 3d worflow will reached easily the performance limitation, 20 millions polygon is quite big for my system
when using nanomesh +arramseh to make the tilling, nanomesh are instanced object, at some point i want to keep the subtool with the arrays+nanomesh
and on a second subtool i wanted a method to remove all meshes that are all useless.
Using nanomesh "one to mesh" function worked well, it increase the size of the Ztool but you can create variation on the texture and the sculpt
after that trying to use "Make mesh" in array mesh, but it makes Zbrush very instable and not responding.
A different approach, consist to make the arramesh and utilize make mesh, before to start the nanomeshe positionning.
But the Ztools size increase drastically, i got just 6gb of RAM and an Atlon X2 phenom :x
so i not sure my config reflects really what pro artists config utilize everyday.
But still a problem with such of full 3D workflow. I not sure i can do anything to change that ^^
2. yes sure, tbh we are on same boat, maybe a different approach could work, but i need to restart my investigation on the nanomesh workflow.
the other limitation i found is the material blending, this is something is really don't want to use, or the rendering time could take too much time.
transparency is another problem to in Zbrush.
I discover make Maskplug for ZB right now, just tested and it makes crash Zbrush, probably because i used the x64 bit version of ZB with the plugin.
but i understand the principle, it generates unique color ID per subtools, i haven't create such of feature right now, i just have polygroup create within Zbrush.
but that very simple to reuse my code to apply such of unique color id map.I think this can be done manually, and then using FLat output to have unique color id is possible, it depend yes if you have dozens of subtools
but on final texture there is not dozens of different type of materials.
the issue you might encounter is because the plugin do not remove the texture on the nanomeshes /fibermeshes so the texture is show on the color ID maps.
If you can define a texture size in the plug, i suppose this is only because it creates polypaint data apply a unique color, then create new texture from polypaint.
But it doesn't check the nanomeshes/fibermeshes.
about the normal map, i made my own, that look really better than the zbrush original normal map you can get it here :
sad that UE4 do not handle World normal map for Ground textures
i did that world normal map material too
if you want to have a try.
Thank you Gnoop your experience feedback is much appreciated.
i have finished the batch OBJ export and it looks like that
i looking for a nice way to rename all subtool depending if you store high res meshes or cage meshes.
i think i need to deal with 3 Ztools
1. the low poly subtools that share the same uv space are combined/merged.
2. the high res , each subtool not combined. each part you want to be baked on thelow poly mesh will be renamed properly
detail :
we take the name of the Ztool/1st subtool (the first subtool is alway the name of the ztool).
we make it be the prefix of each subtools
1st subtool : pistol_9mm
2nd subtool : stock_04
3th subtool : trigger_02
4th subtool : canon_01
will become
1st subtool : pistol_9mm_high
2nd subtool : pistol_9mm_high_stock_04
3th subtool : pistol_9mm_high_trigger_02
4th subtool : pistol_9mm_high_canon_01
3. the cage meshes :
same method for the rename of each subtool.
1st subtool : pistol_9mm
2nd subtool : stock_04
3th subtool : trigger_02
4th subtool : canon_01
will become
1st subtool : pistol_9mm_cage
2nd subtool : pistol_9mm_cage_stock_04
3th subtool : pistol_9mm_cage_trigger_02
4th subtool : pistol_9mm_cage_canon_01
B. Cage creation
here is the point i need you to shed your lights
i could apply some generaic value to create cage, using "Tool:Subtools:project"
with the use of projection Shell i can create some kind of cage, define inner and outer mesh.
My Question :
What would you like to have as final possibilities about cage creation ?
Apply generic value for each subtool ? that might not give good result for every baked subtools. so what to do ?
I don't think i can to do what had to be done by a human, define a cage require you have a close look to prevent bad result on final render, it would loose the purpose of batching
so please if you have some special recommendation, i would greatly appreciate.
some kind of magic, hope you like it
The previous video show how you can batch the obj export based on the visibility options ( selected/visible/all)
when done click on Export list, and Zbrush create a MEL Script, and popup the txt file with the mel script into.
copy it and paste it in Maya or MayaLT and it import all the 255 subtools automatically.
next video will show up how to bake the baking of all subtools using thz Zbrush algorithm for polypaint, displacement, normal map, cavity, and AO.
How could i do to get more visibility ? where to post and share about my development and my intention ?
i ask question about automating Cage creation, i suppose there is a lot of people who could be interested, but none reacts.
i know the first topic is a full mess right now, should i focus on the topic itself, or apply my magic on and be sure i create the best plugin ever created for Zbrush ?
i had never been so close to have everything that is necessary to finalize the Substance Batchtools intergration.
export a mel script or export a batch file to run batchtools is pretty the same thing, i just don't want to hurry the development
forget about the versality that Zbrush plugin offers, so i don't hurry the development and want to be sure there is all tool necessary to
improve the workflow and think about the creation process instead of tedious organization and management of the Assets.
Another point i would like to discuss here with you.
At the moment all output file are done into the internal plugin directory, but i want that people can to define their preferences for the export.
It Really depend on you if you want specific process,.
i have got a loop function that can be customize and that check all subtool and apply various task, so it can be batch baking, or it can be batch renaming, or even it can be anything else, that you wish to have included with the Baker plugin of the ZgameTool toolset.
So shot me with your requests, wishes etc.., and don't be shy !
5 minutes for a demo on a video , should i consider it as a quick video or still too long ?
How could i do to get more visibility ? where to post and share about my development and my intention ?
Again: Be More Clear, And Be Concise. I understand that you want to communicate a lot about what you are working on and why, that's great. But what can people possibly ask you if you don't show them what your tools do in the first place ? Recording video demo sessions is great, but these should be very brief and concise. And regardless, an even better solution is to just present tools with clear demo pictures.
Practically speaking, someone scrolling through will have no idea what your tools are about since the thread is mostly text and UI screenshots. Remember that people will not read text/watch videos just for the sake of it - they need to be hooked first, and you have about 5 seconds to do so.
Look at this example from Slideknit. It only takes a fraction of a second to understand the picture, and it makes it very obvious how useful the tool is.
If you took the time to do similar presentation pictures for your tools, and if these pictures demonstrate the usefulness of what you have to offer, people will be interested.
Another example:
that all the difficulty, if i want to show that it support batching on 85 substool
just the video can make the demo of it.
to make the understanding of this original feature i introduce yesterday, the "Export List"
how i could illustrate that Zbrush creates a melscript and popup the script on screen to speed up the process ?
This demo can't to be achieve within 2 minutes video it already takes two minute just to export the 85 obj files ^^.
I suppose i need to pay attention on little feature, and show up that they exist, like the support of tiling vertical or horizontal or both.
that must to be highlighted, and not only that one, there is still so much to show up, the quicksketchMaster is like a grease pencil over the model, and is really an enjoyable tool to work with.
it 's nice for concepting, with rendering module,, also to make annotation on your textures.
there si so much that can be done, it sad i can to make this demonstration right now
I will try that, i am updating from time to time the topic, i already removed information that could bring confusion.
if i have a breakdown to show up, i would now have a preference with to publish it on my dev blog and share the link here instead.
About the slideknit example it all relative, i can't to say what it does, really ? cage creation for removing skewing ?
both model are different, is it related to normal map baking ?
Also i just have updated with a new screen, trying to explain what i have done into the video, is this better ?
that all the difficulty, if i want to show that it support batching on 85 substool
just the video can make the demo of it.
Let's try !
- - -
Hello everyone, I just put together a batch process tool for Zbrush which lets one perform [description of the repetitive task] in just one click. Like this: [image showing a zbrush model with the relevant parts highlighted].
To try it out download it here [download link to the script/plugin]. To install it, place it in [install location]. Next time you start Zbrush, a new menu and button will be located in [location of the button]. To run it, [concise but complete description on how to run the tool].
I would appreciate feedback on the tool and any remark on how to possibly streamline it even further. Thanks !
- - -
From there people's interest will be peaked and they'll want to try your tool next time they have a little bit of free time.
And its not that bad, so now you can define a Workspace directory.
and it will be easy for me to export all kind of stuff in there
with Zbrush you can't to define a directory as path when you invoke the file browser in Open or save dialog,
so I decided to create a Workspace.txt file, it just store the name of the plugin, but it could be handful later to define and store more settings here.
I think it will not be too hard to manage all assets into the workspace directory
then i could export obj file to and organize the subdirectories
C:/Zbrush_works/creatures/dinosaurs/trex/Data/ ( save plugin setting to fileso you can reload them lately )
C:/Zbrush_works/creatures/dinosaurs/trex/Ztools/ ( with incremetal save)
C:/Zbrush_works/creatures/dinosaurs/trex/Meshes/ ( obj export)
C:/Zbrush_works/creatures/dinosaurs/trex/Meshes/Low/ ( low obj export)
C:/Zbrush_works/creatures/dinosaurs/trex/Meshes/High/ ( high obj export)
C:/Zbrush_works/creatures/dinosaurs/trex/Meshes/Cage/ ( cage obj export)
C:/Zbrush_works/creatures/dinosaurs/trex/Meshes/Textures/ ( exported baked uvs)
C:/Zbrush_works/creatures/dinosaurs/trex/Renders/ ( exported render passes with renderer module)
Note: the path the fictive, but should reflects what most user like to work and manage their assets.
So i struggle with that now, for the love of our cursed souls ^^
PIOR really i don't know how to thank you for the handful help you bring to me, really i appreciate the help.
will try that next time i took time on the marketing aspect of my project
i really want to finish what i started now and so rah, this texturing support for 2:1 format is so important that it will be the next.
I will soon start to share my work with some beta testers.
but the more i can achieve now, the less i will have to repeat why this or this is at the moment not available hehe
ZGameTools now got a Workspace manager
From the module your are working with( Renderer/Texturer/Baker), you set the path of a working directory. the default workspace points to the pluginData under Zbrush installation, where a default workspace directory stands.
at the moment you set the workspace for the first time ZGameTools will remember the path.
so if for instance you make a batch OBJ export, the obj will be exported to
- Meshes/
- Meshes/Low
- Meshes/High
- Meshes/Cage
if those folder doesn't exist the script will create them before the export.second example if you run a batch baking using Zbrush algorithm ( normal map, polypaint, cavity, AO, displacement, vdisplacement)
all output map goes to: %Workspace%/Meshes/Textures/Zb/
Using Texturer module:
textures output will goes To: %Workspace%/Textures/
Using Renderer module
All the rendered passes goes to: %Workspace%/Renders/
Each Modules, can use there own workspace dir, but they can also use a unique workspace directory.
Any personal request, or feedback ?
EDIT: I mean that really i have no idea how i could faster make the demostration of the toolset
and then no feed back mean less motivation
a forum to expose bugs and requests
a mailling list to discuss with several people at once ( so all beta tester can also discuss together)
a trello board with all features sorted per Modules of the toolSet , so we could attribute a score , and suggest some improvements.
a form so i can collect informations about the beta testers ( job, studio, portfolio).
a survey when the beta tests are finished, to collect the good and cons and what they think about the toolset.
I am looking for some Beta tester that will really use the plugin in production.
i 'd already provided the plugin to Three friends of me, they say all is working well, but they don't test out the plug entirely and don't produce anything with it.
Beta tester would receive the commercial full version of the toolset at the end.
I m thinking about to make 4 items you can purchase on the store:
- purchase module per module or
- purchase for the full toolset.
it possible I want to make indie Version and a commercial version, this would make the price drastically drop and help anyone to get the full toolset.
i think about 20/30€ per module on indie license , and 45/50€ for 1 seta license of studio that make more then 100k of revenue per year.
For those who still don't understand what that tool set does exactly, probably you would don't understand the pricing listed below.
I am still thinking about what could be the best for me and for every ones.
EDIT: I already got some people that are interested at Allegorithmic, and Dont nod.
Important: shot me with your email into a Private message, I will sent a global message with instructions when i will be ready for that in your mail box.
It 's a closed beta at the moment, so i will sorted out people that would just participate to get a free license ^^
I just started the substance Batchtools integration, no more information as no one care about it.
I m gonna reuse this workspace to with maya for uvedit and a workflow to come multi append all obj file in original order.
this involved you made the scult then the retopo then you want to escape the use of uvmaster and have a preference for to doing this job in maya, or why not 3Dcoat, etc...
But the most important when all will be good with ZGametools for Zbrush, i will restart to work on a plugin for UE4
that would be awesome to import and setup everything in few click accordingly to some properties set directly in Zbrush.
it would import texture and genrerate an instance of pre defined material template.
here is just a screen shot of the new panel in UE EdItor 4.12:
I d like to make a bsp/ static mesh tool box, so you can work back and foward with UE4 > ZB > UE4 > ZB
Make your prototype of grey blocking map, turn grouped bsp brushes into static mesh export into a workspace.
and then set Zbrush plugin to use that workspace directory.
if you come from Zbrush to UE4 you would set up the path of the workspace directory created with Zbrush, and then it would automate every thing from here.
I 've found something very interesting into UE4 source code
imaging you can work on Zbrush and with few click export and reimport in UE4 to see the result , that would be fine
At the moment i code batchtool because i want to be sure i can have all the ui element i need to have more flexibility.
I' d given some information about what i was about to create for the renaming on the post .
also now you can define a project name, and i could give the choice to base the naming on the project name instead of the first Subtool.
thx you for you interest iam sorry if the description is a bit the mess in that topic, i can't to code and make the doc at same time it changes everytime
it still WIP
I can show you the new dynamic UI for the CORE module that make the bridge with PSD editor and with the OBJ editor.
Are missing the buttons to open /reload the active subtool with the obj Editor that you would have to set, or the default application would run the file.
Texturer :
now all stuff to set the Width of the canvas , and act differently, in accordance of what has been set" 1 by 1", "1 by 2" or "2 by 1"
Nudge tools (Compass)
Directional offset when working with insert meshes.
Hope you like.
now when you bake using the ZGameTools BAKER modules with Zbrush algorithms
all rendered textures ( polypaint, normal, AO, cavity, displacement, Vdisplacement)
can be opened directly from the Core module, it depends of the active subtools.
Mean it can resolve the path of 255 * 6 = 1530 Textures from this small panel
all files can be retrieve and opened in your favorite PSD editor just by pressing the ZB >>PS button.
Next time this will also work for OBJ file after the Batch Export has been done.