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Unreal Tournament - Outpost23

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kernersvillan polycounter lvl 9
So our first meshed level for Unreal Tournament, Outpost23, just got released last Monday and I wanted to post a few screens from it. Its been a great experience so far, and it was amazing to see how many UT fans there are out there who are excited for the game. Thank you to everyone who came and played at GDC and had kind words to say about it. It was a blast making this map, and Im very proud of what we accomplished considering our environment team consists of Rick Kohler, myself, and our Art Director Chris Perna. Now on to the next map! Oh, and 120+ fps for you pc master race guys ;p

This is not the post processing the map shipped with, its just me being artsy fartsy ;)

I was responsible for all meshes except for:

James Kincaid made the Laser Drill and small clamp
Pete Hayes made the circular hatch
Rick Kohler made the Fan Blades and canisters
Anton Migulko made the landscape outside

I was responsible for all Material/texture work of assets, except for the Landscape which was Anton Migulko.

Rick Kohler did all the decals, meshing, and lighting
Chris Perna worked on meshing,lighting, and post process

Tim Elek and Bill Kladis helped out with the environment fx













There are a few other shots on my artstation. Thanks for looking! :)


  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    Oh lookat you, being all arts fartsy. This is really cool!

    How'd you do your material/texture work?
  • frmdbl
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    frmdbl polycounter
    Fantastic work!
    I'd love to see some more information on the level design, modularity, etc.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    It helped a lot back when i was beggining as an artist to look through the unreal tournament levels, comb through how you made your meshes, materials, and level design desisions. Thanks for releasing this. Downloading it now. Looks visually stunning :)
  • Holland
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    Holland polycounter lvl 9
    Amazing work, the color scheme is great!
  • WarrenM
    This thing kills me every time I see it. Phenomenal work, everyone! Seriously.
  • Heartfulwarm
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    Heartfulwarm polycounter lvl 3
    Sweeeeeeeeeeet, the art direction looks fantastic. I got a few questions. How how long did each of you work on the map, and how big are the texture resolutions?
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    This kinda of stuff is an instant winner in any situation ... 5* team !!
  • fadox
    Awesome work, cant wait to have it in the editor to see the details, the only flaw is that you raised the bar so high that all the mappers have nightmares now ^^
  • kernersvillan
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    kernersvillan polycounter lvl 9
    pmiller: thanks! I actually showed off my assets and a bit of how the shader is set up on a recent UT stream. [ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLPKxHox75I[/ame]

    frmdbl: thanks man, check out that video posted above. Also, Chris Perna, Rick Kohler, and myself will be on our weekly UT steam this Wednesday to talk a bit about the level process :)

    whats_true: Awesome! Yeah we will be releasing the level and the asset test map I made sometime in the next month.

    Tidal Blast: Thanks! Great work on the Enforcer :D

    Holland: thank you

    WarrenM: Thanks dude! It was a fucking blast to make. Thanks to the Fortnite team for Sparing Kladis and Kincaid for a couple of weeks hehe

    Heartfulwarm: Thank you! So it was pretty much 3 of us that are on the UT team. We ramped up around Mid September, and we got some help for a couple weeks from guys in the office with different disciplines. We dont have a dedicated tech artist or fx guy, so we needed some help on those fronts.

    peanut: thank you! :)

    fadox: Haha, thanks man. There are some amazingly talented people out there who will push us to stay on our toes :) I cant wait to see more and more community art get out there. Especially now with our marketplace!
  • ddoan88
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    ddoan88 polycounter lvl 7
    Was Curious what software you guys use for texture work. Was this purely done in photoshop, Quixel Suite or Substance Designer?
  • JamesMeader
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    JamesMeader polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the video kernersvillan, look forward to the other one after wednesday!

    Really cool environment.
  • LaurentiuN
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    LaurentiuN polycounter
    Crazy work guys, i play`d a little on the map and looks awesome
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    Am I trippin, or are these images a re-make of the map Phobos Moon?
  • AzzaMat
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    AzzaMat polycounter lvl 9
    Looks nice, "Mind step" seems odd on a ramp were there are no steps though. Surely it would be mind the incline :P
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    Looks great!
    Although it does seem a bit strange that even rubber pipes and wires have exact same shade of white as walls.

    It's an interesting idea for one map but I just hope it's not an indicator that every futuristic map in the game will have a 2 color scheme.
  • kernersvillan
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    kernersvillan polycounter lvl 9
    ddoan88: I used DDO to generate scratch and dirt masks, and finalized the maps in Photoshop. Now that this map is done, I plan on learning Substance Designer. People are doing some amazing stuff with it!

    JamesMeader: thanks!

    s1dK: thanks dude

    Pope Adam: Dat Phobos! ;)

    AzzaMat: you do have to "step" up onto a ramp right?

    Blaisoid" thanks. Im not really sure where you would get that idea though. We definitely don't want to make identical maps. Thats the great thing about UT. The map style can be anything. This was our retro scifi set. Now we'll move on to something totally different, and something totally different after that, and so on... :) There really are endless possibilities.

    Also, the master shader for this set is set up to where you can change the material to any color, and even change them to different metals, so you dont even have to have a 2 color scheme with these. Thats just the look we chose to go with :)
  • mhofever
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    mhofever polycounter lvl 9
    Much obliged for sharing the vid, I love seeing how other artists break down their modular assets as it's something I'm trying to polish up when it comes to levels.

    Were the wall designs/numbers/text added as decals? Been curious about the use of decals for levels and to what extent you can use them.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Really loving the direction this level is going, and I hope it stands as a keystone to the rest of the art in the game. I got a slight 80s scifi, even starwars, feeling from it but with it's own unique spin. Honestly it's hard to go wrong with 80s scifi.

    Thanks for the documentation on the meshes as well!
  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    nom nom nom....moahhhrrrr! :)
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
    Niceeee. You should definitely try out SD. I was first scared of all the nodes but it's easy and fun to learn + it motivates a lot to just try out new ways.
  • polygoo
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    polygoo polycounter lvl 17
    Awesome. Love the look and feel of the texture and color work
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    Cant wait to play this , if the gameplay is near the classic UT and with these visuals....sploooge ! Gorgeous map with gorgeous lightning , thanks for sharing !!
  • kernersvillan
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    kernersvillan polycounter lvl 9
    mhofever: No problem dude! I dont think I got as much info out there as I should have.. I get stupidly nervous doing those streams, haha. Shameless plug, but were doing a UT livestream today on http://www.twitch.tv/unrealtournament at 2pm EST and were going to be showing a little bit of the process for making the level. It should hopefully be a little entertaining ;)
    As far as decals, yes. We have almost 600 decals in the level which is pretty awesome. Rick killed it with making the decals! So we got a distance fade implemented on the decals, because they cost 1 draw call just like a static mesh does, so you can specify the distance away from the player that the decal should fade at and it stops rendering, which is great!

    Makkon: Thanks dude! Yep we were totally going for Alien, Star Wars, Moon type level. I am super excited with the result and the response. So is my wife, haha. Oh, and we will be releasing the map and assets in a week or two so you can play around with them how youd like :)

    SimonT: ;) Check out our livestream today. Well, it also gets archived on our Youtube channel

    TeriyakiStyle: You famous son! I cant wait to dig in. The guys on here are so fucking inspiring with all of the procedural stuff

    EbolaV: Hell yeah dude!

    polygoo: Glad to hear! :)
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    Oh jesus! so beautiful <3!!!
  • mhofever
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    mhofever polycounter lvl 9
    Sweet, I shall definitely check out the live stream later.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    Absolutely loving the look and feel of the game, absolutely amazing modular workflow! :)

    Well, grats once again this is looking mind blowing, It's shaping up to be a great game.
  • .polygon
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    .polygon polycounter lvl 11
    where is the "LIKE" button on this site!
    amazing work man!
  • teho
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    teho polycounter lvl 7
    awesome sexy peaces! love the shapes, played the map, looking strong. love the vistas and background rivers too.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    Totally Badass
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    cant seem to find the assets in the UT Engine am i looking in the wrong place? want to see how you guys set up your materials.
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Probably going to get flammed for this but here goes.....does anyone else feel that the overuse of white makes the map seem unfinished? It looks good/amazing in parts, but maybe too much white for my tastes. Unreal always had really colorful maps if memory serves compared to the muted brownish pallets of doom & Quake. I'd hate to see that missing from the new Unreal. Granted it's the first map, just hope they are not afraid to add color.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    Probably going to get flammed for this but here goes.....does anyone else feel that the overuse of white makes the map seem unfinished? It looks good/amazing in parts, but maybe too much white for my tastes. Unreal always had really colorful maps if memory serves compared to the muted brownish pallets of doom & Quake. I'd hate to see that missing from the new Unreal. Granted it's the first map, just hope they are not afraid to add color.

    I see what you mean, but gameplay should be above everything, and in this case solid colors help readability.
    If the game is not fun and readable then not even the best art in the world will save it from becoming a flop.

    You can still make a colorful map and make it readable of course, it's a fine line that artists struggle with every day, but in regards to UT4 and how it's looking so far, I am loving the fact that it's readable and minimal YET still good looking.
  • imbueFX
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    imbueFX polycounter lvl 5
    It was a pleasure to help you guys out on this. The work you and Rick did was AAAA level (yeah I just added an A since y'all took it to another level haha).

    I think the 2nd screenshot shows the power and beauty of using lit particles, even if they were expensive as shit :)
  • filthy_sandwich
    The building of this level is masterful. Maybe the most impressive game environment I've seen. Truly unreal.

    I was going to ask about the process of creating some of the particle effects, but since it's being released in a couple weeks for people to pick apart, I'm assuming I'll be able to find out first hand.
  • WaYWO
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    WaYWO greentooth
    outstanding levels cant wait to play around!
  • benox50
    Perfect balance between Boss work and readable map for gameplay !
  • synergy11
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    synergy11 polycounter lvl 6
    Very nice work!

    Was there any unique bakes for the level or was it made with just tileable textures?

  • Rob Macko
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    Rob Macko polycounter lvl 6
    Amazing work Josh, congrats to the team :) I look forward to seeing what you guys do next
  • dtschultz
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    dtschultz polycounter lvl 12
    Awesome work, Josh! I'm so glad this is the direction you all chose for the next UT.
  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    Great work, props to everyone on the team! Art dumps by Epic Games are always my favorite. I got a chance to play it at GDC and it was very fun and beautiful to look at. I met someone who said he did some level design and level optimization for it but his name is escaping me :/ Top notch work looking forward to digging through it!
  • 3DKyle
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    3DKyle interpolator
    So beautiful, it was great to see each modular piece. Thanks!
  • Xaragoth
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    Xaragoth polycounter lvl 8
    It was a pleasure taking Outpost 23 apart to look at how you build it.

    Fantastic work from everyone :)
  • KazeoHin
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    KazeoHin polycounter lvl 8
    Awesome work guys! Can't wait to see more of the game fleshed out. Several years ago, I couldn't imagine visuals like this runnin in realtime.

    Mad respec', bro.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    This is full of awesomeness!
  • LuCh!
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    LuCh! polycounter lvl 5
    nice! i love the dark part with the light from below, looks awesome!
    the live stream vid is also really cool to see how you guys build it up
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    meowza that's some fine work

    Way to stick to your guns with the spot color treatment! (ballsy to limit the color palette so much, and I love it :D)
  • kernersvillan
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    kernersvillan polycounter lvl 9
    Razorb: thanks!

    mhofever: :)

    [HP]: Thanks so much dude! There aren't as many modular pieces as you would think in there ;) I definitely made a few, but with all the crazy angles in there, Rick and Chris did an amazing job meshing and making the areas look more interesting than just some flat walls

    .polygon: :D

    teho: thanks dude! yeah Anton killed it on the landscape!

    Kevin Johnstone: Thanks baby! ;) and thanks for those greebles you sent me. A few of those came in handy!

    ae.: We're releasing the map in the UT editor in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned!

    pixelpatron: it was a stylistic choice. UT is all about..well... anything you want it to be. We are huge fans of old scifi, and wanted to do something different, so thats what we came up with. The cool thing is that when you get the map for yourself, feel free to do a version you see better for you personally ;)

    imbueFX: Thanks Bill! You killed it dude. We're starting the next map soon. Wink wink, nudge nudge. We're only a floor away haha

    filthy_sandwich: Thanks so much! Actually imbueFX made alot of the environment and weapon fx. What say you Bill!

    WaYWO: woop woop

    benox50: Great to hear! It was a really tough balance between wanting to go art crazy and readability for twitch gameplay. Im very happy with how it came out

    synergy11: All the meshes had unique bakes for them, but we used a master material that contains 3 material layers for every asset to keep the cohesive look

    Rob Macko: Thanks dude! We're ooking into which map were doing next now. Great job on the kite demo btw!

    dtschultz: thanks!

    coots7: thanks dude! Yeah that would be Sidney Rauchberger. Hes a UT veteran!

    3DKyle: :)

    Zaragoth: are you a spy?

    KazeoHin: Thanks so much! It was great meeting you at GDC, and thanks for all the awesome work you did. The Flak Cannon is badass! Get on the next weapon now yo!

    bugo: dude, thank you! You and your team raised the bar so high with The Order. I feel like sticking my head in a hole, haha.

    LuCh!: awesome, glad you enjoyed it!

    Deathstick: :D thanks dude. Im glad we stuck to it too!
  • jayoplus
    This is really amazing work. I've been spending some time running around the level by myself just looking around at stuff. Looking forward to playing with the assets. Fantastic work as always to you all over there.
  • [HP]
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