here's some fan art i'm working on, of Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. i'm aiming to have him fully clothed and topless for a couple of renders. i might even end up doing a bit of environment work so i can try this for my target beauty render:

crits extremely welcome guys!
Maybe the folds from the belts on the front of his coat are a little too harsh?
Anyway, looking great so far ^^
I think the cloth folds on the front of his trench coat are a little too similar to each other and almost look completely mirrored. the two larger folders are the exact same angle and also seem to be made up of the same amount of strokes. The smaller folds on the fastenings suffer a bit from this too. The inside edge of the boot looks like its a bit flat and could use more of a curvature.
Just nitpicking though really, stunning sculpt so far.
The only thing that I think might be off is I think his front hair goes down a little longer, and that is a hard maybe:0
Great work!
& Boots are lil girly at the toe perhaps lol ;P
Nice start man.
Original FFVII concept
Advent Children/Crisis Core version
And it seems his front hair is slightly too long
Looking good so far!
Mind Blowen.
My biggest crit atm is where the jacket comes together. At the moment it looks way to tight - the creases aren't to much but the difference in silhouette between the chest and the waist is too extreme. It appears as though his hips are too high! It would be a fair bit of work to redo now, but I would have his coat buckle up one buckle lower, and the top more open. At the moment it makes his upper torso seem shorter than it should be, and it doesn't show off the sweet ex-Shinra-uniform plate below his chest. Something more like this: http://thelifestream.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/sephiroth-portrait.jpg (but not that loose.)
Anyway, huge FFVII nerd and Looking forward to this thread. Here's some inspiration: [ame="
I think you could stand to broaden the shoulders, tighten up where his coat is strapped - and from that point down really try to get some nice motion and maybe fan out the bottom of the coat a bit. Even the significantly more "normal" advent children version of Sephiroth has the nice broad shoulder shapes (though admittedly, mostly due to the armor).
hey Makkon,
the first image in the thread (right up top) is a zbrush screengrab, no funny effects or anything just set the rendering method to "best" and hit printscreen.
the last image, and probably all of them from now on are screengrabs from right out of 3ds max! i use Xoliul Shader 2. here's a screenshot with the shader settings i'm using for the skin.
a word of advice about shaders like this, that i think is important because i see a lot of people tinkering with shaders all the time, halfway through a project...
get the shader looking how you want it to look with no diffuse or spec. get all the effects like ambient colour, diffuse fresnel, reflection etc. all looking how you want them to look before you start texturing, just the shader with a normal map. for sure have the specular setting toned down if you need, adjust the gloss or whatever. just get it looking how you like before you do any photoshop work.
once you've got the shader looking right, make your texture around it. the only values i change from this point on are the specular and gloss values. everything else is left as it is, because tweaking the other stuff will more often than not make you go "oh fuck now the diffuse is broken" and you go back to fix it... but then you tweak the shader again, and "oh fuck now the diffuse is broken".
thanks for posting anyway man, big big fan of your work!
I'm sure you've already found plenty of reference, but heres a couple of good ones just in case
link 1
link 2
You've re-inspired me to try my hand at character art again!
the hair is just using Xoliul's standard shader... i do have an anisotropic shader that Maph made, which is still very early stages. but i haven't painted any kind of comb maps yet. not sure if i'm going to, will see how the hair looks in the final presentation.
the hair itself has a couple of different objects, so i can make it (hopefully) look a bit more wild when he's posed.
cheers Jessica, not sure what to say lol! hands can be tricky
p.s. love your style!
textures almost done, finishing up specular now. sword is high poly only atm, but will be baked and textured later on.
You really need fly away hair cards at the part. Right now that is one of the reasons it still looks so fake, it's too perfect from root to tip. Add some small hair cards to break up the silhouette, especially at the front hair-part.
And the biggest crit, is your facial anatomy. You consistently make too narrow mouths on your models from the 3/4. It's like their jaw is shaped like a pizza slice instead of a tapered pentagon like it should be. Look at the jaw line you made from below, then look at this:
Obviously this dude doesn't have the same head shape as your model, but no one without genetic abnormalities have jaws so consistently tapered like you do on your heads, male or female. (Rogue seemed to survive it, but it might have been from following hazardous's example slavishly)
Lesser crits is that his silhouette is very effeminate, but I think the character might be like that. However if you weren't intending that, I'd narrow the waist, or broaden the shoulders, or a bit of both, and the boots are very cartoony in their bulbousness. You should get a more foot shaped boot going on there. They honestly look like Ronald McDonald's shoes just in black.
sephiroth does look quite effeminate but maybe not as effeminate as yours so poop may be right there and sepheriroth does have a pointy chin(as many anime inspired characters seem to have) but he has a wide jaw and his chin and mouth are more forward in the profile. The boots do look a little cartoony I suppose.
Your character does have a mouth that is perhaps slightly too small and eyes that are too large if we go by this ref? Also the nose definitely needs to be closer to the mouth a bit to match this ref.
heres a quick liquify gif to show you what I mean about the face, its easier to explain this way, hope it helps!
Infact I do too.
But otherwise great work so far.
that said, there's some good stuff in Geds paintover that i'll definitely work in =]
That face will be tough to pull off, and you have a lot of work ahead of you. if you have a clean front and side view of his face, I wouldn't mind doing a redline/paintover to help out too.
anywho, made a bunch of subtle changes to the face, both mesh and texture wise... i'm trying to stick more to the anime look, since that's how the character was originally envisioned.
old on the left, new on the right.
Ok in brief because I'm typing this out again, I figured out what was bugging me about the eyes, here goes:
1. too big. It looks like you fixed this! although he does have large eyes I think you need to scale them down ever so slightly. ofc it might be the next point...
2. You gave him a human eye silhouette, or at least you havn't quite nailed the anime bad guy eyes seph has. His eyes are more like cats eyes in game, with the eyelids forming wide flat shapes. see this picture, or for an exagered idea of what I mean, the original game.
edit: or Ged's post
3. His eye shadows is a bit too dark, a bit off colour and a bit heavy on the sides. You got the highlight on the lower eyelid, and the dark shadow on the eyeball! but at the moment I think he looks more like he has a black eye than in the films, which ismore of an ill/sleepless look. The colour in the films is more of a dark skin tone that matches the lips. You have purple but maybe not enough pink? Finally on this point, the shading in the ref pretty much falls off about halfway across the eye, whereass yours is a bit wider.
Anyway fuck this mouse and keyboard. sorry for being short, man. It's all IMO anyway :P
argh I give up.
I dig your work but apart of the armor i personaly would
move the chin a lilbit inside
volume up the cheek abit
make his eyes smaler on the horizontal line
put the ear abit up
widen his nose wings abit
I'd also follow on the last post that Ged made here.
What would really help you though to post the head like it does in your references and overlay them with eachother - this could help you so much.
You've really improved so much ever since i saw your last work (like 3 years ago i believe?)
Keep it up!
hahaha...sorry! :P
calling it done... just rigging him up to pose him.
got some posed shots up on the folio site, need to do the topless shots next!
The background could use some tweaking though. His left foot doesn’t look like its grounded, you can fix this by adjusting the shadow in Ps. Also I know your background colour choice is to keep consistent with your website, but it isn't doing much for this character. Because he consists of mainly neutral colours, adding a low staturated colour to the background dulls the overall composition.
Anyway those are just minor crits, congrats again on this piece!
(EDIT: formating error
would it be possible to see a screenshot of the rig for him? (i'm intrested mostly in how you did the binding for the coat)