This is prob the longest time i ever worked on a model, i started it 3 years ago coming back from revenge of the fallen, really hope to see the dinobots but they weren't there O_O anyway i thought ill go for it, didnt expect to get it that massivly detailed but it fun and theres always room for more
i worked on it beteen jobs and this is what i got, its still isnt finished but close, now i need to think what it should transform into, im thinking about some threaded vehicle, this wont get a low poly but i do like to texture it, im just not sure my pc will handle a textures render
this model currently has 100mil poly, it took 3 upgrades of my pc during those 3 years so i can keep rendering it
ill post close up later on
render is huge so u can see the details better

hope ya like
crits suggestions always welcome
In weeks
20gigs of ram isnt enough to add lights
i need another upgrade lol, then ill try again
Fantastic work.
HAHA wow! Time to get that farm growing
wouldn't it have made sense to plan what he transforms into before modeling him? Instead of trying to make the existing bits fit into a new form/vehicle?
the vehicle would be same something along that style, ill just replace few key parts, like they did on the movie transformers
Great modeling! With all that time you took it wouldent hurt to make some extra mats for better presentation.
suggestion - more shots! and maybe some of your tricks
coming soon!
Superb work on the detail thats incredible.
Any reason you're not using something like Vray proxies, so that you can - you know - actually do stuff in the scene and light it and everything?
That looks really amazing, and it would be great if you could light and render it properly to show off its full awesomeness. Cheers!
Look what you did..
Nah, all joking around aside this is pretty damn awesome, any chance we can see the inspiring concept too? Best of luck with those renders if you manage to learn the proxy business.
well thats what ppl use to do to me haha, i hope ill pass it on and we all can set new standards
here another view of the arms
i posted that for fun a while back if some of u remember
This is insane though. Now make a low poly, UV, and texture it! See you in another 3 years? ^^
Your persistence is just as impressive as the art itself
DEFINITELY look into vray proxies. It will allow you to work with crappy low res versions of the mesh in your viewport, and just load in the high versions at render time.
Now make it transform properly into itself. :poly142:
j/k, well done sir.
Check out this video presentation from 34:40 - 41:00 in order to see what they are and a very basic demonstration of how to set them up:!
And then just check the Vray documentation in order to get more specific information. A model this killer really deserves a nice render, and I think you will be very happy to learn about these proxies.
Congratulations on such a sweet creation. Cheers!
hmm, this def isnt done yet, still got work on the back and head, and i will get some texture at somepoint but to make uv and use high res texture i think ill have to contact nasa and see if the have the technology to render it haha
but seriously ill try upgrading my pc AGAIN for the 4th time and load it with 64gb of ram and 6 core cpu and then ill see what happens
ill post more closeups and angles later on when i get some free time
again thanx alot, makes me feel really good to know you guys like it alot!