Hi! I applied to a game development school earlier this year (The Game Assembly) as a game artist, and it didn't go great! (Original spot in the reserve que was 138! Ouch!) My plan is to now spend the next year improving, and applying again next spring. but I'd love some critique. I have an inkling that I was rejected due…
Ladies, Gentlemen, GAMERS! It's up! It's ready! IT NEEDS YOU! Hail Studios Unnamed 101 Kickstarter is after funding. We managed to put together a great team of highly motivated people and have been working on our spare time on the Unnamed101 project because we believe the project to be great and we will continue…
Hello Friends, There is a new Blender version available, and so we release a new version too. Bforartist 4 version 4.2.0 The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage. https://www.bforartists.de/download/ The sourcecode can be found at Github.…
Looking for a way to process a 24bit texture such that the red and green channels will be normalized within a -1 to 1 range, and not include the blue channel. What does the Normal Normalize node do? I guess it’s only normalizing 0-1 ? This is intended for an anisotropy texture. But I guess the same process would be needed…
Hi all, Substance Painter 1.1 is just around the corner (December 16th), here is a sneak peak of the new wonders you'll find in there along with a BIG surprise: * Mask by Material ID * Copy/Paste of Layer Stack between Materials * Export Outputs to PSD * Lazy Mouse * Backface Culling * Massive performance improvements *…
Hey guys I revamped the Render Switcher to 1.1 :) scanline and mentalray have quality modes for render to texture just press the "Q" button on either one. Scanline Quality: Sets filter type to Catmull-Rom Enables Supersampler Hammersley Quality 1.0 Mentalray Quality: Sets filter type to Mitchell Minimum Samples to 4…
DTools 1.1 has been released with an added modeling companion bar to help in the aid of hard surface modeling and other every day modeling tasks. Features include: *ESmooth: Edge based smooth based off of hard and soft edges. *Planar: *Circle Verts *Straighten Components Plus others! Download the trial Here ! Check out…