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WIP character dark draven

This is a character that I’m working on for class. I attend the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I’m not really that in too character design but I do like zbrush. I’m in to vehicle design, environment/level design and over all game design all the back ground stuff, story boarding... any way I have to post for class so please let me know what you guys think of the character. Which is a very advanced space race kinda like elves , to keep it short. This character would be the dark elf version. This is all for a space empire RTS that I have had the brain.

hey first post can u guys read it so i can post some pics up please


  • Taylor Hood
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    shogunOFdrums: Hi, I imagine your post was moderated before - there are no attachments on this forum, you have to upload somewhere (either your own FTP, or free sites like ImageShack, Dropbox or Photobucket), and put the images in the thread using [ IMG ] tags, or the "insert image" button in the post editor.
  • nfrrtycmplx
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I deleted the 6 posts which were all hilarious variants of "lol wires please" and "images?". Your post was in fact the third "no images" reply to this thread and said "are you wasting my time? eeemagees pleez". Brilliant post, dude, way to add to the community!

    This guy doesn't need 8 people telling him to post images. If you think that's "communist", then I don't think you know what communism is.

    Welcome first-time posters with advice, critique and help, not mindless half-sentence spam. I should not have to explain this.

    If you have any problems with this please either PM myself or another moderator, or make a new post in General Discussion. Let's not derail this thread.
  • shogunOFdrums
    ok here are some images
  • Taylor Hood
    Hmm.. anatomy is..wrong. I mean, your going stylized or something cartoonish yeah?
    Its a decent start :)
  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    It would be interesting to see what you're using for reference... or if you're using reference at all.

    With it being an RTS the flawed anatomy isn't going to be AS noticeable, but still should be corrected. Let's see your concept! or maybe some links to things you're using for inspiration.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Got any concept art or paintings for some idea of what you're trying to reach?

    The face is pretty cool but the shoulders are far too wide and the feet seem tiny.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    thank you posting those wirez :P, i assume you're going for a avian-humanoid hybrid thingy there so maybe some suggestions?

    with the legs might you might want to look at the inverted bird design i.e. > rather than the standard knees < for a moar dynamic silhouette when viewed from a perspective like isometric or birds eye....

    good start on the face, though i'm worried you've gone all sub-d on me before finishing of the shape - making it harder for you to later add and edit...but if the head's finished no worries...

    and yes, maybe submit an art board of inspiration or the concept art you're possibly working off to give us a clearer idea of your direction..
  • slipsius
    i like the face. hair looks odd coming from where it is. and the shoulders are waaay to big. good pluckin away!
  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    the comments regarding anatomy are lolz, if referring to the face. yes it's stylized! i think the face is great, good character. i will comment that the shoulders do look out of place, and the body could be structured a bit better. i'd bring the shoulders back a little bit, and bring that pivot point a lot closer into the body. also your legs bow a bit too much for my taste, i'd spread them a bit and turn the feet out slightly.

    i mean it's hard to comment on something that's obviously stylized, there's just a difference to me between exaggeration and awkward structure.
  • gilbree
    The head is so interesting, it just isn't being done justice by the body. The anatomy of the figure is so rigid and has so few pleasing organic curves that it seems static and boring. The crest on the forehead, for example, really draws the eye. A feature like that in the body would really help.

    Repeat some of the curves and structures from the face into the body anatomy to make a character that feels more real, even if it is stylized. You can make it whatever you like, but interesting forms and consistent styles are needed no matter how stylized a character is.

    Keep on truckin!
  • shogunOFdrums
    hey guys i want to thank you for all your awesome feed back unfortunately i have to move this to the back burner Im working on something much BIGGER which you can check out here...
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