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Blizzard Internships 2010

polycounter lvl 14
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Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
Anyone else checking the page every day to see when applications open? I'm polishing my portfolio and plan on applying for various 3D and 2D positions. Apparently they pay their interns and setup housing for them as well, which I think is absolutely wonderful.

If anyone is curious, you can read the University Relations FAQ at:

The big catch is you have to be a college student, of course.

The page says that internship applications for summer 2010 are supposed to open up this month. Good luck to everyone :)!


  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    lol @ 'industry kids" being upset about not being able to intern.

    edit: I take that back. Many people dream of working at blizzard and would sacrifice a lot for it.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Good luck mang. Working at Blizzard as your first industry gig must be nice :)

    My school internship with AI wasn't so glamorous. Ott can attest to this.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    I didn't intend to sound derogatory, Aesir. In fact I meant quite the opposite in regards to the opportunities you guys already have as opposed to those in college.

    I believe the internship "glamor" would be relative to the company you intern at. Blizzard said they do not offer school credit for their internships, but I don't really care because the teamwork experience and the opportunity to work along side the best in the industry would outweigh everything else in my opinion.

    We can only speculate, of course, but I'm sure their employees wouldn't have so many good things to say about Blizz if they didn't enjoy working there :p
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I would if more portfolio was more fluffed out and I had more game stuff...
  • s0id3
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    s0id3 polycounter lvl 8
    Arg if I didn't graduate this month I'd totally apply....If I enroll in community college does that count?
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Wow, thanks for the heads up! I just may check into this. Working at blizzard would indeed be a heck of experience, not to mention, i could really use the money!

    Good luck to all applying, you especially haiasi :D
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    ZacD: If you feel your portfolio is lacking, why not strengthen it? An opportunity like this would be the break into the industry you'd need.

    s0id3: I'm not sure of the technicalities of applying, so I guess if you enroll into a community college it would count XD? Maybe, maybe not :p

    And no prob, crazyfingers :)
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Anyone else see this article about companies charging people thousands of dollars to 'buy' their way into internships at top companies?


    Not sure how prevalent this practice is within the videogame or other creative arts industries, but it's pretty disgusting either way.
    “Universities forget that they themselves are, in essence, businesses,” said C. Mason Gates, the president of Internships.com, an online placement service. “Just because they’re doing it in a nonprofit fashion doesn’t mean that those of us doing it for profit are doing it incorrectly.”
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Haiasi wrote: »
    ZacD: If you feel your portfolio is lacking, why not strengthen it? An opportunity like this would be the break into the industry you'd need.

    s0id3: I'm not sure of the technicalities of applying, so I guess if you enroll into a community college it would count XD? Maybe, maybe not :p

    And no prob, crazyfingers :)

    yeah I'm in community college too, I can't imagine that wouldn't count, I'm working on my 2D and 3D stuff as we speak, I just don't have much game oriented stuff.
  • Segreto
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    Segreto polycount sponsor
    As long as your school is accredited with an agency recognized by the Dept of Education you shouldn't have a problem qualifying(which btw includes just about any degree offering institution in the u.s.)..
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    I can see it from their side. You pay for school, don't you? I don't think I'd want to take an internship that costs money, though, because you wouldn't be able to take out school loans for it.

    Not only that, I wouldn't want to work for a company so focused on squeezing dollars out of possible future employees when they're at their worst. Interns typically don't have income, so why charge them?
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    It's a fine line between teaching people new stuff, and taking advantage of them, and I say this without even considering money. Often times interns do lots of work that the company benefits from.

    A company who takes in interns AND charges them, that just doesn't sound like a company i'd want to intern for or work for. Just get a terrible feeling thinking about it. Not everything should be about money :P.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    It's a fine line between teaching people new stuff, and taking advantage of them, and I say this without even considering money. Often times interns do lots of work that the company benefits from.

    A company who takes in interns AND charges them, that just doesn't sound like a company i'd want to intern for or work for. Just get a terrible feeling thinking about it. Not everything should be about money :P.

    [FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1] Are your internships paid?
    Yes, Blizzard Entertainment's internships are paid. [/SIZE][/FONT]
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    You're taking it in reverse, Zac. The typical question is "Are interns paid?" In this regard, the question asks if the intern MAKES money from the company.

    Thus, Blizzard's FAQ reveals that they pay their interns money, not that the interns must pay Blizzard.

    The main reason why it's nice to be paid as an intern is so you can afford your necessities (food and beer :)) while working and learning. If Blizzard is willing to take out-of-state interns, most college students don't have stable income to support themselves well enough to move out of state and make the best of the opportunity.
  • Arkadius
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    Arkadius polycounter lvl 13
    Hells yeah, I'm waiting and hoping that I have a shot... maybe we can set up a support group or something :P
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Well they have postponed the applications to October.

    I am glad they postponed it this first time because I'm still working on a couple 3D projects I want to have finished before I apply. No idea how many times they may postpone it, though.
  • Taylor Hood
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    So, so, so many people in the states.. do you realise how lucky you guys are in terms of studio qaunitity? I'm down here in little old great britain in the middle of no where :)
  • kiarawow
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    what qualifications do you need to get into game design at blizzard?? :\
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    LoM: Yes, but there are some really nice studios over there.

    Their application period has now opened! They have a ton of openings for internships this summer including environment and character artists across 3 titles as well as many other positions. Four pages of listings!

    The deadline is January 31st, so we all have a few months to polish our work before applying. They stated that it takes them a long time to review apps, so you might not hear back from them as late as May 2010. If you haven't heard from them by May, they say they have passed on your application.

    I remember reading that you can apply for multiple positions so long as you tailor your cover letter to fit each job description.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • dv8ix
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    Polishing your portfolio? Just file a bunch of complaint letters. you get more attention that way.
    my smart ass comment of the day has been fulfilled.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    I am kind of confused because the internships in the US are apparently different from the ones here in the Netherlands.

    By 'summer' internships they mean that you basically work/learn at blizzard during your summer vacation for 2 months? Just cursious because over here internships usually last about 4-5 months.
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    @Kwakkie, here in denmark, a internship with a school/office deal takes 3 years, where you jump between your school and your work place.

    I wonder how it works if a non-US citizen applies for it?
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    kwakkie: Correct. Internships in the states are usually shorter. Internships can either run for 90 hours or 90 days (three months full-time). I *think* the Blizzard internship is 90 days, but I could be wrong because they took down their university relations FAQ.

    Zpanzer: They would probably just expect you to intern for as long as their internship lasts. One of their requirements if you must have a valid US work permit.
  • OrganizedChaos
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    OrganizedChaos polycounter lvl 17
    man, this is fantastic news, it makes me wish I was still in school :)
    I really wish I had that kind of opportunity and wish the best of luck to all that apply.

    I'm going to do everything I can to build my portfolio up for the GDC in march.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    I dont see why company's dont offer internships for people who have already graduated. Seems like a great idea. Offer someone who wants to work at your company 10 bucks an hour for like 3 months as an "intern" and if they prove to the company there a valuble asset then they can be hired as full time if there is a spot open.

    If they didnt click or workout they could be let go but atleast walk away with some industry experiance as it seems most companys want you to have some industry experiance before even considering you.

    I know this is defantly something I would do with companys like Blizzard and what not as internships are invalble experiance and help you get your foot in the door.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    I too wish that companies would take on graduates, however, the main reason I've heard is that it is expected for recent grads to have loan debt from schooling and they would be expecting higher pay to be able to cope with the loans.

    Companies want interns to be there for the main reason of learning industry standards and practice. It would be hurtful to the recent grad if they're starting to default on their loan because they're in an internship that doesn't pay enough (or at all, in most cases).
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    well if you look at it from their perspective, they have no shortage of talent applying to them, theres really no need to make extra incentives for applicants.

    Giving experience to everyone isn't really gonna raise the number of employed artists because theres only so many positions available. For example lets say theres 1000 game development companies in the world and an average of say 10 3d artists per company. Then theres only gonna be 10,000 artist spots, most of which are already taken.

    So lets say 5% of those spots are open, then there'll be 500 3d game art jobs globally.
    Lets assume that 60 of those jobs are in the UK.
    Judging from what people on forums say and the amount of people trying to break into the industry, and the amount of game design/3d courses (in the uk I think theres like 100+?) plus the number of graduates of these courses per year (3000ish, for the uk alone?) then you can safely assume that the number of applicants is hugely greater than the number of actual spots...

    Even if only 5% of those graduates are serious about getting a 3d art job, that'll still be 150 decent graduates. And then you gotta add in the enthusiastic hobbyists/modders, and the graduates who persevered from the previous years, and the people that lose their jobs due to studio closings.

    So you can roughly conclude that theres 500+ decent artists fighting for about 60 spots in the UK. The difference would actually grow per year because the growth of interest is faster than the growth of 3d game art jobs. My numbers may be completely off but I guess they are proportionally correct and can be applied to other countries :p
  • DrumBum
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    DrumBum polycounter lvl 7
    Applications were due yesturday:) hope everyone got everything in!

    Im new to these boards, searched around to see if anyone else had applied on google and this is what came up!

    Im really interested in getting the sound design internship i applied and also sent in a demo reel. i wonder what the competition is!?

    Good luck everyone whooa!
  • DrumBum
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    DrumBum polycounter lvl 7
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    I *think* i got it in on time, fingers crossed. Good luck everyone to everyone who submitted!

    If anyone feels like lookin' over a portfolio for shits and giggles here's the one i submitted for the student internship, some random stuff i've done in school the past year or so:


    Could be a bit more geared towards the blizzard style, but it's worth a shot.
  • nick2730
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    not even gonna waste my time lol
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    for people who can not take internship and are graduates.

    Here is the job for you.


    I will definately start creating my profile on blizzard for jobs and all...they are offering perma postion. O.O
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Whatever you linked, Nitewalkr, is no longer available. I applied for a couple environment artist intern positions as well as the D3 concept art intern position. Good luck to all those that applied, I bet there were hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of applicants for each position.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    Its a 3d environment artist position. If you go to main site linked to the OP, click search for jobs you will see it in the second or third entry. Funny they require skills that everyone have been practicing here for sometime now.

    Although this blizzard environment looks very catchy and even I have the feeling of "I soo want to apply for this."

    I wouldnt, reason being. In terms of team work 3d modeling I have come from a bad experience. So I am "DIY 3d modeling type of person" might not be suitable for the job but whatever they have stated in terms of environment is what I have been practicing for more than 6 months now.

    Guess its time for me to start making my portfolio.
  • samgriffiths
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    I would kill for an internship there. :poly142:
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Applied for applying sakes pretty sure my work isn't up to snuff though so I don't expect to get it good luck everyone who applied...
  • parasyte7
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    parasyte7 polycounter lvl 19
    Good luck everyone.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks Parasite,

    You're probably hounded by artists all the time, but if you want to put in a good word for us polycounters that'd be super cool ;)
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks Parasite!
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
  • DrumBum
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    DrumBum polycounter lvl 7
    I dont know how many people signed up for there sound design internship like i did, i found like one other person everywhere i looked hopefully it increases my chances! whoa!
  • glib
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    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    A favor to ask; if anyone of you gets hired, can you find out if they use UDK for their games or customized block of code? <.<

  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    I met Parasite7 and a few others at GDC, which was really exciting :)!

    Has anyone heard any news?

    I recall reading that interns that met their expectations would know if they got the internships by May, but I'm assuming that is including interviews associated with the application.
  • Arkadius
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    Arkadius polycounter lvl 13
    Sorry man I havent heard a thing probly wont till May.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    Haiasi wrote: »
    I met Parasite7 and a few others at GDC, which was really exciting :)!

    Has anyone heard any news?

    I recall reading that interns that met their expectations would know if they got the internships by May, but I'm assuming that is including interviews associated with the application.

    I was going to say that "One of the advantages of living in USA is that you just walk in and apply to Blizzard, and have a higher chances to get in :D"

    I am pretty sure "you will be hearing from them in May if you meet their expectations." means they will call you for an interview in May.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    aesir wrote: »
    would sacrifice a lot for it.

    That's a phrase I hear often in regards to Bliz, and something I think people wanting a job so badly need to consider. If "sacrificing" means moving away from home, yah, cool, but I know of a few people who limit their potential (both artistically and other job opportunities) trying to get in at a 'dream company'.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Agree with Flaagan completely.

    I'm not usually one to talk ill of blizzard, but they actively foster loyalty to a degree that's potentially harmful to their fans. They can only employ so many people, give internships to so many people and they stiff arm their fans into doing their own very, very unique style which isn't necessarily going to help them get jobs at other companies or help the fan grow as well rounded human beings. All the while they're incredibly optimistic about everyone's chances of working or getting an internship there and i can't help but think blizzard is actually on some level sh*ting on peoples dreams. But who am i to judge, if warcraft makes you happy and that's the driving force in your life, by all means keep living the dream.

    That said yeah, sure I applied for the inernship, took 5 mins to fill the form out so why not? But I don't think if you enjoy playing a companies games you should change your professional life because of it. If none of us get internships at blizzard, get jobs elsewhere, we can still use that paycheck to buy blizzard games. In the end, it's just another company full of gamers that make games, there are many other companies out there that can fullfill your "dream" of making games. Heck, you might even enjoy it more.
  • drelectro
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    drelectro polycounter lvl 8
    my experience is: the larger the company the much more disappointing is the job.
    dont expect to create ingame models for wow all the time - a common mistake. and if so: there are concepts and guidelines for every single vertex. and if your finally done, some texture artist messed it all up. lets be creative! ;-)

    please dont be offended.. its just my experience.
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Great points made. For someone right out of school or trying for an entry level or internship position, pidgeon-holing yourself into one style can be very counter-intuitive. The most important thing is to be able to recreate any style, any theme, any object to a high degree.

    Sitting in your room all day creating hand-painted textures is great and you'll be excellent at it, but what happens when none of those companies are hiring? Or what happens if you get hired at one company that utilizes those, but then lays you off?

    Those are the questions you need to ask yourself. Granted, I'm sure it is satisfying to say "I work at blizzard making XXXX (awesome game)." Just saying if you don't get it, I wouldn't look at it like it's the end of the world.
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