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wip Medium Armor attempting to not fail




Hello there,

I am working on the third and final armor for a freebie hobby game that I've been involved with for a while now.

Here is the concept art i slapped together.


Lately I've been playing with simply alt-tabbing to look at the concept art and then just sculpting away at something. Its definitely not the most accurate way to use concept art but it allows me a bit of freedom, and when the invariable problems that arise from the concept shows up I always feel much easier about making changes. Anyways here is my second attempt at the torso. I am not so sure about it, but for now it at least doesn't look horrid. I will probably move on to the arms or head, mostly just trying to fill it out and at least get the general shapes right. I probably shouldn't have spent so much time on the torso and spent more time fleshing the whole thing out, but sometimes you get carried away..



  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid polycounter lvl 10
    Why are you trying to sculpt an armour design?

    It is time consuming and the results are usually soft. It would be better to sub d model this.

    That being said its a pretty cool design :D.
  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    sculpt looks good so far. but....sculpting hard surfaces is a bad idea. if you want to to just practice sculpting, try something more organic. but if you want to do this concept (which i really like, btw), model it in maya or max. high poly it out
  • Alec3d
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    I agree with slipsius but the sculpt looks very nice, the concept however I found a little more confusing with so much going on
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    You should add some variations in colour on the concept. Make the lower layers of the armour darker, and the upper layers lighter. It will really bring the design to life, aswell as give us a better understanding of what is going on. :)

    The 3d work is pretty good though.
  • mifflefish
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    while i do think subd modelling is better this kind of thing. i feel that you can still use your sculpt, just shrinkwrap your subd modelling around it, it will help with your proportions
  • planaria
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    thanks for the advice on subd modelling, ill see how far i can get in zbrush and then afterwards i might sharpen it up by just going and doing some retopo on the major forms.

    so i roughed in the arms, i may tweek the back a bit, but im liking how the front looks.

  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    arms are lookin good. wrists look way to enclosed though. doesnt look like he`d be able to bend them at all
  • planaria
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    so heres the first rough draft.. i want to go through and in general clean some more lines up, and then start to add a bit of detail but this is the main roughout, thanks for watchin!

  • Alec3d
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    Legs need to be longer!
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    His arms can't reach forward due to that chestplate.

    Fett look funny, perhaps putting some kind of sole on them would be in order.

    And what slipsius said about the wrists.

    And I'm curious of why you're sculpting this rather than do sub-d modelling.
  • planaria
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    thanks for the comments, it definitely gives me a lot to think about!

    slipsius : thanks for the comments about the wrists, the thinking went that his forearm armor would practically encase the hand for protection, he doesn't need to much in the way of hand motion since the hand should only be holding a gun and pointing forward :) but it might look more interesting if i pull it back, im not sure i will have to check it out thanks.

    alec3d : the legs are slightly short, but this is a medium armor character and I do enjoy that he looks a bit stocky. are you saying you think he looks tooo stocky?

    AimBiz : yes the shoulders will probably clip into the chest a bit, i will probably reduce that thanks for noticing.

    the feet were a total experiment i guess they didn't work out, i will probably smooth them out but i might as well try the sole idea first. its always the little things like soles that you miss when trying to make feet look right.

    as far as the hard sculpting approach, well i feel it allows me the most freedom with what im trying to do with these models currently. on top of that its good practice and is oddly fun :)

    i also have been getting pretty good results with it recently in terms of normal baking. definitely not the top of the line results but definitely good enough for the game i am trying to make so i don't really mind.

    but with everyone wondering about it i might try experimenting with this model and try to retopo the high poly to get all the major forms into a properly modelled mesh. afterwards i can bring it back into zbrush and further detail it.
  • Alec3d
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    yeah I reckon he looks to stocky, just lengthen them maybe 2-4 inches and see how that looks.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    take a look at Paul Richard's Thumbwar. A must read , especially those in design.
    Here is a page of his that instantly sprang to mind upon seeing your WIP.
  • planaria
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    filbert : touche ! yes throughout the whole thing ive been thinking in the back of my head that the main forms dont have a flow + there everywhere. im going to have to really sit down and try to smooth things out in places and really figure something out with it. thanks for confirming my fears on it!

    going overboard on things like that is a definite weakness of mine :)

    speaking of which if anyone wants to give me some tips about where they think i should try "sniping the detail" it would help, im thinking ill kill some of the detail in the chest, and consolidate the legs to look less lumpy in general but any other ideas would be great as im still not so good at killing this stuff sometimes :) (also some of the head details might go)


    **side note** the bottom blaster looks way cooler though i must say
  • planaria
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    quick update ...


    i worked on tweaking the helmet. went ahead and added in a "neck" with a bit of cloth folding action going. the cloth lines work well in breaking up that area imo so im happy with that atleast.

    the torso armor was looking a bit bunched so i tried to consolidate that while adding in a few tech lines to make it look interesting.

    also spent a bunch of time cleaning up the legs and started on detailing them. i will probably continue what i did on the upper back part of the leg into certain parts of the shins. i still might erase some of the detail in the back of the upper thigh but im leaving it for now, going to try and just make everything sharp and shiny before i start erasing details again.

    afterwards i will probably do something similar to the arms, clean up the back and hopefully it will look bangin :)

    once i finish up all this i will probably reduce the height of the torso since it is making the legs look short when in fact the legs are exactly the size i need them in order to re-use some animation stuff and make my life easier in that department.

    thanks again for your critiques they are invaluable!
  • dv8ix
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    Dude, its looking really sweet! and your drawing has improved as well' keep it up
  • planaria
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    thanks dv8ix !

    so besides cleaning up some lines the legs are getting close to done.. what do you think? i hesitate with going over them with too much more detail. atleast not without finishing the rest of the armor first.

    i also tweaked some stuff with the helmet but its hard to notice. Hopefully soon ill get a real big chunk of time to work on this. so far its 30 minutes here and there :(
  • torontoanimator
    my main critique has to be the feet, it looks like the front of the foot is cut off. Other than that little oversight, i LOVE the details on the armor, its quite nice.
  • dv8ix
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    Hey I think he needs some small buttons and gadges on his arms where there are flat surfaces before his hand
  • planaria
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    so havent gotten to the feet yet, i tried detailing in the arms/shoulder a bit heres the result.

    the input is definately helping :0

  • planaria
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    finished chest.

  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    howwww the fuck did u use zbrush to get such great hard surface detail?? a lot of flatten and pinch brush?

    Anyway, this looks really good dude. Im sure it would look a shitload better if u sub-d modeled it as there is some bumpy effects here and there, but looks great none the less. I still cant believe u were able to scuplt this! Makes me want to use zbrush to concept hard surface armor now!
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    nice work Planaria. The fine detailing is looking good on the chest. I think the legs still looks a little short, more so the thighs, I could be wrong though.

    Can't wait to see a texture on this! :)
  • planaria
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    damn, i was hoping everyone would magically begin to think that the legs are long enough i almost tricked myself into believing it. oh well not too hard to change it up.

    beartraps : i use a loottt of flatten brush with standard brush using alpha 39, also smooth tool for when flatten cant get the large flat areas. also claybrush tool is really great for building things up slowly. lastly the inflate brush and then flatten is good for building up areas of plating where you want one plate edge to seem to come up and over the other.

    but it does come down to just a whole lot of refining edges here and there. luckily i really enjoy this approach because its more like drawing where you shade something for forever and ever, but along the way you get all these interesting ideas and slowly but surely your designs evolve and grow into unexpected places.

    brandoom : thanks for the compliment, the texturing part will be the hardest part for me i am horrid with colors and texturing!
  • planaria
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    so tried to finish up the boots what do you think ?


    hopefully it gets teh stamp of dun. then i can move onto the low poly and start to see how this will really look ingame.
  • planaria
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    so the torso is a bit high poly wise, 1306 tri ... i might go through and cut it down to 1000 or i may just be lazy and just let the lod levels take care of it.
  • planaria
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    So i finally got the whole thing retopo'ed comes in at about 5200 tri, slightly high but ill just have to generate lod levels and keep this one for the absolute closest,, i would say after about 3-4 meters it would stay at this level, but then after that ill go down to half.


    now comes the hardest part for me, texturing !!

    p.s. marmoset got a lot easier to use since the last release i used, and as ever it makes your models look great :)
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    Cool armor, and maybe this is a bit late, but the legs look rather short proportionally.
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    Agreed with Alec and Zach. Legs need to be longer, he looks a little tooo stocky, almost like he is going into the midget classification with his proportions. Also his stance is a little to closed. The feet should be at about shoulder width on both sides of his body.

    That being said, the model is coming along awesome, no idea how you got that kind of model detail and hard surface detail in Zbrush. Good stuff man, can't wait to see some updates.
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    Not to be a Debbie-Downer, but I think over all the design is a bit too uniform. Those funky armor patterns are nice and technically well executed but there's no variation in materials, i hope i'm making sense. Let's see some skin, or wires, or those elastic slinky-type things that connect the joints of the armor. Those kinda things would help add some variation to the silhouette too.
  • planaria
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    got the model into tgea.. now its time to add some color.

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    good work getting it all baked and in there, it can be a mission sometimes to just get this far
  • planaria
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    Ged : thanks, getting this to look like its looking in tgea was indeed a mission :)

    hopefully when i work on coloring everything in i will be able to maintain visibility of details, since often times it seems like they will start to get washed in this engine.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Looks cool, but the model looks way better in Marmoset. Are you having texture compression issues or something in tgea? Or could it possibly be the lighting?
  • JonConley
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    JonConley polycounter lvl 8
    Its the engine itself, its quite old and doesn't do a lot of the dynamic lighting that marmoset or other more modern engines do.
  • planaria
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    yeah tgea lights things very horribly, i guess im mostly just trying to think of ways to make sure the detail is baked down into the diffuse and you dont loose sight of it. i guess one thing i should consider is baking down some subtle lighting information maybe top down?

    i always hesitate with how much lighting info i want to bake into the diffuse.. i guess its experiment time.

    as for any compression issues, well its a 1024 tga map and honestly it looks pretty blocky upclose which surprises me since it doesnt seem blocky in pshop but i may not be looking close enough. i have no idea if tgea compresses tga files.

    luckily this is the last big model i have to do for tgea i hope i never have to make another model for that horrid engine.
  • simonroth
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    The design is a bit too noisy for my taste. That said your sculpt is bloody brilliant. Keep it up.
    i always hesitate with how much lighting info i want to bake into the diffuse.. i guess its experiment time.

    I'd say do a full ambient occlusion pass in to show off your detailing.
  • planaria
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    playing around with coloring this thing..


    and ingame..

  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    I'm not convinced those colours work well together. check out kuler.adobe.com. a really great site for coordinating colours.
  • planaria
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    still playing with the colors, desaturated the diffuse and messed wit the spec a bit ..

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