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Eat 3D Coming Soon: Classical Sculpting and Anatomy



  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    perna wrote: »
    I was gonna say just the same thing. I mean let's be honest here... who among us haven't secretly filmed a pre-teen girl over a 5 year period?

    <-- Guilty as charged. :)
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    In all seriousness though. This shouldn't reflect Eat3d and the amazing products Rikis team keeps pumping out. Knowledge is knowledge. If I could learn how to be the most amazing character modeler from Charles Manson then I'd be hanging out with that dude and gaining his knowledge and skills.

    Perhaps just remove the dudes name? I don't know the right solution. All I do know is that if they ever do a tutorial dvd with Per then shit will hit the fan.
  • [Deleted User]
    Massive luls up in here

    At any rate, removing his name from the thing would be a pretty dick move, the work that he did should be considered independently of his alleged pedo-voyeurism
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    OK gang, let's not derail the thread any further, please. If you want to discuss the individual in question, please do it in another place. Riki is trying to gather some interest in the DVD they are offering, which is what this thread is about.

    From this point forward, any discussion about the individual in question will be removed from this thread.

    Thanks guys.
  • robioto
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    robioto polycounter lvl 19
    Riki I hope you decide to go forward with the release. I'm looking forward to the content and I think that most of your target audience is more interested in learning than they are in the personal affairs of the author. Keep us posted on your decision.
  • Riki
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    Riki polycounter lvl 9
    robioto wrote: »
    Riki I hope you decide to go forward with the release. I'm looking forward to the content and I think that most of your target audience is more interested in learning than they are in the personal affairs of the author. Keep us posted on your decision.

    Its hard to post about this on an openly public forum because of all the legalities and whatnot. What it boils down to at the moment is we cant move forward with the situation as it stands. In the media it states Rod clearly said he uses the camera for sculpting reference and stored image/video on his hard drive. You can see how that directly ties into the video itself, we could get sued from 7 different angles if there was even a shred of proof the mermaid in the sculpt had anything to do with the illegal reference. So in light of all that the video is dead as a duck, and personally I'm just going to count it as a loss and move on with my life. If good news opens up about all this and its possible to release it, Ill let you guys know first. I'm in talks with lawyers also, btw.

    I seriously appreciate everyones support in this tough situation. In case you didn't notice this is the only site where this thread still exists. So Id rather just let it die out for now because the news is so negative that it only hurts our situation.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    After speaking with the author, we are closing this thread. Thanks.
This discussion has been closed.