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(Hypothetically) Another Megaman game?

DO you think Capcom could get away with another Mega man game? I would like to see them take Megaman seriously, and go first person or first/3rd person like Red Faction Guerilla. I played Megaman Legends 1 and 2 (they were awesome back in the day) What do you guys think? Would you play it?


  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    It'd be a really hard style to pull off well in 3d imo...
  • Canden Picard
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    Yeah, it would probobly feel a lot like metroid. Although I thinkit would be do-able.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Possible, but not going to happen. Look at what happened to bionic commando. Great sidescroller, poor execution in 3d. Graphically sound, but it didn't improve on the core of the original.

    What the industry needs is a single 3d game to really nail platforming and show everyone else how it's done. To date, i'm tempted to say the closest we ever got was mario 64, been downhill since. Instead we get a bunch of games trying to throw more polygons on the screen and texture maps. The easy money's in FPS's.
  • Canden Picard
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    Right, Mario was awesome. I think part of the problem is the deadlines studios face, they are told that they only have so long to deliver what should be a masterpiece, and you cant rush a masterpiece. If some of these developers had no deadlines they could deliver what they want. But, Like you said they find themselves trying to give all the details the gamers expect and the experience necessary to make it worth while. I could see mega man working visually, mentally but, Yeah in all reality It prolly wont happen.
  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    holy fuck please don't ruin megaman with a fps.
  • Canden Picard
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    Its ok bounch, its ok... its only hypothetical.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    They could reboot the franchise if they kept it sidescrolling and still do it in 3d, like bionic commando rearmed and shadow complex.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    My favorite first person platmformer was tribes. Used to love skiing and jetpacking at rediculously high speeds and altitudes. Just didn't make a good single player game. And more than any other game to date that game pushed noobs' sh*t in.

    I know it's classified as an FPS, but i really think it could be considered a platformer considering the emphasis on movement and vertical map design.
  • Canden Picard
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    Tribes? Like the recent tribes?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    8bit style still, but coop - like on that fan video.

    This, and nothing else
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    This tribes, best video i could find but the audio's cut out.

    You get the sense that hitting people with those disks was easy in these kinds of videos, but it was actually a total pain in the butt.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    i'd say the things you need to do megaman in full 3d, is focusing on small, narrow platforms and passageways, filled with enemies coming from everywhere.
    also, have lots of moments where you have to jump and shoot at the same time. make the levels short, but unforgiving. have collapsing bridges, spike trap holes that will kill you instantly,
    and have a good mix of indoor/outdoor and combinations of these.
    make it fun and cartoony, tongue in cheek, with cheeky 80s attitude, none of this emo way too serious crap thats being thrown around nowadays, and you might have something.
    ideally you should be able to play through the whole game in around 3-4 hours if you get really good at it.

    things to avoid at all costs:
    "find key to proceed"

    also, turn off your sense of logic, and realism.
    if you at any point in time find yourself thinking, "this is cool, but it might be too stupid"
    turn off your brain, and do that stupid thing.
  • attattattack
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    attattattack polycounter lvl 8
    I'd prefer Megaman in the same old 2D style but with HD sprites.
    The latest 8-bit one was cool though.
  • bgoodsell
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    Megaman 2.5D is definitely on my radar as one of those must play fan made games.

    IMO, Megaman has the same problem that Sonic games have, in that they worked really well as a side scroller, but didn't capture that same magic that say Mario 64 did when it was moved into a 3d environment. I could see it working if it was a 3d game on rails (in my head at least), but so far Megaman 9's return to nes form has been the best thing for Megaman games that I can remember.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    A similar treatment to New Super Mario Bros Wii would be a great way to go, I think. A slight update to a flawless and successful formula. The 2.5 d one with depth would be really cool too.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I would like to remind you all how awesome Megaman Legends was.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Pior: That looks awesome!

    Am I the only one who really disliked that new Megaman game? I thought it was stupidly hard, and required ridiculous amounts of memorization (which generally meant you'd have to die a lot before you get it right).

    I hate those random blocks appearing BS gameplay (especially over a giant pit of death) I'd like to think gameplay has evolved a bit since being traditionally based on how many quarters it can take from you.

    Not saying Megaman can't have a remake, it just needs to find newer and different challenges. That co-op stuff looks awesome (looks a bit like Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin DS, but co-op).

    3D Megaman can be decent, but like someone said before, at the "gameplay" level, it's pretty similar to metroid.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Zelda went from 2D to 3D fairly well without loosing the game play style and feel.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Oh man, I grew up on Megaman Legends 1 & 2. I played those games to the bone! They really did a great job at the story, the humor and the action. Seriously, every time I play that game, I feel like I'm a part of the world because the community in the town pulls you in so well. I really enjoy just hoping or skating around, or kicking the can. My girlfriend owns this game, I should borrow it from here again.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    they've made quite a shitton of megaman games outside of the 1-9 megaman series.

    And what I've heard is that the team that made megaman 9 is the team that made all the megaman zero and zx games, so they're probably back to the DS now.
  • Rox
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    I've thought about a 3D Mega Man style game... It'd have to be something in the style of Mega Man X, I think. And NOT like X7 and X8, those were terrible. Actually, considering where the franchise is at now, I would prefer another IP ripping off Mega Man, without being Mega Man...

    I imagine a third person shooter, with lots of mobility. Controls like what the Savage games pull off, with high jumps, quick dashing from side to side, but strictly manual aim. No locking on or anything cheap like that.

    That's the kind of gameplay I'd want. Take some classic X moves, like dashing, walljumping, add in the Zero saber for good measure. Or just make two playable characters, one with only ranged weapons, and one with only the saber, like in X4. I'm sure there's a game out there that feels exactly what I'm trying to describe, but I haven't played it yet... Maybe something like Prince of Persia with guns, I don't know. That's what's important to me, the feel.

    Then just add non-linear level progression, bosses with awesome weapons that you can steal, and hidden upgrades for your characters that require revisiting levels you already cleared, and there's Mega Man in 3D!
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Hmmmm...I've never tried Megaman Legends. I will have to see if I can get my hands on a copy. I've heard from numerous people that its actually a pretty solid game. So I suppose a 3D treatment of Megaman has already been created.

    For the sake of expense, a 3D graphics Megaman with more traditional 2D gameplay would probably go over best. Part of the problem is that the traditional Megaman formula is very dependent on extremely tight level design. With modern televisions, you always have to take into account the fact that the user may or may not have widescreen. Accommodating different aspect ratios is a challenge for a game like Megaman.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    first/3rd person like Red Faction Guerilla

  • Canden Picard
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    What I meant was allow the player to switch between first and third person.
    If they over hauled legends, Kept the story because it was epic, and reworked the levels and models it would be awesome. Like a megaman model with detail thats a few steps into realism it would be great.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Oooo, I'm not sure allowing the player to switch between first and 3rd person is such a good idea. That usually only works in sandbox-style games, where the player is expected to mess around with their environment. It is generally better to constrain the player, especially where the camera is concerned. Give them too much freedom and they lose focus.

    Also, I would strongly caution against taking Megaman anywhere even close to realism. Part of the apeal of the series is the colorful, exaggerated graphics. I don't think I would want to play a Megaman game that had more realistic models. Keep it bright, colorful, and stylized.
  • Jay Evans
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    Jay Evans polycounter lvl 18
    I think a megaman that was built similar to the new shadow complex could work nicely.
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 16
    They had 2d >> 3d in Paper Mario on the Wii - this walkthrough shows off the gameplay pretty good :

  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    3D side scrolling Megaman for casual platforms = win.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Just checking out some vids of Megaman Legends, boy the art looks amazing! Exactly the boxyness to be expected if Megaman ever goes back to 3D. However The new 8bit one truly looks fantastic ... and 3D animation might would make it loose alot of it's snappy feel, I think.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    I think a new Megaman like the 3D Sidescrolling games that are FINALLY getting a fair treatment would be a good idea...FINALLY!

    I grew up playing the original megaman series. Megaman Legends sucked. If you loved it, you're probably still a teenager. Honestly, take every thing you know and loved about the original megaman series. Throw it away. Pick up any Pokeman or Dragonball game, and color the main character blue. Megaman Legends. After that one, I lost hope in a studio ever doing a justified 3D megaman title. Much like Earthworm Jim.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    ElysiumGX wrote: »

    I grew up playing the original megaman series. Megaman Legends sucked. If you loved it, you're probably still a teenager. Honestly, take every thing you know and loved about the original megaman series. Throw it away. Pick up any Pokeman or Dragonball game, and color the main character blue. Megaman Legends. After that one, I lost hope in a studio ever doing a justified 3D megaman title. Much like Earthworm Jim.

    I grew up on the megaman games as well, and while I have some great memories of them, I was also nine. I also dipped french fries in chocolate pudding and picked my nose when I was nine, so I hold any memories of the megaman's being good games with a certain reservation.

    Sure, they were innovative with the selectable stages and boss/weapon strategies, but they were also retardedly full of instakill events and crushing game design and are virtually unplayable today without a quicksave. The biggest thing I think while playing them is 'gee, we've learned a lot about making games since then.'

    Megaman Legends, despite having nothing whatsoever to do with the megaman franchise, was a soild game set in a memorable world with a lot of cool open ended gameplay long before 'open ended', 'sandbox', and 'collectibles' were such big catch phrases. I dunno if I call it megaman, but they were well made. And I was certainly less frustrated playing them than playing the sidescrollers. I'm really curious to see if they've 'aged' decently over the last ten years.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    yeah! i can smell the money, what do you think about making it an MMO?
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    They put a megaman game on the iphone lately ....it's horrible. They didn't do anything creative with the controls. Just slapped on a graphic of a thumb pad and an A+B button. Fail. What a shame.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18

    megaman zero series on GBA, which is basicly lots of megaman x with old megaman difficulty, hardest megaman games I've played.


    Another direct sequel series following the whole megaman universe for the DS, and it's touching on the metroidvania.


    the current megaman rpg series, battle network for gba and starforce for DS, never played these though.

    these are the directions megaman have taken today, and the ds seems like the most awesome platform for a new old school megaman, even in 3d.
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