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Even more Maya annoyances (Maya 8.5)

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CheeseOnToast greentooth
Trying to area select verts in the orthoganal views is not selecting the ones furthest from the camera. I definitely don't have backface culling on, and have changed the far clip plane distance to something very generous. No idea what's going on here. Any suggestions?


  • greuh
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    greuh polycounter lvl 17
    reset the select tool or at least verify if you didn't got the 'camera select' option checked.
    but I could be wrong; something similar happens to me occasionally and is due to this silly checkbox getting activated somehow. but I am working with 2009, I am not sure if that option was already in 8.5
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    Thanks for the reply. Where is the "Camera Select" option? The select tool in Maya 8.5 has no settings at all, not even a measly checkbox. I also checked in selection preferences and didn't see anything that fitted that description. Maybe it was added in 2009?
  • greuh
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    greuh polycounter lvl 17
    when you double click the select icon on the toolbox, it should open a window with the select options. There should be a reset button.

    Also, unless you are absolutely sure, I would look into the backface culling options again, make sure your settings apply to 'all objects' and not just 'selected'.

    If that's not the case, well... you can always backup your userprefs.mel under another name and have maya restart with default options and see if it solves your issue. But that would be the last case solution.
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    Yeah, tried all that. It was also a fresh, out of the box install of Maya (just got a new job). Very weird and annoying. Oh well, thanks for the suggestions anyway.
  • greuh
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    greuh polycounter lvl 17
    ahah yeah, I definitely hear you. Most of the time I am having issues like that it just end up being the stupidest thing I forgot somewhere in the UI. oh well..

    did you make sure that in addition to turn off backface culling, you also set it so vertices dont backcull (another separate option in the vertice frame)? just a last thought :P

    anyway. congrats on the new job.
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    Yeah, no backculling on verts either. It's very inconsistant too, which makes me think it's a bug. All the other artists on the team are having the same problem. With a bit of luck, the tools for the game we're working on should be updated to support Maya 2009 soon. Then at least I'll have some new bugs to get annoyed by......
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