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IMPORTANT --- POLYCOUNT needs your help.

polycounter lvl 19
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adam polycounter lvl 19
I know we have a request and paid jobs section, but I'm going to go ahead and step over
the rules around here for maximum exposure in hopes that the Polycount crew can get
some help. I hope you lot don't mind ;)

We've been, for a while now, looking privately for help on 'the new site' without resorting
to going to programmer forums and asking there. Or posting publicly about it here, on
Polycount. I'll touch on the reason for that in a bit.

The problem? We need to get the new website finished. And yes, this is paid work.

The design & function of the site is already done. It's 'on paper' and ready to be
implemented. The look of the site is also complete to a point that can be used, as well as
example layouts for every section of the new site. What we need help with, essentially, is
implementing all the ideas of both the sites functionality and aesthetic design.

To be more specific, we need someone who's familiar with bridging databases. The new site
is going to marry both Wordpress + vBulletin so the site, and what we want for it, can be designed.

The reason we haven't asked publicly for your help up until now, is the past history Drew
(rogue13) and Ted (bearkub) have had. Lots of people get super excited to jump on board
and help, only to fall off the wayside and to never be heard from again. It's already happen to
this new design twice since we've started on it.

This time, we don't want that. We can't have that. I personally have been thinking, designing,
and invested in this new design since late 2006 and its high time it comes to fruition. The rest
of the crew feels the same way so here it is.

Can you help? We're not looking for people 'a little bit of experience with this and that', we
need people with the following skillsets:
  • Bridging data bases (specifically Wordpress + vBulletin). I can point them to literature on
  • this very subject if they need to read up on how its done.
  • CSS/PHP development.
    • Wordpress is a bonus.
  • We're not after a yes-man. If they have an opinion on the design or function, we're
  • willing to collaborate.
So this is what I am willing to share publicly. I have documents that elaborate all of the above
mentioned items for whomever can do this.

It's paid work. While we don't have thousands, we have hundreds. This is guaranteed paid

Can you, or do you know anyone, who can help us?

Here's a tease:


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