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Pirate Environment



  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I though you were suppose the use AO with a shadow pass mask before multiplying.
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    Vig wrote: »
    It is technically inaccurate to run AO over a beauty render in most cases but it depends on how it was constructed.

    Q: Does it shave a few hours of tweaking highly accurate lighting and shadow solutions that take even longer to render out? A: Sure.
    Q: Are the results near the same and closer to what you see in real time? A: Probably.
    Q: Is it technically inaccurate for a beauty render? A: That depends if it looks amazing or not.

    Most game artists multiply the AO over a beauty shot because they are used to running out AO over the top of their flat color diffuse maps. Technically bad to do, but most of the time it works out.

    My bottom line: It allows you to use incredibly cheap and fast rendering techniques and gives good results. Speed and beauty.
    Technically accurate and long on time with harder to tweak results.

    I'll take fast iteration I can tweak easily, especially for WIP shots.

    From all this text, i've managed to derive the answer "yes" to my question. Is anyone capable of providing any more insight?

    SHEPEIRO wrote: »
    yup cos lighting is addative not negative in the real world and now thank fuck in good engines. its like the difference between old (puke inducing) backward shadow casting and new forward lighting

    edit, and yeah get on with the ground, most important part of the scene and your lleaving it till last tch tch

    Ah, the one-page-back trick.

    I see what you mean. I thought they were saying inaccurate relative to other ways of rendering, not inaccurate relative to reality. Innacuracy relative to reality is a given.

    And to steer it back onto the topic of the pirate scene...
    I don't get the idea he's going for photo realism anyway, though, and it's a work in progress render, so it seems like a moot point.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    I like it. And how its rendered doesnt matter. Good looking product is whats matters.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Frump wrote: »
    I mentioned flags, clotheslines and ropes to "rsharma" a few days ago via IM but he doesn't have any ideas for where to place them, so specific ideas would help.

    I agree with Vig about the Wood, try more variation. Also definitely consider more why the props in the scene would be placed the way they are. At the moment they seem kind of random or placed just to look good.

    Ok, here's what I'm thinking of when I say ropes.

  • Mark Dygert
    Harry wrote: »
    From all this text, i've managed to derive the answer "yes" to my question. Is anyone capable of providing any more insight?
    It's not a simple yes/no question. If you're only worried about what is technically right, feel free to waste hours and hours rendering for very little gain.

    For work in progress shots and some beauty shots its going to be easier to run out a quick AO pass.
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    Vig wrote: »
    It's not a simple yes/no question. If you're only worried about what is technically right, feel free to waste hours and hours rendering for very little gain.

    For work in progress shots and some beauty shots its going to be easier to run out a quick AO pass.

    I would agree, but I was more curious as to why postprocessing your AO in photoshop was so different to rendering it out in the first place. I'd be curious to see a side-by-side.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Spoilers: Here's how it's looking now. He's still going to work more on the ground and add in some of the stuff suggested in the paintover. Probably an official update later.

  • silver_shadow
    nice model! Suggestion, if you would do a evening or night shot. Showing off the bar, lanterns lid up, pirates chatting drunk away, and maybe lift the shot a little bit to see a little bit of beach or ship masts behind the wall ,letting the people know this is a pirate place. Keep also in mind int the world of pirates, they lived rough, not really cared about the famine side, so just look at the cloth and hanging towels, it could give it away as too neat or just an ordinary market place.

    One thing you could do and leave the first suggestion, and this would put the whole pirate thing in perspective. Loose the market stall, and make the deck a little big bigger and put a nose of a sail ship sticking out from the side, lots of ropes, and maybe a wooden woman statue hanging from the kill. You would also see maybe a little bit of harbor water. This is just thoughts, ideas, use it or don't use it.
  • Papa_Austin
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    Papa_Austin polycounter lvl 10
    i'm hoping your gonna grunge it up a bit, the 1800's wasn't the cleanest times. right now it just looks really clean and pirate be dirty
  • rsharma
    PixelGoat: Thank you.
    c0ldhands: I rescaled and added some flags.
    Ged: Thanks.
    Vig: I would like to do that but I don't think I have enough time to do it.
    kaburan: I have a clothing line added a now.
    hawken: The general store sells alot of rum so thats why there are so many barrels. :poly121:
    MattQ86: I REALLY liked your paintover. Thank you for that. I used alot of your ideas.
    Ben Apuna: I'll try adding fish related stuff somewhere.
    Frump: Thanks for posting my update. :thumbup:
    woogity: yeah, I gotta add some more broken stuff to the ground.
    Pbcrazy and stimpack: THANK YOU!!
    silver_shadow: great suggestions but I don't have enough time to do that.
    Papa_Austin: I might grunge it up later.

    Here's where I am at now.
  • Joshflighter
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    Joshflighter polycounter lvl 9
    Inspiring! I love it!
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    The rope grid in the back looks like it isn't being properly affected by gravity. Probably because you have the silhouette curve looking convex on the left side. I would say to make it less wavy overall to help give it a better feel. The alphas look great on the ground, but the one on the roof is a very noticeable repetition of it and makes me wonder why that random trash is up there.

    Keep it up.
  • erik!
    Cool! Liked watching the progress on this. It may just be my monitor but the shadows are looking a tad greenish to me. I'd personally like to see more blue in the shadows and maybe a little more color contrast in the lighting, but that's just me! Keep going!
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    "general store"

    boooring ;)
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    are those barrels bound in bamboo?

    everything in the scene kind of has the same flavor. and my flavor i mean color. my eye is drawn inevitably to the fruit, and i'm not sure that's supposed to be the focal point.

    the tiles in front of the 'general store' look more like something i'd expect in a tuscan marble kitchen makeover than a dirty pirate town.

    these crits aside, it's coming along swimmingly - really looking good.
  • PureWall
    looking good, i was afraid of what you were gonna do for the ground. its very monochromatic minus the bottom right its your only color, maybe instead of the ground you got going maybe some dirt with some grass. maybe anther street vendor, with color, in the back ground would balance it out.
  • Mark Dygert
    Looking great, its coming along nicely =)
  • rsharma
    Joshflighter: Thank you. :)
    Frump: the grid is fixed.
    erik: the shadows are blue on my screen. This is just a temp lighting setup.
    killingpeople: Its a tavern now.
    Sectaurs and PureWall: You're right about the ground. I overlooked it before but I don't have enough time to change it now.
    Vig: Thanks.

    Heres an update:
  • GugloPWN
    I think the problem with "General Store" wasn't that it was a store, but that its name was so generic.

    How about "Stumpy's Goods" or "The Filled Flagon" instead of a generic title.
  • vladino
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    vladino polycounter lvl 15
    Sweet! Would be nice to see it in some engine.
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 19
    Cool :) In addition to what Sectaurs said, I think you could make the pavement more interesting. Right now it's really flat and a bit boring. What about adding some damage/cracks details to it?



    good work !
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    Maybe add some specular-love to those fruits ! :D
  • Bruno Afonseca
    Need crushed fruit on the ground! And that part of the scene is too eye catching for me because of the colors. I'd put more color on the opposite side and maybe desaturate the fruits a lil bit.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    yeah, I agree wth fonfa about desaturating the fruit. It appears to be glowing atm, and there is so much cool detail going on, I find the fruit distracting.
    Really good progress so far!
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    I will chime in on the fruit as well. Maybe have some of 'em smashed nearby as well and make a couple really cool alpha cards with fruit stains and grime.
  • silver_shadow
    he he still dont like the fruit corner.
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    This scene is coming along superbly. As people said there can be a few minor adjustments to be made but past that I am really enjoying what you've done thus far. Keep up the great work.
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