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Jet Bike

Ok, so I wanted a break from teh character i am working on, but i wasnt sure what to model instead. So, i went over to the competition forums and saw last months "Jet Moto" comp. Seemed like a good idea so I thought Id give it a try.

This is what I have so far. I still am going to add some sort of kick stand system and more controls on the top. along with a more detailed thruster system in the back. As for the thruster system, I put one in the front, with pipes that redirect the thrust. The one thing ive noticed in games is any time there is a hovering vehical, more often than not, it only has a rear thruster, with nothing to actually make it hover, so I wanted to make sure i had that in mine.

What do you think?



  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    Looks like a good start. One thing you might want to try is putting a simple human dummy model in there and the modeling around it. These curvy bikes generally have a way of being modeled to fit the human form so that the person riding it becomes part of the bike.

    Also if you are going for a traditional thrust system to keep this thing in the air then you need to make sure that the thrust is evenly distributed. Right now you seam to have two thrusters in the front and only one in the back and they are the same size. Might help to make the one in the back bigger or something.

    It might also help to make it so the thrust can be directed independently for each thrusters so that it can aid with steering. I would try to look at some hovercraft and rockets for references and get some ideas from existing thrust powered crafts.
  • uneditablepoly
    Did you do any concept work, or are you just roughing it out in 3d? I'd suggest going back and working on the silhouette. Right now it has a very simple shape and some things like the vertical thruster are just kinda there and not doing anything for the form of the bike. Do some 2d side-view blockouts and work on giving the bike a unique and interesting form and then start the 3d.
  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    Thanks for the crits guys!

    Jocose - I had the same thoughts as you about keeping the thrusters balanced. my first thoughts of it were to put the two in the front with only 1 in the back because this will be a front heavy bike. the engine, after all, will probably weigh hundreds of pounds, where in the back, all you have is some fiber glass and 1 or 2 hundred pounds of human. however, if you think it looks off, im definitely going to go back and play around with it. maybe either make the back one bigger, or add a second one.

    Uneditablepoly - I didnt do any concept. I tried some doodles, but putting my thoughts to paper isnt something im good at. even with lots of reference. im better at modelling my thoughts with my reference on my other screen. For this bike, i used ATVs as ref. Now that i have a basic idea of how i want it to look, ill attempt some drawings again and post them a little later. i would really appreciate any help with this i can get.

    Thanks again guys! Ill try and post an update in a couples of days
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