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Going from max64 to max32 with animation.

I need to transfer some 3ds max files between co-workers but they're running 32-bit versions of max, and i have 64-bit. .obj format works ok for the most part, but for larger scenes it gets problematic. Even more so when we have animations running.

How can we convert between the two systems with as much fidelity as possible? They can't upgrade to 64, and there's no way i'm downgrading.



  • NoisyMonk
    As far as I know, you can open the actual .max files originally created in 64bit max, in the 32bit version, and vice versa. Although, when going from 64 to 32, you may have to be careful with really large scenes, as the 32bit version may not be able to handle it.

    So you shouldn't need to export/import to transfer files.
  • Mechadus
    I have a mix between the 2 at work - I have also seen that going from a 64 version to a 32 can cause stability issues with big scenes. The only real workaround Ive been able to find so far is just to split the scenes. Since I do all animation renderings at work I usually have to render in passes, then re composite with After Effects. Id be very interested to hear if you find an actual solution tho.

  • NoisyMonk
    I don't think that there is a possible solution. 64bit Max can simply handle larger scenes than 32bit Max. So the way that you're doing it - splitting to multiple scenes, rendering in passes and compositing, is probably the best method.
  • CompanionCube
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    CompanionCube polycounter lvl 12
    only time i've had problems switching between the 2 is with 'edit poly' modifier, the geo would just explode. not tried in 2010 though, only 2009
  • Mechadus
    Yea, I sorta figured that was the case. I guess the positive side is that Ive become an expert with rendering passes and compositing :P

  • ArtsyFartsy
    Interesting advice, I'll need to do some more tests. So far all they've told me is that they can't open the files at all. They're probably running max R3 or something. I'll need to get my hands on a 32-bit max and try things out myself.

    The way we're doing the animation is, I set-up all the key frames and animation, and they then take the file and make it ready for use in their custom engine.
  • Mechadus
    Ah, that could be the issue as well if they are using a much older version. I dont think max has been backward compatible since max5 or something. I was just thinking as well, you might want to make sure 'compress on save' is disabled - I saw on another forum that the 64 bit version uses a different compressor than the 32 bit one.

  • NoisyMonk
    Ah yes, I assumed that you'd both be using the same version of max, but different bits (ie, both using Max2010, or whatever). Going from 64bit Max 2010 to 32bit Max 2009 could definitely be a problem. And one that I can't specifically think of a way to work around. Although, you say you're exporting as .obj? I just found (literally 10min ago) a much better importer/exporter than the default max obj exporter..


    If both you, and your co-workers use this importer/exporter, you may have better luck.
  • Mark Dygert
    I haven't had too much trouble switching back and forth, even with animated characters is some pretty heavy scenes. 32bit seems to choke on loading a lot of animation into the motion mixer where 64 loads it fine. On 32bit I end up loading it in small chunks, saving the file, closing max and loading more. Same thing for mixing it all down and rendering it out. It can do large tasks just requires a restart or it will crash.

    It's kind of annoying but it works...
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