I believe this is my very first thread here, so hi

I've decided to make something new for my portfolio, and its gonna be a vehicle. In the process of making sketches, I've got carried away a little bit, and ended up with those :poly122:

Now I just can't quite decide which one to choose, so I came here. Perhaps some of you can point out which one(s) has the most potential? :poly141:
Please. Any feedback is really appreciated. In exchange, I promise to post my progress on choosen vehicle, lol
/ps sorry for my english
not much else to say at this point
Same here
/ps wooohoooo... killingpeople replied in my thread! :poly142:
6, has a lot of character (they all do really) but it has a good real time shape to it. Block line of sight, easy on the collision, while still oozing style.
I just saw the WC on it and thought you were doing a bunch of porta-potty vehicles-
And that sir, would be an excellent idea.... Blblblbl is indeed my favorite.
But I think 1 would be a really cool mobile WC as well.
Thanks again everyone, I'm gonna take the most popular ones and work on them a little bit more, so expect updates soon.
I second this!
Oh man, can't you just picture a futuristic street scene bustling with all kinds of strange vehicles?
and surprisingly popular bl design
With Comicon started and me already trying to participate in it, I feel like abandoning these for a few weeks, but I'm gonna pick one eventually and model it. Your comments are always appreciated :poly124:
me likes the thumb-version of the wc more though
I just thought I'd share that with you.
What did they sound like?
I can guess what the third one sounded like...
Amazing work man, can't wait to see any one of these get modeled.
WC ha!
These are all very cool
Vig, I was kinda flattered when I saw your first comment in this thread, but tbh I'm not competent enough to even plan such animation. Sure, I've been imagining possible transformations, but in the end I don't want to start something that I'm not sure I can finish.
Cody, I feel kinda stupid doing mobile WC with a windshield. I mean its probably a fun sketch, but I honestly don't know how to make functional vehicle from it. I had some crazy thoughts about driver - he must pee and poo to make vehicle move and he needs windshield as any other driver, but this is really beyond normal things to me
I've decided to go for the 6th. Eventually I might do all of them, its a matter of time really. I've got some ideas about other designs as well, but too busy with other things atm.
I'll be posting progress here, in this thread, although I don't know how often. cya
there is still plenty of room for imagination, so I might do something like that, although not promising anything for now