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3dSMax is being a dickhead

polycounter lvl 19
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adam polycounter lvl 19
3DSMax 2009 64bit edition.

So, I am working on a new highpoly model inside of Max when all of a sudden, out of now where, this god damn mother fucker of a white dot shows up.

It's on every part of the plane mesh. The image meshes, not at all.

I cannot select it in any subobject mode.

The only way I have found to delete it, has been the Magicbox Trick™: Making a new cube, convert it to Poly, then attach it to the different meshes. Doing this works.. for about a minute then out of nowhere the dot reappears.

"Adam it's just a dot, quit your whining!" I would! But the fucker is considered in ALL focus views. Select a poly, try and focus on it, and Max puts the poly AND the dot in view. GRr!!!



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