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Batman Beyond -WiP

Hi everyone, not sure if I've posted this here before or not, anyway i've been posting this around alot cause i would like to get alot of feedback on it, so i can make it as best as i can.

Please feel free to crit your ass off ;)




  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    now this.....is awesome.

    edit : his head seems a tad too big compared to the whole body, no ?
    Oh i forgot to mention that his belt and wing thingys will be added soon. Also i will be placing a batarang in his hand for the pose, as well as doing too variations on the head, so that you can see Terry's face.
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    oh man
    that is bananas!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    wow thats awesine man, love trhe surfacing on the suit material. Batman Beyond was awesome and you captrured the look perfectly while bringing it to a insaneley awesome level of detail. cant wait to see the wings on it.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    I loved the anime, i like the rendition, but I prefer the stylized version they used in the anime.
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    Looks great. Sort of a Crysis look going on, but cooler. The only thing I would experiment with is the tint of the red. Tricky finding the balance of color where it still pops but isn't too saturated, but it may just be the lighting. Still awesome!
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    ok looks really cool, but a couple of things bug me

    1- the feet are weirdly pointy and high heeled, they look like womens feet, also they look too short and thin (height of toes wise)

    2- the materials/construction of the suit kind of bugs me too, it looks really cool, but it doesnt tell me what this dude is, doesnt look like a guy in a suit doesnt look like a robot, cyborg, not sure what he is, maybe a few more clues to how the suit is constructed would help it read, at the moment it feels a little like ALOT of style over function, but maybe you could have your cake and eat it if i could tell what/how this dude is
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Tron Batman... wow. Gotta agree with Shepeiro on the feet, but the material on the suit looks spot on to me - whatever it's meant to be.
    ImSlightlyBored - Thanks ;)

    PixelMasher - thanks bud, wings coming very soon ;)

    BeatKitano - Thanks bud, personally i've never seen the anime version of batman beyond, not much of a anime fan, actually, to be honest i kinda hate anime :P but ya I'm gonna check out the anime version just outta curiousity. thanks for the comments.

    P442 - Thanks for the comments, Ya i've toned down the red a tad so its not soo contrasty, looks much better ;) thanks again for the comments.

    SHEPEIRO - Ya I've been getting alot of feedback on the feet, I'm actually in the process of changing them. Although at this point i can only push and pull stuff a bit too reshape it better. I cant really go back to the modeling stage, I could but I'd hate to have to re-UV, and re-bake all my maps, not too mention texture everything again. But ya most def the feet are gettin re-shaped ;)
    Really.. it doesnt look like a guy in a suit? any suggestions how i can improve that without re-modeling anything, maybe something texture wise?. later on I'm gonna be doing a head variation with his mask off, that might help a little, but only when his mask is off :P ha. I really like your critique because it's making me start to think that too :) but i'm not too sure how i can go about making it seem more like a suit.

    t4paN - yup the feet are gettin re-shaped... as for the suit, idk either, it's just my interpretation of batman beyond, thats all. Maybe i went a lil too far with it in terms of believeability, but i just wanted to make it look interesting thats all.
  • Jarod1872
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    Jarod1872 polycounter lvl 10
    Ditto on the feet, but that's a small thing. As a fan of the cartoon, I have to admit man, that's freakin' sick. Nice work. I really like the texture on the black parts of the suit, you really nailed it. Hard to do a realistic version of a cartoon character, so nice work.
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    dude, i saw this on a different forum and I must say this is nothing short of bad ass. I am a huge fan of the cartoon and love anything and everything that is BMB. Besides the feet the only thing (and this is real nitpicky) that bothered me were his ears. I associate that beehive motif with a strong flexing material. In the cartoon his ears were really strong (he was stuck in cement after a piledriver at one point) and also really techy. I would have gone with the plain black leather.

    Awesome job with the lips and nose -- it is so hard to find a good work around for that area. I still have no idea if it was meant to be part of his mask or not but you pulled it off quite nicely. Congratulations!
  • ptoing
    Looks really nice like everyone said, tho I agree with SHEPEIROs crit regarding not looking like a guy in a suit.

    I think this is mainly due to the face. Why would the suit go over his lips like that? How would that even work realistically? You could either have an opening there, which would show the real mouth, tho that would make it a weak point in the armour. You could also make the mouth/nose area more mask like, not quite full on gasmask, but I think you know what I mean.

    Same would apply to the eyes in a lesser extent, as in if you would gogglyfy them more it would look more like guy in suit.
  • Tiresias
    super high-tech batman! Love it :D
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    looks like he'd have to be a pretty skinny guy to fit into the suit..?
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    Woah! Totally ace!
    I agree with everyone on the feet.
    As far as the comments on the suit... bah... i'm on the fence. There's two sides to this. One is the comic side of me, the other is the world functionality.

    The comic side of me says that it's like yelling at Peter Parker and asking him why his suit doesn't look like you can pull the hood off, but you see him do it all the time... where's your zippers at Pete!?! Can't see 'em! I don't know how you got in that thing!

    Catch my drift?

    As far as how it reads to the viewer... I knew straight away this was batman beyond. Really depends on which audience you are trying to appeal to. Diehard fans, or bringing in newcomers that don't know anything, and that is when you need to make it read from every single possible questionable angle in terms of stylization vs functionality in the real world.

    In the end is up to you, but I don't think there would be too much work to it if you could add in a few elements to tie those two methods of thought together. If you're just making this for your portfolio, then it would benefit you to make those mesh together. Showing that you can mix the two ideas well will help this piece a lot IMO.

    There's so many great points on this guy! The back is really sweet and the overall variation of different suit textures is great. Looking forward to the wings!
    Jarod1872 - Thanks, ya it is kinda hard, also very fun ;)

    r4ptur3 - Thanks, ya I'm fixing the ears, they wont have the meshy look on them.

    ptoing - Thanks for the comments. Ya I'm gonna try and make the facial area a bit more realistic in terms of it being a mask. But i'll have to do it by texturing, i can maybe add small things, cause i got a bit of UV space here and there, but i cant add anything really large. Might take u up on your google eyes idea and elaborate that area a bit more. because it is a strong focal point.

    Dekard - lol ya Terrys a pretty thin build in the show. I figure the suit isnt one piece, he puts it on in pieces. There are breaking points where the suit can come apart, I just didnt really emphasize those areas too much, maybe i shoulda.

    Firebert - Thanks. ya i read u loud and clear, guess it does depend on whos looking at it. Also yes I'm going to try and mesh some elements together better, not sure how I'm going to do that. I would really like to hear if you have any suggestions of what i could add, or fix that would help him seem more functional.
  • Mark Dygert
    Holy sh!t that's awesome...
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    Maybe you could bring in the belt from the original design? You could space out the tubes that go along the side over your existing ribbing so that they alternate somewhat, and bring in the center piece of the belt. Tie them all together with a strap top and bottom so that you won't take up too much UV space and you also wouldn't have to change your existing maps.

    One thing I noticed is the red line that meets with the shoulder and the chest isn't lining up spot on. Personally, I think the face is kick ass. The design you put on the mask is just a great bake that adds some super character. You took an extremely basic design of a black suit and a red crest and totally took it to another level. How are you attaching the wings? Are they attaching to the silver pieces on the back? The more I look at this guy, the more awesome he becomes. :)
    Vig - Thanks

    Firebert - Ya I've added the belt, it was always my intention to have the belt it's def an important feature, I've put it on its own UV map, I'll have an update tommorrow night with the belt on and hopefully the wings will be done by then as well. Thanks again for the nice comments. Oh and ya the wings will be attaching to those circle thingys on his shoulder blades ;) i guess they will kinda house them when his wings are closed, then kinda burst open quickly like a car airbag when released.
  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    What <BusyRobot> says. Just wondering how you render the dude, is it 3D software or an engine? Any comment I would give is that the cartoon batman of the future had a more V-shaped body(wide body and slim hips), I kinda feel that kinda gives the original batman his heroish feeling. I understand you went for a more realistic version so that is cool too.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    Awesome dude, if anything, id say his feet seem too small.
  • vj_box
    Holy Shit,this is Sick!
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    really nice translation to 3d!
    c0ldhands - It's rendered in Marmoset. Ya he is like that in the show, but like u said i wanted a more realistic look. thanks for the comments

    JohnnyRaptor - Ya his feet have been updated, gonna upload new shots soon. thanks for the comments

    BUSYROBOT, vj_box, stimpack - thanks guys, appreciate the nice comments.
    Ok so got a lil update here.

    I uploaded basically because i wanted to get some feedback on these wings before i go any further, that way if i get some bad reviews i can change it no problem. At first i kinda didnt like them cause they looked a lil old fashioned lookin, but now that i have a little color on them i'm starting to like them more. I have NOT started texturing them, just threw quick color on it, same goes for the belt, so there texture is def gonna be re-worked alot more. Also the pod things on his Shoulder blades r gonna be a bit bigger so that when the wings collaspe into the pods it's a lil more believeable. The wings look a lil funny right now too, but I'm sure once i pose him appropriately it'll look better.

    I havent done much in terms of texturing the body, I removed all the lgiht colored black parts mainly because it was starting to look like the George Clooney batman in Batman and Robin, and I def dont want that look, so I'm going back to the drawing board and gonna think of something else to vary the suit more. I darkened the red lines, and only brightened some minor areas that might be lit up. If anyone has any ideas of how to vary up the suit texture, i'd like to hear smile.gif

    Also i took up alot of peoples crits on the boots and re-shaped them, I think they look better, hopefully people agree smile.gif I also shrunk his overall height a tad as well, prolly not noticeable though :P


    and heres the pose i want to do
  • Mtg_kirin
    I like them, but at same time dont think they fit too well. For everything look so hard and techy, these look very soft and loose

    Also very small
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    If you doing a redesign of him might as well go all the way and give him so better wings.

    I think a retractable wing suit would be much cooler than the micro wings. Something that runs from the side of his knees up, then out from his hands. Much like a real bat. Maybe even something like you have for the little wings coming from his fingers to give him more wing size. You could even run an extended ridge on the top of the fingers to show where they would be coming from.
    Thegodzero - Ya thats a kool idea, but i think i'm gonna scrap the wings altogether.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    The feet look much better for sure. The belt may need to be a bit higher and work on the texture so it fits better. The belt kind of bugs me because the curve profile is is the same top and bottom. If it was broken up a little with some variation in the actual shape without adding more pieces, I think it would look better. The wings are just way too small and totally kills the silhouette. I personally wouldn't show the hinges and arms of the wings as it makes it feel like the inside of an open umbrella, which we all know won't save you if you jump off a building. I think it would be more effective with hinted mass underneath the cloth.
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    the changes you made look amazing -- nice work!

    a agree about the wings -- the shape works well, but the design feels a little out of place. I like how they mimic bat wings, but they do not feel sturdy enough to stabilize flight.

    I threw your Batman up as my desktop wallpaper at work and everyone who has walked by loves it. Keep it up!
    Firebert - Ya I'm scraping the wings and doing a new design more similar to the actual ref shot, except it'll be a bit beefier and a lil more detail to it, ya they wont have those braces either. These wings are way too flimsy and it's just not what i want at all. so ya these wings r scrap now ;)
  • A.Ceylan
    Hey, Ritorian!

    Best Batman Model I've seen so far (all designs included).

    Simply top notch - love it!

    Can't wait to see the update.

  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    I like how this is coming along, cant wait for the new wings, the old looked small and fragile, the ones in the reference pic are really cool, does add alot to the silhouette. What would Batman be without his cape/wings?
  • Stubbs
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    Stubbs polycounter lvl 17
  • vj_box
    Ya,bigger bat wings will actually look cool!
  • j4polaris
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    j4polaris polycounter lvl 18
    Wicked concept and model man. I think I echo a lot of other folks when I say that you did a great job taking a Bruce Timm - esque character design and transferring it to 3D. I particularly dig all the detail work on his back!
  • G3L
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    G3L polycounter lvl 9
    OMG!! That is awesome stuff!! I love this, good job on it!
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    very nice so far, bit too much red for my taste, but it works well
    something like this http://www.gpsdrawing.com/gallery/contributions/poxon/images/poxon.jpg could work for the wings, but they varied a bit in the series depending on what was needed

    when you finish it, i hope you drop him in to a screenshot from the arkham game and see how many people think it's an unlockable costume
    Marine - LOL ya that would be sweet, might just do that ;) cant wait for the frigin game, i woulda loved to work on that. anywho thanks for the comments bud.

    and thanks to everyone else, i've had lots of great comments and crits and i appreciate it alot. cheers to all
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    Shnap. This is one of the cooler Batman's I've ever seen. I'm not the biggest fan of red on him but I know it goes with that version your doing. As for the wings, I agree they should be slightly bigger and I also believe the back side of them should be black not red.

    Overall some really sweet stuff. Keep up the great work.
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    The new renders are much improved, very nice work man. Looking forward to seeing the finish.

    Kincade - I dunno about having black outside/red inside wings. Seems like that would be a little too Dracula.
  • Alec3d
    Whats the polycount? any wireframes? - soooooooo goood, I am frothing....
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    i think you could make his legs bulkier/smaller head/BIGGER wings(they look ridiculously small right now)
    though perfect design, i love it.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    The wings, even though they're super Batman tech, seem too thin to support that sort of movement. IMO, a more technical approach as oppose to organic would fit this rendition of the character.
  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    great piece

    very sharp and smooth work


    saved! O.o
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Metalgear solid bat.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    His butt looks real flat.

    Not that it matters to me XD

    Looks grand mate.
  • woogity
    cool take on the character. i like what you have done with the suit, dont know if im to keen on the wings as they are now. the frame seems a bit too thin to support the wing and his weight, of course im sure its some made of something indestructable :)

  • Canden Picard
    Friggin awesome. I hope this end up in a movie.
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