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[Portfolio] Arman ``AE``

polycounter lvl 12
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ae. polycounter lvl 12
Hi guys my name is Arman im currently looking for a Junior position in a game company, i prefer companies in Canada as it will be easier to relocate but i am up for working anywhere in the world.

I was going to wait and post this in 3 months but my hours at my current job got axed in half so i need to start looking for a new job.

all my info can be found on my website:


I have experience doing work for small indie games to half-life 2 and Unreal tournament mods.

My most current mod i have worked on is a mod called renegade-X, i am working with the team to re-design and implement vehicles. We just recently have finished and uploaded a video trailer wich can be viewed at this url:

[ame]http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=R8g4txL-Jps[/ame] (click on high-quality link for better quality )

If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to ask I look forward to hearing them



Website: www.aelevel.blogspot.com
Location: Vancouver,BC
Email: armanseuphoria@hotmail.com


  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Hey man, you have some cool stuff but I think you really have to work on how you present it. I would suggest you find some other level artists portfolio sites and imitate their setup.

    ATM, my first impression when viewing your site is: You simply took your best work, wrote about how you want a job, and said: "now you sort through all this". I'm sure that's not what you mean, but that is my first impression is all.

    How I think you can make your site better:

    -Personally I'd ditch the blog style all together.
    -It's good that you have your contact info at the top so keep that as is.
    -Put you art right up in the viewers face. Therefore, get ride of that short version resume looking bit you have in the beginning.
    -Make a proper resume and either make it a link on another page, or allow easy download in both .pdf and .doc formats.
    - Use smaller thumbnails and stack them all together nicely or if your going for the single page layout: simply layout your full size images.
    -If you choose to stick with thumbnails, set them up so they give me an idea what I am about to be linked to.

    I don't know how level artist usually do it, but if it were me. I would like to see say 3 small thumbnails of your best 3 levels at the top. Then, each thumbnail links to separate pages for each level showing everything in detail (stats, closeups, materials, fancy renders etc.).

    Like I said, you have nice work so please don't be discouraged by my crit. Now you just have to do the easy stuff which is spend a little time working on presentation. Good luck, I look forward to seeing some updates.

    Cool looking mod you are working on btw.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    I agree, ditch the blog and create a focused portfolio site. I know i don't speak for HR people obviously but personally i hate to scrollllllllll and would rather have a focused gallery with concise thumbnails to look at.

    if you do stick with the blog, get rid of the white and find an interesting theme that compliments the work, the white is super blinding.

    also, put your work 1st, when i load the site all i see is text, which is off putting. dazzle people with your art then let them read the skill sets, words mean nothing, pictures are everything. (make it so it would catch the attention of even the most ADD infused monkey, in a good way)

    your work has definitely improved over the past little while, the city scene looks pretty dope man. some flats for the crumbly bricks and building pieces plus any hp you made for them would be awesome to see.

    Also, spelling and punctuation are off in some areas, like the uncapitalized I and I'm and the Y is missing off delivery truck. its a small thing but it helps you appear more professional.

    Other than that, keep up the good work, finding a job here in Vancouver might prove to be tough at the moment with all the layoffs lately, but keep battering on doors and I'm sure you can find one.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Wow, love the crits guys keep them coming ill be getting a real site soon just have to wait for my new visa to get in :)

    i updated the site made the thubnails main attraction and took away everything that did not need to be there, ill be putting up a new CV and Resume as downloads soon :)

    yeah the vancouver market is pretty bad right now my cousin told me i wont say who he is but he works at EA that they`ll be having more layoffs in a couple months so im trying to look for some jobs around the world ill be sending my resumes to developers this weekend .

    but if you work at a developer right now and are looking for a talented junior artist i will both make awesome models and shine shoes so hit me up with a PM :)
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    Hey Arman,

    I agree w/ the crits thus far but just wanted to say your work has come a long way in the past year. There is ALWAYS room for improvement no matter who you are, but I just wanted to give kudos. If you stay focused and continue to work on your stuff you'll be ahead of the other artists trying to break into the industry.

    And keep in mind times are tough. There are a lot of highly talented artists w/o work (layoffs, studio closures, etc) all fighting for the same spots. Studios have the upper hand now but don't let this discourage you!


  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Hey gamedev thanks for the flattering comments, I'm been pushing myself for the last year taking in what people have said about my work .

    Polycount has helped me alot I hope to usse all the information and crits I have taken away from this community into the work atmoshpere.

    The current situtation in the industry does not help so while i apply to positions ill be pumping out some art too.

    i look forward to some other crits if anyone had any, also again if anyones company is looking for a junior artist i would love to hear from you so drop me a PM.

  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Updated My website what does everyone think?

  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    Hey man,

    I like the cube showcase on the textures, kinda cool.

    some texture flats might be nice, uvs - if unique, the normal maps ect.

    Did you create anything further to the vehicles on the quarantine map? If so I have no idea what that is.... some information on what you did there might help, if not, you might consider doing the foliage pass yourself or something... again some flats or high poly sculpts might help if you have them for the vehicles ect

    I love the splash screen, as soon as I arrive its like im hit in the face with two huge good looking environments.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    i actually did a bunch of props,textures,decals, and vehicles for the quarantine map probably gonna go and show all the work i did might take awhile :P

    dont really want to clutter up the pages with highpoly models but with my new project im probably going to do that.

    what im trying to do is to show what i can do without going into too much clutter. but i might have to for the quarintine map as people might not know what i did and what is epics work.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    nice portfolio man I like it, clean and to the point.

    You really should show your highpoly work some way its a key point employers tend to look for nowdays.

    also you should at the very least mention that the quarantine level contains pre made work from epic, the statement "30% custom content" is toeing the line on too vague.

    keep it up at this pace and Im sure you will net a job in no time :) might have to look outside of Vancouver though this place is a bit of a shit show as of late when it comes to work.
  • duxun
    i wish you luck Ae and hope your search for a job is fruitfull..
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12

    Been looking for work for the past couple months but no bites wich sucks :(
    decided to update my portfolio, hopefully it will peak some interest from prospective employers.

    still need to update the resume and extras area there pretty plane right now.


    uploaded all my cover art, currently looking for work/contract/freelance so if your studio is hiring anyone shoot me PM

    also i would love some crits on the site layout.
  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    few things about the site:
    there isn't a back to previous page link on the bottom of the Cover Mod page.
    I would really like to see those props on the extras page as part of the art portfolio. You have some pretty good hi poly stuff that I feel would benefit your portfolio. I would of never come across them if I wasn't really looking for them. And hi poly work is not clutter - just present it well and it will be all good.
    Now this is just my personal opinion, but i think the "hire me!" on the front page is unnecessary. I prefer a more professional approach - but then again - i'm not the one you need to impress so take that with a grain of salt.
    Lastly, it might be a good idea to have the links to your resume/email/extras on every page.

    other than that - its easy on the eyes, straight to the point and the work is pretty good.
    Good luck with the job search!
  • StJoris
    Damn, you have come a long way indeed, nice stuff man!
    I like the straightforward presentation, good to go :)

    Lose the "hire me!" thing though, it reads as highly desperate rather than funny imo.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    yea I use to have the photo up on my website "will 3d model for food" never got a damn hit from it. I redid the website//kept it more professional and I got emails after.

    A few things I would like to see.

    You show of TONS of beauty renders but I dont see any texture flats of any of your assets. Your hand painted ones would be nice to see a few of, not to mention some more wire frames of your more complex models.

    Other then that your resume, make it a PDF and a .Doc file, if you have a linked in add that in as well.

    (recruiters EAT up linked in's, and it keeps you in the radar a bit)

    If your looking to do freelance as well, there a few places you can check out, IM me and I will tell you about them. And yea Looking gravy man :D
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the comments, i put the hire me as a joke but seeing as it isn't too well received ill take it out.

    ill be throwing down some texture flats asap did not have time today to do them.

    ill make an extra section for my high poly works also so they dont get lost in the extras.

    keep them coming i would love to hear some stuff about the work itself, what i should do to get attention, what im doing wrong. what i should take out and not include.

    also ive been searching for a job like crazy so if you know of any position that fit my description throw me a PM an ill be sure to check it out.

  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    This is a small, quick thing, but that super saturated red text really kills my eyes, maybe try for something more neutral?
    It is massively competitive out there right now, but if you stick with it, something will give eventually.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah theres alot of artist like me looking for a job just gotta work harder and do more crazy stuff to get people attention.

    i have uploaded some textures onto the cover mod page i also re-did my resume and ill be throwing in some of the high poly work i have done into a new section.
  • carlo_c
    I like how your trying to tackle different styles, and everytime you start something new you seem to be improving. All I can say is keep doing what your doing! I'm in the same boat as you now :)
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    carlo_c wrote: »
    I like how your trying to tackle different styles, and everytime you start something new you seem to be improving. All I can say is keep doing what your doing! I'm in the same boat as you now :)

    yeah im taking the next week or so to do some highpoly sci-fi art while i wait for my coder to get freed up for my cover mod. :)
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