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misc. maxscript UV scripts/tools



  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    cavity render had to go for this release - still not done. It basicly applies a cavity map (concarve / convex = black / white) to either the vertex color channel or renders it as a texture map. Almost the same as in Polyboost or now max2010 except that I can access it in max 9 as well without polyboost or alike. It has kind of a different touch as lets say the AO render and can be a nice alternative in some cases.

    about the rest of the tools - I am right now recording my voice with some screen capturing to explain what each function does in this release- so you can see in motion how to use what.
  • RickFX
    haha this is so great, i cant say that often enough, i just made so much progress on the uv layout of the generator...just thru this script!

    - Rick.
  • airbrush
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    airbrush polycounter lvl 13
    great stuff...keep it up :)
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    texTools 1.6 walkthrough (3 parts)

    intro, installation, toolbox overview, setup, openEditor, checker maps, #flat view, open in Photoshop, render wireframe to clipboard, render face selection to clipboard, render AO map to clipboard

    uv editing: pack selection, explode selection, crop selection, line up shells, straighten vertex/edge selection, relax edge/ vertex selection, align shell by edge, compress selection to a minimum height, stack uv shells, flatten selection to single shell.
    Texel Density: pick density, apply texel density, normalize texel scale

    swap UVW with XYZ

    may they be a good start into learning what's behind those buttons

    edit: just that you guys now the voice is speed forwarded by 1.2x so at some spots little parts of words might get under. I hope though its clear for everyone to understand.
  • sirnaut
    Keeps getting better
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    Great update on the new version!

    Also, thanks for the vids, I enjoyed watching thought them, they gave me some better understanding of some of the buttons I still haven't used and i'll most definitely will now! :P
    Like the align button for example, so handy! Just select an edge with the desired angle, and press align, no more shell rotating until it looks correctly aligned now! :)

    Good work with the new lineup button, too bad ctrl+Z don't work if you want to undo it, after you press it. :(
  • airbrush
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    airbrush polycounter lvl 13
    is there a way to change the packing, so it uses some pixel padding? I've changed the values at the top, but it just packs everything tight against each other. Works great otherwise.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    [HP] wrote: »
    Good work with the new lineup button, too bad ctrl+Z don't work if you want to undo it, after you press it. :(
    hmm you are right, there is something odd going on. Will fix that for sure !

    @ airbrush: you mean this button? ico_explode_layout.gif
    because the pack button ( ico_pack_layout.gif )should in fact incorporate the pixel padding.

    will add soon a temporary sub version that will include the rectify draft version and some minor fixes like the pixel padding space in the explode function. thanks for the feedback so far
  • airbrush
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    airbrush polycounter lvl 13
    Yes, I mean the pack button...doesn't pack with padding for me, everything is butted up next to each other.
  • multividdee
    i am new to max and have been checking out your uv tools, fantastic.
    i have a quick question/concern.

    basically i have a poly object with multi-sub object materials applied to the mesh with different uv maps (i think that the stack was collapsed)

    i need to output an obj file with separate uv sets, as the first one is lets say the head, and the 'map channel' 2 is the torso, but when i export an obj file,
    and open in another program, it only the first uv map channel(the head) show up, and i think sorta overwrites the other maps for the torso, hands, etc.

    my question is whether there is a funcion/way to export the obj file with all uv layers, or choose the active one in max and export the obj with that as the active map.....

    this has been frying my brain for a few days, and any help would be more than greatly appreciated.

  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    will try to look into that,- though last time I could not reproduce it here.

    here is a smal teaser for the next update, featuring the rectify script:

  • nrek
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    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    Looks great dude, cant wait to give the new update a try.:thumbup:
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Oh nice... will wait till you have released this, then look at the code and try to make a Maya version of the Rectify tool, if that's ok! :)
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    I'll be damned... Amazing!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    MoP wrote: »
    Oh nice... will wait till you have released this, then look at the code and try to make a Maya version of the Rectify tool, if that's ok! :)
    i'd be happy to explain it - was planning on creating some illustrations on how it works from the mechanics because thats how I planned it using drawings :)
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    that'd be awesome, thanks again! :D
  • airbrush
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    airbrush polycounter lvl 13
    great stuff...rectify will come in handy, usually end up doing that by selecting each row of verts and using an align script. Definitely will save some more time and aggravation.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    dude, just when I think it can't get any better. . . beautiful work man.
  • RickFX
    renderhjs, do you take requests for scripts outside of UV'ing? because id love to have a script that could make a bridge connection that is bendable thru its segments.

    - Rick.
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    yes, glorious work renderhjs!

    this is gonna be hella handy. I'd love to see how it works too
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    RickFX wrote: »
    renderhjs, do you take requests for scripts outside of UV'ing? because id love to have a script that could make a bridge connection that is bendable thru its segments.
    I dunno, propably dont have time for it now- UV is something I need very often myself + its a big interest of me. I assume its a kind of lofting with a twist parameter and intersections slider. Though the default max editPoly bridge command is already quite powerfull.
    Maybe create a thread for it with some sample illustration because perhaps there is already such a script available.

    renderhjs wrote: »
    i'd be happy to explain it - was planning on creating some illustrations on how it works from the mechanics because thats how I planned it using drawings :)
    this is how it works at the moment
    it might give a better overview if you should port the code - or perhaps improve it.
    Offline / Send Message
    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    cant wait to try all the new stuff and fixes youve added in the last few weeks, cheers
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    thanks for the explanation, i will look into it for maya soon :)
    keep up the great work!
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    fantastic. can't wait to use this new version!
  • Pedro Amorim
    jesus, you sure know you're stuff
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    You sir, are a master!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    ah you guys are trying to lure me ;)

    well here it is

    TexTools 1.7
    (tested in 3dsMax2009 and 3dsMax 2010, but max 9 should most likely work as well)


    certainly the most important addition is the new rectify button (also map able as its registered as a macroscript). There are however certain limits which is also why I created the earlier illustration so that you guys know whats roughly going on behind. here is a smal video of a typical workflow with it:

    and here is a little chart on what will go right and what not (the same could be applied to the vertical exis,- its more about the break between U and V in a flow e.g bend)
    as soon as you have something that goes 45° around it usually crushes the verts that go over.
    Its also non perfect so experiment a little bit to know how to use it best. I might some day write it completely different with incorporating real world object face attributes like all of the other relaxing methods work out there.

    next up are some additions to the macroscripts (the functions you can map on your keyboard or custom menus)
    that should cover for now the most important shortcuts

    as a little bonus this time/post here is a 4 min. unwrap video of something I talked with nrek about. He pm'ed me asking some specifics about texTools and eventually I ended up creating some videos for him
    the video mainly shows the iron function which quickly flattens the selection to single shell. In the 2nd part some elements are lined up and rectified.
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    wonderful work, renderhjs!
    I'm looking forward to giving this a whirl :)
  • RickFX
    i think im going to marry you O.o

    - Rick.
  • airbrush
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    airbrush polycounter lvl 13
    great, thx for the update

    ...will someone sticky this already :)....
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    LOL no need, Renderhjs updates this like every other day!
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    Still, he deserves it... I vote for sticky! this is gold...
  • mLichy
    The relax feature is cool, but I was trying to use it today and it didn't want to work most of the time. I tried using the rectify which worked better in some cases.

    A programmer at work made a tool quite a while back like your relax tool, but idk what he did, but I can take a poly strip that's in a complete circle, cut it into 2 ( shapes and it will relax them into a straight strip.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    the relax only works on edges,- that was a old concept - maybe I should adopt it now to context sensitive selections e.g faces or edges.

    If you hit however the Iron button it will in fact flatten your strip or face selection and relax it,- right click on that one to start easing (like a constant easing on your selection) hit either left or mouse button on the button again to disable the easing (might cause otherwise a CPU hog if used without care and not disabled proper).

    I also thought about some automator like in UVlayout in which you select multiple UV sets and the script will run each shell for a defined time span and try to relax it as much as possible while you can get a coffee or so.
    I still have lots of ideas to add,- will scan in some sketches and notes I made
  • mLichy
    Oh, so you have to be in edge mode? Gotcha.

    Ill download the new script now and test it out. I almost always work in Faces mode in the UV edit window, and sometimes verts if I need to weld. Ok, and I guess edges if I stitch, but then I switch back to face mode again right away.

    Anyways, keep up the awesome work, your great :)
  • Simon_Catfish
    Not sure if anyone else has encounter this yet. I'm working in Max 2008, and after about 10 uses of the Rectify tool, it bugs out. After clicking rectify, it selects one face and refuses to work after that. I collapsed the stack after that and tried to open the UV editor again and it gives me an error saying Max is out of Memory and needs to shut down. Anyone else seen this?
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    Not sure if anyone else has encounter this yet. I'm working in Max 2008, and after about 10 uses of the Rectify tool, it bugs out. After clicking rectify, it selects one face and refuses to work after that. I collapsed the stack after that and tried to open the UV editor again and it gives me an error saying Max is out of Memory and needs to shut down. Anyone else seen this?
    that is scary ,- if you dont mind could you hand me over your object - or tell how many polygons it had? (was it a poly?)
    I know that I put in some try()catch() statement which means as soon as something fails in the script it catches the error in just a simple trace output instead of aborting the whole script and not letting you anymore work with it.
    It could be by some stupid accident that some variable kept getting overwritten over and over without proper releasing the memory or so, causing what you just had.

    suggestion A.)
    If you don't mind I'd like to have the model to debug things here, maybe I can even get my hands on max2008 on another computer here (max9, 2009, 2010 already installed).

    suggestion B.) I will give you a code without the try()catch() statement and we will see what errors it exactly give you - like where it stops at the script so I know most likely what the error causes and how to avoid/ fix it.

  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    I've seen it do wonky things where it leaves a single face selected after being run, but the stack stays and I can undo. . . so it hasn't been as big of a deal. Nothing reproduceable though.
  • jbrophy
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    jbrophy polycounter lvl 17
    Pretty awesome stuff. I really enjoy these tools. The rectify was a little dodgy at first but got it working. It also took me forever to realize I needed to be in editpoly below my unwrap. Edit mesh did nothing with rectify. Probably written in here somewhere. Thanks :)
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    jbrophy wrote: »
    Pretty awesome stuff. I really enjoy these tools. The rectify was a little dodgy at first but got it working. It also took me forever to realize I needed to be in editpoly below my unwrap. Edit mesh did nothing with rectify. Probably written in here somewhere. Thanks :)
    oh yes, it has to be in UVW edit mode - haven't thought about it the other way around :)
    Though what you can do is:
    1.) build you faces in 3d soace you want to rectify (best from top view - not a side view)
    2.) then swap it into the UVW channel using: ico_swap_uvw2xyz.gif
    3.) in the UVW editor ico_uv_editor_open.gif then rectify the faces using ico_rectify.gif
    4.) once done swap it back to your 3d space using again: ico_swap_uvw2xyz.gif

    I just wanted to say that I updated the documentation and scriptspot page to the newest release (1.70).
    The documentation is now a bit more slim using less vertical space so its not so scroll intense anymore. Some changes are made - some things added. The URL is:
  • nrek
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    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    The new update is sweet and the updated documentation is pretty helpful as well. Keep up the great work man.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    Yes, updated documentation was a smart move at this point... Hell, i even added it to my bookmarks toolbar, for now at least.
  • mLichy
    Is there a way to shortcut key the select element checkbox? Or other types of checkboxes? I open the maxscript listener and box ticks don't show up.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    much better :D
    there is already a macroscript for that in texTools- just sect any face of the element and hit that macro and it will select the element. But not just that,- if you select a edge and hit that same macro it will loop select (well as good as max can)

    its the "extend smartly the selection"
    map that macroscript to a shortcut and it should work anywhere inside the UV editor
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    smal update news

    1.) upcomming align stuff
    Thanks to Talon most likely in the next release I plan to add a d-pad with which you can align verts/edges and later shells into 4 directions.
    Talon asked me if I / he could implement a script of him that aligns selections based on a given direction (4 types). At first I was a bit fonfused with it but he posted me some screens showing where to use it and I think it is a great idea.

    It needs however in most cases 4 different buttons at least (Talon added a auto detect feature as well - but it really depends on the situation if that makes sense). So I though of bringing back the nudge/ dpad/ arrow buttons.

    here is a mockup of how Talons script would then be used from the toolbar:

    2.) Chinese translation
    I got in contact with a Chinese community (even though I cant read at all chinese) and consider releasing a chinese version as well- at least for the interface.
    A close friend (she studies the same as I do here and knows Chinese) helps me with the translation and the support there. Right now the youtube videos are uploaded to a chinese youtbue clone because youtube is blocked in China right now- so they can view those as well.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    he render, you know that old uvtools?
    why not add its function and make your script to relace it
    so the toolset is connected to the uv window
    its pretty annoying to have it in the startup
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    oh what the fuck I just discovered how to read the unwrap window x, y positions by looking at some of Chuggnuts UV scripts (now I just need to test the setPosition stuff). I was stuck at that months ago its the reason why I started with the minimize functionality and storing ini settings.

    arrrrggg , well I guess I will add some auto detect align to UV editor script in the next release so that the texTools toolbar and the UV editor are always positioned next to each other.

    As for the idea of having it launch or listen for the UVeditor and only then appear or pop up I am not such a fan of that simply because my tool goes a bit beyond just UV editing alone (its textureing, displaying and material tasks as well). For example the following tools can be used without the UV editor at all:
    and only the others actually work together with the UVeditor window.

    But maybe its an idea of deviding the GUI in 2 different modes, one that works outside of the UV editor (the icons I just listed) and the other mode maximized and showing all tools including the ones that are needed for tweaking your UV's in the UVW editor.

    Another person from scriptspot suggested starting the GUI from a macroscript that the user could add to his panel or to a shortcut. And I think that might be a way I could go.
  • mLichy
    Awesome stuff, your great :) Thanks for getting back on the select element thing, that works perfect.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    jes the 2 modi sound great
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