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Topgun Tutorial/quickstart

polycounter lvl 18
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Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
There are a couple of beginners tutorials for Topogun created by Wayne Robson:
"Topgun a Quickstart Guide" ebook and "Introduction to Topogun" video. Both are usually available as links from the Topogun forum, however it appears that they've been removed from their server.

Now, I've obviously asked over there, but I thought given that Polycount is a bit quicker in the reply department, I'd try here too. Does anyone have a functioning link to one or both of these tutorials?


  • lefix
    Offline / Send Message
    lefix polycounter lvl 11
    ha :)
    sorry about that ;) never heard of these, but would be interested in them as well actually.
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I have a basic workflow notes .txt, Ill post it soon
  • DimitrisT
    Offline / Send Message
    DimitrisT polycounter lvl 17
    I just got my beta license today so I'd appreciate that as well.

  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Some are a bit old, or are bug reports that have been fixed already.
    Also I think I use the app a bit differently thatn then now. But still!
    Topogun1.3 notes
    -Load reference
    -Right click switches between move mode and creation mode
    -Viewport controls = Maya
    -Ctrl-click-drag on a vertex often crashes the program
    -F frames on cursor
    -I have ctrl-W set to merge
    -del removes verts
    -Select:vert mode recommended
    -tranform unticked recommended 
    -I recommend having a shortcut for brige (I use alt-B)and autobridge (ctrl-alt-B)
    -***************************** for select ring and loop (alt-R alt-L)
    -***************************** convert to verts, edges, faces (ctrl-1 2 3)
    -shift-click in move mode teleports the current verts to the cursor's location
    -shift-click in creation mode adds a vertex on an edge near the current cursor location
    -ctrl and shift both perform 'add to selection'
    -What is the shortcut for the little 'draw' and 'bridge' icons? I would like to access them just like the right-click toggle, or at least having right click allowing to exit from bridge and draw modes.
    -is there a way to have the marquee selection mode, without the manipulator showing up?
    -Cant find an easy way to marquee select verts from a drawn network and a shell of existing polygons to merge them. Sometimes it works sometime sit doesn't.
    -I would like the create face mode to snap to an existing verts when needed (especially at the end of a row) >see picture
    -123 cycles through verts edges faces mode. But how do I bring back smart component highlighting? (what shortcut?). Best would be to have 123 as 'additive'
    -I would like to be able to cut in a line in my topology using the draw tool >see picture
    -how to click-select a face without hitting the center point?
    -Topogun would greatly benefit from the 'pull verts to create faces' behaviour seen in Polyboost 
    -the draw tool gives weird results where drawn line expand beyond crossings > see picture
    -needs a 'create face from edge dragging' tool > see picture
    -when i delete a face i often need the edges to be deleted aswell. A solution might be to rely on 'delete' and 'backspace' to distinguish the two.
    -bridge mode support click-dragging! Cool.
    -right-click needs to always go back to move mode.
    -need 'bridge mode' as a modifier accessible from within the create face tool
    -need a slide edge/slideloop tool
    -need a edge chanfer tool
    -shift-middle mouse collapses
    -I assign ctrl-R to connect ring
    -the little L and R popup letters define what double click does : select edge ring or select edge loop
    -sometimes the bridge mode gives different results than the bridge tool > creates double half faces > see picture
    -need a stripdraw feature
    -obj association with topogun = might want to avoid that.
    -I assigned F5 F6 F7 F8 to tweak-create-draw-bridge
    -need a turn edge shortcut
    -CREATE MODE : shifts 'butterhits' edges, ctrl 'finishes' on vertices
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