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Proposed law, new warning label for games



  • Mark Dygert
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    Politician: "Look there is less porn on the magazine racks these days! WE ARE WINNING! In your face Larry Flynt!"
    Aid: "pssst sir its moved to the internet"
    Politician:"Whats that?"
    Aid:"Its where people go to illegally download movies, games and programs"
    Politician:"Games? So these pirates are hurting the video game industry?"
    Aid:"We believe so, yes"
    Politician:"Well good. We hate them just as much as porn. When does my Asian lady boy get here, this Viagra is wearing off!"
  • [Deleted User]
    Vailias wrote: »
    The honest hard line reason why Americans are so adamant about having weaponry, and why "The right to keep and bear arms" is in our constitution is not about protecting personal property, its not about protecting your own life and limb, its not about hunting, it is about one thing:

    The ability to oppose and overthrow a tyrannical and oppressive government.

    Every architect of the constitution knew that a government with the people's best interest would not last forever. All institutions of power trend toward tyranny. They knew this, saw the capacity of failure in their own designs, and instituted a check against it.
    That's not really entirely true, as the second amendment is so clumsily worded and punctuated that its intention is hard to discern. What it basically allows is the ability to own guns for the purpose of defending our free nation (in militias - however the supreme court ignores the militia part nowadays). What isn't specified is whether this means protection from our own government or outside forces.

    Remember that at the beginning of our nation under the articles of confederation, the national army was a joke, barely existant at all. In many cases it was up to individual towns to protect themselves from, say, marauding natives or rebels or whatever. This was one of the reasons the articles of confederation proved to make for a shitty government and prompted the creation of the constitution and the bill of rights, and was no doubt on the minds of the people writing the second amendment. Yes, there were some like Thomas Jefferson who believed in the continual threat of violent revolution to keep the government in check, but that wasn't the opinion of all, and even he dropped most pretense of adhering to the constitution once he became president anyway. The second amendment could be far more of a practical period necessity than some make it out to be.
  • Ben Apuna
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    +1 to this, I am very much in agreement here.
    When will this shit end?

    The video game industry has a responsibility to parents, families, and to consumers – to inform them of the potentially damaging content that is often found in their products. They have repeatedly failed to live up to this responsibility. Meanwhile research continues to show a proven link between playing violent games and increased aggression in young people. American families deserve to know the truth about these potentially dangerous products.

    So I guess parents are off the hook. Seriously? Take some god damn initiative and learn what your fucking kids are up to.

    No more of this I didn't know Tommy would use his 12 assault rifles to kill everyone at his school. I just thought he liked guns and enjoyed hiding in his room all day. Maybe it was because he played those video games where you shoot people and steal cars. Cause it can't possibly be that my child was just a complete bastard that had no regard at all for human life and was indeed a sociopath.

    This is just a huge waste of tax payers money, time and the only people that get behind this shit are the uneducated asshats that have no idea what video games actually are. Come on people wake up there are much more important issues to be dealt with.

    Sadly I think we will be seeing tons of these types of laws being pushed forward in governments until the time comes that the lawmakers that are being elected to office are from our generation which has grown up playing video games.
  • arlrex
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    Someone should pass a law against stupid laws.
  • JesterBox
  • 00Zero
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    Sadly I think we will be seeing tons of these types of laws being pushed forward in governments until the time comes that the lawmakers that are being elected to office are from our generation which has grown up playing video games.

    there are videogame hating asshats in our age group as well. all those junior congress committee bullshit that all these kids sign up for. theyre gonna be our future senators and congressmen, but theyve never played videogames beyond wii sports.

    its gonna be the same deal with the congressmen even next generation.

    surrender all hope.
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