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Evenly subdividing planar circle

I am making an ornate door and in its centre is a circular piece. I have a 24 sided planar circle and can't think of a way to subdivide it into even or near even quads to take into zbrush and sculpt.

So far I have kept insetting the circle from its outer edge and collapsed vertices here and there however when I get to the middle it becomes a proper nightmare, technically it is all quads however the topology and distribution is a mess, plus I need it to be symmetrical down the centre, does anyone have a way similar to how you make a near evenly quadded sphere from a cube? I've had a bash and can't figure it out so any advice would be appreciated.


  • Cubik
    Offline / Send Message
    Cubik polycounter lvl 18

    Sphere or circle? You're saying one then the other in your post.
  • scourgewarper
    Sorry yer this is for max 2009 and I mean a circle. I mentioned the quadded sphere as I knew how to make that but I wondered if the principle could be applied to a flat circle making it all quads.
  • Cubik
    Offline / Send Message
    Cubik polycounter lvl 18
    Sure, do the same thing, delete half of the box, flatten it, soft select the inner vertices (make sure not to select the outermost ring(s) and add a relax modifier.
    Crank up the relax value to something like 50 interations and you should have something that is hopefully good enough.

    A 3x3 subdivided box with 1 smooth steps on meshsmooth will give you a 24 segment circle.
  • scourgewarper
    Found one solution. Make a cube with however many quads you want, apply a spherify modifier, slice the now quadded sphere in half, select the remaing faces and make them planar.

    This creates a flat quaded circle however if you look closely the outer edges are uneven and not properly circular, you could snap them to a circular shape by drawing a circle underneath and snapping the flattened sphere's outer vertices to those of the circle but its still a bit uneven, its much better than my current method tho :)
  • scourgewarper
    hehe you posted whilst I wrote that, didn't think to add a relax modifier i'll try that out now cheers :)
  • Mark Dygert
    I think if you select the border, and apply another sphereify it will round out the other edge. Might want to do it with soft select on so it's a bit more relaxed.

    Wait hold on, you mean they aren't equal distance?
  • Cubik
    Offline / Send Message
    Cubik polycounter lvl 18
    Vig, tried that, couldn't not seem to get it to work. It's not perfectly round though, so you could try creating a 24 sided cylinder, snap the outer vertices and relax the remainding ones with a new relax modifier.
  • scourgewarper
    Vig wrote: »
    Wait hold on, you mean they aren't equal distance?

    Correct, the distance between the vertices isnt equal when you create the circle from a quadded cube.

    I'm testing it now to see how I can get 24 sides, if the sides are uneven distances I could just draw a circle with 24 sides, align it to my quadded circle and snap the corresponding edge vertices and then apply the relax modifier to all the inner vertices for even distribution.
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