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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

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Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17

Hey I just wanted to see if anyone else was watching this fantastic program!

I was a bit skeptical when the program first aired thinking that it was nothing more than a way to cash in on an established franchise. Even the first episode of season one was a bit of a let down, which was due to my high expectations given the pedigree of the franchise. That said I did wanted to give the show a chance and not completely write it off, so I stuck around for another 5 or so episodes. Suffice to say I’m glad that I did!

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is easily one of the best shows on TV and has truly become a standout series; right up they’re with True Blood, Lost, The Shield, Dexter, etc. Terminator: TSCC unlike shows such as "Heroes and Fringe" which seem to get worse with every episode shines brightly and completely respects it’s audiences intelligence! The writing, directing, and acting are top notch across the board and it feels as though the creative staff behind the show had an overall plan and stuck to it. The characters themselves are wonderfully realized and will grow on you over time. The show has also done the unthinkable as well, it made me forget about Linda Hamilton’s portrayal of Sarah Connor. That's something I thought would never happen!

Anyways I can’t say enough about the program and I highly recommend it to those looking for something new and interesting to watch.

Here’s the link to season two: http://www.fox.com/fod/play.php?sh=tscc

Episode one of season two does a good job recapping the events in season one.


PS: Fox has renewed the show for another season, YAY!


  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    Damn you, FOX! You cancelled Firefly... I hate you.
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    Hell yes i LOVE this show. I go around telling everyone i know to watch it. It's really bad ass, and getting more bad ass every episode. I like how they are building up to something big, probably a lead into the 4th movie that's just around the corner.

    I've been watching it since episode 1, and it's definitely getting more and more intriguing.
  • nazeil
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    nazeil interpolator
    Love this show.

    Started watching it during the Comiccon challange over at GA. I was baking out AO maps when they were doing a marathon of season 1...instantly hooked.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Watched the first season here and really enjoyed it, was worried there wouldn't be a second (fox). We're on episode 4 of season 2 here in the UK.

    Really like how it fleshes out the story more, such as objectives the terminators have other than killing John Connor.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    yea its dope, this, true blood and dexter are easily my top 3 shows right now. this vastly exceeded my expectations.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    meh, the chick from Garbage loses her accent and then regains it. Cameron didn't act like a Terminator, but now she does. I'm getting sick of it, they are treading way too far from the story. Sarah is no longer as hard as she used to be in the movies. She realized now that she should of shot that lil fucker in the bowling alley.

    And wtf, in the first episode with the lead singer of garbage, she moprhed out of the wall because she was the urinal? FFS, her mouth was the actual urinal!! Come on.. :D

    Only two more episodes of the shield left.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 18
    it's good, but it has some things that piss me off, and chief among those are sarah and john.
    john's a pussy and sarah coddles him, they've done nothing to turn john in to the resistance leading, robot slaying ultra badass he's supposed to become. every time a terminator comes after them, they run off while cameron kicks the shit out of it. when cromartie gets killed, what's john doing while derek and sarah are taking potshots at it? hiding like a little bitch and then he tries to act badass by shooting it in the face after it's borderline dead.
    more needs to be done to make it believable that he's going to save the human race, or else skynet could attack with toasters and beat him. and lena headey doesn't look like she could kick anyones ass, linda hamilton looked like she could wrestle sharks and *win*
    still good though, but it definitely needs to work on building john up
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Dekard wrote: »
    meh, the chick from Garbage loses her accent and then regains it. Cameron didn't act like a Terminator, but now she does. I'm getting sick of it, they are treading way too far from the story. Sarah is no longer as hard as she used to be in the movies. She realized now that she should of shot that lil fucker in the bowling alley.

    And wtf, in the first episode with the lead singer of garbage, she moprhed out of the wall because she was the urinal? FFS, her mouth was the actual urinal!! Come on.. :D

    Only two more episodes of the shield left.

    Yeah I was a bit taken a back by the casting of Shirley Manson but she's grown on me much like the rest of the cast. I actually think that she's doing a good job despite her lack of acting experience. It's weird but the more robotic her acting is the better it fits the character, since she supposed to be playing a cyborg anyways.

    As for your complaints about Sarah, well the characters showing more range and growth than she ever has in the movies. I mean she's A: Human and B: a woman. I'm glad the writers are showing us other sides to her character because she would have been nothing more than a one-note prop if they hadn't done otherwise.

    The great thing about the characters is there growth and I bet Sarah wouldn't make the same mistake again, the writers are to clever for that.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    this kinda reminds me of a song on the new metallica album ... namely Unforgiven III

    I mean why for the love of god cant they think of something else are they so fucking retarded they have to rehash the same old crud over and over again..?? oohh mmyyy god.. make it fucking stoooop !!!!!!! arrrgghh

    ahem... forgot my lithium today =______=
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
  • Mike_Carlyle
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    Mike_Carlyle polycounter lvl 17
    totally agree with modeling_man , ive told everyone i know to watch it... its great.... so pumped to hear there's gonna be another season too.... everyone on here makes good points about the show... would love to see those points adressed... but still... its a good show... grew up with the franchise, and its nice to see the branch outs they have done in the series... different missions for people sent back and stuff.. pretty cool...

    i also won a Terminator : TSCC t-shirt and full season 1 dvd off the local radio station here... i knew my 'reese' trivia.. lol
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I watched part of season 1, thought mehhhh this is kinda dumb, then I watched season 2's first episode, they definitely ratcheted the show up a notch! I still think John Connor is emo weaksauce but he's a teenager, so I get it.

    Can't wait for the movie either!!! Finally done with the current day and now all about the post apocalyptic ACTION!!!
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    Here's an idea for an episode. They send a terminator back in time to 2002 to have a chat with the person responsible for pulling the plug on Firefly. This time the terminator has taken the shape of his favourite blow up doll, Cindy.
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    I watched the first season and part of the second. The acting and script are terrible. It makes me want to gag sometimes.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    For those of you still watching.. >_< seems it's heading down Prison Break territory.. but Fox moved it to Friday nights and starts up again this week, so it might be the beginning of the end since friday is usually kept for shows on the last leg.
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    Ya i saw that it was moved to Fridays and I just cringed.
    However, I'm glad they moved it off Monday. Seeing as American Idol is on everyday for the next 3-4 months I imagined Fox had to move any show in the 8pm time slot. I think Sunday or Saturday would've been a better choice. I think Fox wants to kill the show but they want to wait until the movie comes out.
    I just hope they give it a fitting ending that ties up to the movie nicely.
  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    I thought the first episode sucked so I stopped there.. I guess I'll give it another shot.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Is anyone still watching this show? I’ve been a loyal viewer of the series since it first aired and it seems that things are coming to and end this season. The last few episodes involving Sarah were interesting but very slow and seemed to lack the energy found earlier in the season.

    That being said the last few episodes have returned the show to form, and from the looks of things it’s coming to a thrilling conclusion! The real shame of it is that this show is on the verge of being cancelled by Fox! I would really love to see it get picked up by another network (Sci_Fi) if Fox indeed cancels it. I feel that the show has done a number of interesting things involving the Terminator universe, and it would be great to see these characters grow and evolve up until the inevitable judgment day.

    Nevertheless it’s had a good run and will probably go down and become another cult classic along the same lines as Firefly, sigh.

  • Irreal
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    Irreal polycounter lvl 10
    I've recently watched the final few episodes of Season 1 and I have to say that I really enjoyed it towards the end. Looking forward to watching Season 2 so it would be a shame if it got cancelled. Better to go out on a high after a few seasons though.

    Oh, and FRINGE really sucked. Really.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    You guys don't like Fringe? EAT IT. I like it a lot.
    Sarah Connor Chronicles is ass sweat. :D

    W T F
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    At first I watched a few of the first episodes and it seemed kind of lame, but season 2 is great! Just caught up to the latest episode and I'm digging the show quite a bit. Reminds me a bit of Ghost in the Shell the way it delves into what separates humans from machines, and also gets pretty deep into how crazy it must be for John Connor knowing his future, as well as his mother and uncle. At first glance he seemed like an emo teenager, but he's definitely not.

    It's on my list of shows to keep watchin, great stuff!
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    I love both the Fringe and Sarah Conor. I'm not sure they'll cancel the show seeing as the movie is just around the corner. This last episode?! Holy crap!! I don't want to make spoilers but damn it was just awesome.

    UPDATE: I just heard rumors that the show is CANCELED for good:(

  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah the latest episode was a classic for sure. I never thought you know who would buy it, and they way in which it happened was very realistic and abrupt.

    By the way where did you hear that it's been canceled for good?
  • Marcus Dublin
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    yea this show seems to be getting better with every episode, john has really started to evolve into a leader, especially with the latest few episodes, you can really see him planning things out.

    I really hope there is a couple more seasons to go, although i hope they do wrap it to a solid conclusion within 4 seasons or so before it starts to lose shape like most shows.

    *edit: about halfway through the latest episode, OMG fucking crazy!
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    awesome episode..


    Holy shit! They have practically killed off every character in the show. I figured charlie would die at some point soon, but not yet.

    Kyle getting shot in the head so nonchalantly was kind of disturbing and hard to believe. I kept expecting him to get up and brush it off.

    I dare say it was the best episode of the series.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah the incident was like a punch to the gut. You would think after 4 seasons of BSG that I would be used to moments like this, lol!
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah, that last episode was getting pretty good. I've always loved the idea of showing the selfishness & darker elements of humanity that CAUSE the robot uprising in any story. I loved the 2nd Renaissance on The Animatrix. Not just because "AI's and robots are evil" but because HUMANS ARE and mistreated the life they'd created.
  • CompanionCube
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    CompanionCube polycounter lvl 12
    i'm really glad they killed off 3 characters, because it was getting a bit boring, although the ep with the submarine flash backs was good. hoping now whole new more interesting story arc will start
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    That last episode was the best of this season so far, and its been strong. I can't believe there is only one more left and then thats it... We may not even get a 3rd series.

    I hope to God we do, but, well... This IS Fox we are talking about...
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18

    This is where i heard about it. Seems pretty legit. I guess the last episode wraps up a ton of stuff for the reason.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    well thats lame. Im really disapointed with the whole t-1000 weaver arc, there hasnt been a whole lot of development on that in the past 20 or so episodes, why is she there???

    if it is true that the show wont have any more seasons they are going to have to reveal her tru motive and then destroy both cameron and her plus wrap the sarah conner story arc in one episode...which i can see being unsatisfying.
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 14
    The episode number 21 is the last one form season 2? and WTF??? doesn't have season 3?

    They cleaned arround. it's great :) mouahahah

    Is someone there he got some information about the little girl? who is she really?
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    well thats lame. Im really disapointed with the whole t-1000 weaver arc, there hasnt been a whole lot of development on that in the past 20 or so episodes, why is she there???

    if it is true that the show wont have any more seasons they are going to have to reveal her tru motive and then destroy both cameron and her plus wrap the sarah conner story arc in one episode...which i can see being unsatisfying.

    My guess: T1000's are actually space aliens and not terminators.
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    Slum wrote: »
    My guess: T1000's are actually space aliens and not terminators.

    Actually, I think T1000's are the completely created by Skynet and not humans. So they might see the humans than say Skynet/T100's...if that makes any sense.
    John Henry was such an awesome character too:(
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    Here's for hoping...
    I've never cared this much about a show staying on the air!!
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Wait, what was in the box being buried!? Awesome episode, but why are terminators being used to try and kill the little girl?! Is the little girl going to turn out to be one of the most vital members of the resistance because she knows the god of the machines; John Henry?

    Sure hope these rumors of cancellation are false, but then again.... how good is a the friday primetime slot for any show? Seems like a show ripe for Sci Fi to have.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    the box contained the character who died ashes, that place is a burial ground for john doe style people who die I think.
  • skrubbles
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    skrubbles polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I'm glad that this is the end of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Keep in mind, I love the show, but I don't care for Sarah Connor and any situations she gets into. I notice John is becoming more of a leader lately. I've actually been hoping the show would end with Sarah Connor being killed off (due to illness or bullets), and then we see a new show start up called Terminator: The John Connor Chronicles. With everyone he's loved dead and with only Summer Glau by his side, he starts forming the resistance. Let's hope :)
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Definitely agree with skrubbles, Sarah Connor has been the least interesting character of the series, I don't think the actress is very compelling at all.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 18
    entire episode was one holy shit moment after another, really needs to get renewed now
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    "20." lulz!

    Man that was a good episode the last one, too bad the 4th movie will cue from the 3rd and not the series. The third movie was horrible.
  • skrubbles
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    skrubbles polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, that was a pretty good episode last night. Makes me think that the John Connor Chronicles would be an even better fit now.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    This episode was bitter sweet and left a sinking feeling in my stomach. The episode as a whole was a fantastic if not an exceptional wrap up to the season and quite possibly the series as well, which would be a shame and plain criminal!

    To quote Jesse Jackson, I'm going to "Keep hope alive" that the powers that be decide to give the show one more season. Hopefully they can take into account the number of viewers who DVR and stream the show on a weekly basis. That being said I'm eagerly awaiting the dvd release, hopefully the producers will be able to pack in a host of extras for the die hard fans who supported the show from day one.
  • Mike_Carlyle
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    Mike_Carlyle polycounter lvl 17
    loved the season finale... i pray for a 3rd season.. i cant not wait to see what happens with the situation that ended this season! great show... im on a terminator "high" right now between the season finale and the soon release of the 4th film!
  • Mechadus
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    loved the season finale... i pray for a 3rd season.. i cant not wait to see what happens with the situation that ended this season! great show... im on a terminator "high" right now between the season finale and the soon release of the 4th film!

    I feel the same way, but the buzz is that the show was canceled before fox even moved it to the Friday time slot - I sure hope thats not true, but it was such a good show it wouldn't surprise me at all for it to have been canceled... yet American Idol lives on.....
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    Man i just watched the last episode...HOLY SHIT. That was so bad ass!! Best show I've watched in years...probably since Star Trek: TNG or Curb Your Enthusiasm. I can only hope the plan is to let the movie come out...then form the show around the building of the resistance with John and Cameron. The storyline is so awesome...oh man I'm crushed if this show doesn't get another season. Seriously, I'm buying both Season DVD's hopefully if enough of us buy it they'll pull a Family Guy. I can only hope.
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    Ok so maybe it's not dead yet!??!


    Also, both the writer and exec producers have just said it's NOT canceled yet!
  • Ben Mauro
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    Anyone know if this is official? http://www.fmqinc.com/terminator-cancelled/

    Maybe sarah connor chronicles is cancelled...and they start Terminator: The John Conner Chronicles or something?
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    I think there's a chance of a mid-season reboot next year assuming the movie comes out and cleans up.
    Man I can't believe I'm so upset about this.
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