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Congrats ae. Winner of the free Wacom

polycounter lvl 17
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Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
Ok so I made my decision. Actually it was names in a hat to be fair and just.

And the winner is ae.

Congrats to ae. and thanks everyone for the interest in this.

Sorry I don't have more.

Just to be clear this is not an April fools joke. Although that would be hilarious to do. If I would have done something like that then I would have said free wireless graphire or something. Haha. But no this is serious. I'll pick someone on Thursday and get their mailing address and ship it out on Friday.

Ok so it's not the best tablet in the world BUT I am willing to part with my old Graphire (model: CTE-430) to someone here that could really use one that is still using a mouse.

It's not brand new but it works and it's free. I'll even ship it to you at no cost. It does have a brand new nib for the pen though.

So the deal is you have to reply to this thread and let me know why I should send it to you and I will pick someone that responds.

It looks just like this one. I think I even have the mouse laying around that I will ship with it.



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