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Halo Elite for UT3 - WIP

here is the reference model from Blur

and the beginning to where we are now















Still a bit to go, gotta fix the head and re-skin it. This is the first character I have modeled from scratch so I am pretty jazzed about getting this far. The Blue, Red, and Gold skins were painted but my friend Teltaur who is currently reworking the body skin. Also, we have to make some decent spec maps to reduce the glare (thanks Lee!) Hope you like it. :)


  • Deathelmz
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    model looks generally good.
    but the feet are wrong
  • maestro
    like, hilariously over sized wrong?
    Offline / Send Message
    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    like weirdy square

  • maestro
    yeah I saw that, and don't disagree my Elites feet are big. However if you check the feet of the reference model they don't look anything like the halo 3 elite feet which you have there..
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    yeah, but now you're into the territory where people will bash you because they've only seen the end model, not the original concept.

    not everyone who plays UT3 is a game designe.... wait a sec, yes they are :P
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    Man, as a halo fan i gotta say i LOVE your models.

    The only problem i have is with the skin. If you look at the cinematics/gameplay from halo 3 and halo wars...they have a dark blue base color with these octagonal looking scales. I'm not sure what they are...but you can see it on the picture that SHEPEIRO posted.

    to be honest, i like yours more...i never understood what their skin texture was supposed to be. i mean they're lizard men basically.
    But...they made em like they made em.

    I love these though...you have inspired me to probably sculpt a nice lil elite :D
  • maestro
    Thanks guys for your comments :) We are fixing the body textures as we speak. :)

    Here are a couple more in game shots.



    The face is rigged too, just not animated yet.

    Offline / Send Message
    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    maestro wrote: »
    yeah I saw that, and don't disagree my Elites feet are big. However if you check the feet of the reference model they don't look anything like the halo 3 elite feet which you have there..

    never saw that as the reference link is broken for me, but i still think they look weird even if they are correct. they jar with the rest of the shape. kind of make me think he forgot to take off his slippers and put on some combat boots
  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    My eyes!!!! the bloom!!!!

    No but seriously, I find the hardsurface part of the character to be the most well done on the model, rest than that dunno what to say...
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Feet look like ninja turtle feet.
  • FussleBlog
    You have got to have a dl link for this.. will look great in my game.
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    The abdominal area looks VERY in accurate to the original.
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    hmm I think you got a great model here but the reason why it doesn't quite look elite yet is because of the posture almost all the time in the game the elites are hunched over like they got bad scoliosis or something


    here's a good example of what Im talking about you can see how he is bent over at about mid torso
  • Talbot
    DEElekgolo wrote: »
    The abdominal area looks VERY in accurate to the original.

    Abdominal down to the knees need better proportions. Make the stomach shorter and the thighs longer.

    And as mentioned above, the feet need to be more hove-like and less frog-like.

    Try and get some halo 3 references.
  • Rox
    Holy freaking AWESOME!

    Now that we've gotten that out of the way, a couple of things stick out to me. The thighs seem rather short, as someone pointed out. Maybe not the bodypart itself, but the armor on it is definitely way small. Compare with the Halo 2 image posted above.

    The feet could also be a problem. As seen in the references, the Halo 1 and Halo 2 Elites have rather hoof-like feet. In fact, one chapter name in the first game directly calls them hooves. But they changed to something more flexible looking in Halo 3 and that design sort of carried over into Halo Wars. So it's really up to you... I prefer the look of the old ones even though the new ones make a bit more sense, anatomically.

    Actually, looking at more images, it seems the Arbiter still has the hoof-like boots in Halo 3. So I guess it's a suit redesign. And the ankles do seem to connect differently from yours, so it's worth mentioning in either case, as your feet seem based on the Halo Wars design. That design is considered, by Halo fans all over, to be completely screwed up. The anatomy is nothing like the elites from the previous three games, so I wouldn't base anything off that. The proportions you've got are a lot more similar to the original Elites than those bulky monstrosities. So I guess I'd suggest trying to fix up the ankles and feet to look more like the Bungie elites.

    Another thing, when I looked for references on Google, one of the pics that showed up was your WIP head... which made me realize how kinda-old this thread is by now. Hm... Ah well, good job. And, hm... I wouldn't mind seeing a helmet more true to the original design, also. I happen to really like that helmet!
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