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Computer Desk w/ assets

This is a low poly setup of my desk and the assets around it. It was for a class and we were tasked with creating the scene using 1,200 tris and Five 128x128 maps. I feel like it needs to be pushed a bit more so any comments and crits would be greatly appreciated!



  • Richard Kain
    Offline / Send Message
    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like a pretty solid interpretation given the budget you had to work within. The lack of a window on the side of the computer is a little bit jarring. Do you actually keep the side of your rig open like that? I can understand how that would help with ventilation. I can't do that sort of thing because my cat always gets too curious about my PC's innards.
  • SideEffect
    Offline / Send Message
    SideEffect polycounter lvl 19
    is that picture on the screen from Lucas Art's Outlaws? If it isn't it totally reminded me of it haha.
  • Stronin
    Looks like a pretty solid interpretation given the budget you had to work within. The lack of a window on the side of the computer is a little bit jarring. Do you actually keep the side of your rig open like that? I can understand how that would help with ventilation. I can't do that sort of thing because my cat always gets too curious about my PC's innards.

    Thankfully I don't have a cat around, otherwise this case would be doomed haha, thought i do miss the old furball. You make a good point. I'll have to see what i can do to fit on a panel.
    SideEffect wrote: »
    is that picture on the screen from Lucas Art's Outlaws? If it isn't it totally reminded me of it haha.

    Not quite :) It's a artist interpretation of the 3 crosses that Jesus Christ and the two theives at his sides hung on.
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