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[Portfolio] jagedgamer - Joshua Glass

Hello, this is my first post at Polycount and so here is my portfolio:

I recently graduated from The Art Institute of Pittsburgh for game art and design and am currently looking for a job, so any critiques on my work or my site would be helpful. Thank you.


  • 00Zero
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    hey josh.

    a few things i noticed.

    your unwrapping is wasteful. lots of examples of this. Your red arrow shooter has all these sides that could have been layed over each other in the unwrap. That thing could easily have been done to the same quality you have with one 512 texture. having two 1024 textures definitely wouldnt be done at a real job unless it was a super important asset.

    another example is the bridge texture. you have like 10 pieces of wood there in your unwrap each has a few sides. that takes up SO MUCH texture space and there is no reason to do that. they all look EXACTLY the same. what im trying to say is that you should have made 2 or 3 wood pieces that actually look different from each other and then reused them to make your bridge. unwrapping everything uniquely might work for the film industry but it wont work in the game industry. Im saying this because if you get assigned a prop to make at a job, and you do it the way you did, youll be texturing your asset and then your boss will come by and look at it and say , ok make it a 512 texture. and when you make it a 512, your hundreds of little pieces that are identical would be so small that the texture resolution would go to hell.

    what im saying is reuse textures by overlapping your UV clusters. Or, if you insist on having everything uniquely unwrapped, at least go through the effort to make them look differnt from each other because right now i can clearly see tiling bits all throughout your textures.

    random tip: if you dont want to have your gun visible in UT, open the console (either tab or ~) and type showhud to hide the hud and then type physicsgun to hide the gun. I know there is another proper way to hide the gun but i forgot, and this works perfectly well.

    you viking ship could definitely use more polys near the front. looks too lowpoly especially for somethign that big. also, since the stripes on yoru sail look very identical, you could just add divisions in your geo on the sail so you have like 3 divisions and then for each division have a red and white stripe. that way youll save a lot of texture space by only having to texture 1 red and 1 white stripe, not 9 stripes which all look identical.

    All in all, I would expect more from a graduate (three years im guessing?) You definitely need to apply what i said above about saving texture space. And read some texturing tutorials on how to bring them to the next level.


    another random note: its not "tries" its "tris" :) might want to fix that.

    anyway, i hope i didnt offend you or anything. just keep working at it. good luck.

    EDIT: your site navigates pretty well. one tiny issue i found was that sometimes the arrows buttons would move because an image would change widths and be too wide and it would nudge the button. small fix, but kinda agitating as i have to look back and move the mouse. it would be nice to lay your mouse at one place and just click.
  • jagedgamer
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    Thank you for your imput. As can be seen textureing is a weak point of mine. I'll be sure to put your tips to good use on future models.

    And I'll fix the website problems as soon as I can. Thank you.
  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    on the site itself:
    can i suggest making your thumbnails more zoomed out, as i don't know what to expect as i'm clicking on them.
    your animations - personal preference - i would embed them into the site somehow, not an external avi. but thats jut my personal suggestion.

    on the work:
    maybe this is jumping the gun, and you should probably get the texturing down first like 00Zero stated, but I think you would really benefit from learning the hi poly to low poly process. If you have that lantern thing as the first prop in your website - it says that you don't understand the current gen process of making a small game asset such as this. There is a lot of wasted geometry with those small wood pieces. Although I could be wrong if the shadow is more important than less geometry - if so, ignore my rant.

    hope this helps!
  • se7ered
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    Please Please Please add a title to your website..the untitled document thing is very unappealing....this goes within the <head>...</head> i think.
    <title>Your title here</title>
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Keep the pictures a fixed length! I have my mouse covering the next arrow only for the arrow to ZOOM the the right or left when i click the next image.

    The words in the tabs are hard to read. Have to take a second so i can figure out what each one says.

    Wait, animations??? What the crap do you want to be dude? A environment artist? A character artist? A prop artist? An ANIMATOR??? Pick something, and stick with it. Plane and simple. You have a lot of different things that are half decent, but none of them hit the mark at all. Personally, I think your environments are the best of the bunch, but even then, it needs a lot of work (which has already been explained above). Pick something, and try to perfect that, because your all over the place with work that could be better, but since you did something else, isn't.
  • jagedgamer
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    Fixed some of the problems you guys were having with my website.
    - fixed it so the arrows on the site are now in the same place
    - fixed the spelling of tris (not sure why I started spelling it tries)
    - fixed it so it doesn't say untitled document in the tabs it now says jagedgamer

    Thank you all for your advice.
  • Morton
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    I see you finally took my advice and got on to Polycount.
  • kittens
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    Your animations don't really have any character. They've got most of the basic motions down (except for the head not moving on the viking), but it doesn't go beyond that. The scientist walks the same as the viking, which really isn't what you want to happen. The viking could have more of a strut to his walk, since he has pillaged and plundered and whatnot. And the scientist could have a bit of a hunch over or something. I just really think they need a good bit of work before they should be put on the website for potential employers to look at.
  • se7ered
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    something else that is pretty much only personal preference is to add a favicon. Its that little icon that shows up next to the title of you site on the tab and next to your url in your browsers url field. Just google favicon it's pretty easy to do..just make sure to clear your cache in your browser otherwise it won't show up when you try to preview it.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Se7ered, the title/icon kind of stuff may be important for actual web designers, but for your portfolio, I feel confident telling you no one cares. Your portfolio exists to sell YOU to your potential employers. That means all it needs to do is show your best work in the most efficient manner possible. While there's nothing wrong with adding titles and icons (and they can certainly help make a website feel more "finished") those are the LAST things you should be worrying about on your portfolio.

    Jaged, I didn't bother reading everything in here, so I may be telling you things you already know.
    Info - Currently your main gallery page is your index page, bravo! And while you have your name at the top, you should probably put your email address right next to/under it, and make that whole image be a link to email you, rather than a link to your demo reel.

    Format - The Gallery feels very lopsided. Everything is crowded into one side, leaving mass amounts of empty space on the right. In addition, you've put in separate thumbnails for the object, a flat shade, the normals, etc. etc. I personally would prefer if you had a link to JUST the object, and on that objects page, the rest of the stuff was just further down, and I could scroll to see it or not. Your actual individual pages are fine, and your arrows are nice and quick to respond, just dump the rest of those subsidiary images into the first page. That will give you lots of room to make bigger/better thumbnails, and allow you to rearrange in a way to show off your stuff better, and ease viewing.

    Animations - I'd make thumbnails for these, and just make another subsection on your first page

    Resume - You've got it on the page, got a link to the Doc AND a PDF, Bravo again! But the text (and this goes for the whole page) is thin and odd. Try a thicker sans-serif font on all of your pages.

    Links - Most people aren't going to care about your links, but it is a little odd. Why are you linked to these people, are they friends? Either way, you usually don't want a recruiter to come to your site, only to be redirected to someone better. . .

    Overall - You need to decide what you REALLY want to do and focus on it. Right now you have a little bit of everything, and it feels rather manic because of it. You also just simply need to keep working on your stuff. It's pretty standard uni level stuff, but you need to step up your game if you want a job.
  • jagedgamer
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    Ok, Should I get rid of the animations section, because the only reason I have it in the first place is because my carreer counciler told me to add it. If I get rid of it I could replace the tab for one of my Demo Reel. That way I could put a link to my e-mail on my icon at the top of the page like Tumerboy sugested.

    If I do that I would like to embed the video into my website and I don't know how to embed video yet, so could someone explain it to me please.

    Thank you all for your tips and suggestions.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Unless you really want to do Animation, then toss it. Career Counselors rarely know of what they speak :P
    Instead of replacing that tab with the demo reel, I'd just make a larger Thumbnail image on the new "Gallery" page. Put it at the top, and just link to your reel. There's no reason to embed it.

    (all of this is of course only IF you feel the need to even have a reel. If what you want to do is model/texture, reels are barely used anymore, and I'd just ditch it in favor of a more concise gallery of still images.)
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