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Mudbox question

polycounter lvl 9
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Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
I was wondering if there is a reason why I cant get a smooth stroke in Mudbox? I subdivide to a mil but the stroke no matter what brush seems to be lumpy and spotty. I was wondering if I am missing a setting or soemthing? I see people create smooth strokes and was curious how to achieve those results? Thanks... I dont have a specific screnshot its just a general question in general.


  • JackyBoy
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    JackyBoy polycounter lvl 10
    I'm no expert, but you could have smooth shading turned off? that makes it look really pixelated compared to the smoothness when you have it on.

    other things, make sure you have a smooth fall-off set or check you don't have a stamp selected to be used because this will make the edges jagged too
  • Mark Dygert
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    What does the brush fall off curve look like?
    This effects how the edge of your brush blends.

    Are you using 2009 or Mud 1.0?
    They smoothed a lot of the brushes in 2009, there where problems in 1.0 with stair steppy and blobby brushes, even with smooth falloff curves.

    Have you tried other brushes?

    Also, make sure Stamp and Stencil are off.
  • Ben Apuna
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    A lumpy stroke in mudbox 1 might be caused by having "Prevent Overlap" unchecked under your brushes' Advanced properties. If you are using mudbox 2009 you can try adjusting the Distance setting under the "Stamp Spacing" check box. Mudbox also has problems when things are too big or too small. You should make sure that your object is around the same size as one of the primitives that ship with mudbox. If your objects' scale is off be sure to rescale it in max or maya then reimport back into mudbox. Scaling from within mudbox won't solve the problem. Hope this helps.
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Hey everyone thanks. I will check all the suggestions and see what comes of it. I am using 1.0 right now. I will update this when I can get a minute to check. Thank you...
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