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flashlight WIP

yawwwwn... It's a flashlight right?

I wanted to cool down and just grab an object around the apartment and make a normal mapped model out of it. So I found this flashlight and made the a high poly for it. Low poly and normals to follow.

Also tomorrow I'll post my reference some time.


Its really WIP, but crits welcome.


  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11

    jk looks good dude... posting the reference would have been beneficial. 'm assuming that the cap at the bottom is removable to put batteries in, so i'd suggest showing that the bottom cap is a separate piece from the body.

    good forms though. anxious to compare it to the reference!
  • Firecracker197
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    Firecracker197 polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah..its a flashlight..awesome. Once the reference is posted we can decide what is more epic, the model or the reference. I guess there's gotta be someone that has to make a flashlight, you know...you should sell this on turbosquid for like $2 and make some monies!
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
  • dolemite
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    http://www.venusgraphics.com/Consumer_Products.html (I think this is the firm that designed the flashlight? WTF?)

    thanks for the feedback guys. Here's my preliminary bake, I'm not happy with it but realized it had been a few days since I'd posted. Got too busy with real-life shit.

    So yeh, I think I will work on the hipoly model some more to bring out that rim around the light.

    thanks Pope Adam and Firecracker197! Appreciate the feedback.

    Crit away, please.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    the shaft in the ref is a little bit longer :)
  • Marisa
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    Marisa polycounter lvl 17
    Very cool high model you've got, you should try sharpening the beveled hole's edges on the side to prevent that soft edge look you've got. It almost looks like that surface is soft and foamy because of those soft edges.
    And if the low is supposed to be a first person flashlight, then it looks good to me, but if its just a random environment prop or a third person light then you might could bring the detail down a bit cause it seems a little high.
    Just some suggestions, use them or not, but awesome job dude.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    what are you baking in, you have some shading issues around the button which could/should be fixed, why not try an object normal bake aswell
  • dolemite
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    thanks for the feedback guys!

    Now I'm bored... Killzone 2 time.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    There's a serious lack of hard forms in the highpoly source. Everything is a uniform, muddy smothness, whereas on your reference (as with most plastic or metal objects) there's a lot more contrast of forms. Don't be lazy and cut corners, model those shapes!
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    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
    Textures are letting it down, too flat, no details.
  • Deathelmz
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    This IS GREAT!
    Ive seen alot of small objects in games, for example.. Like Counter-Strike Source, and I literally got down on my hands and knees to expect a "Fire Extinguisher" And how it was texture- and my god, I couldnt beleive how shitty of a job the texture was- But' You can pull it off with small objects becuase--- You really dont ever see or notice detail in those sorts of things when your playing, Get my Drift?
  • dolemite
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    Hey thanks for the feedback guys.

    I'm working on sharpening some edges on the highpoly right now. Can anyone suggest I do something with the color map? I agree that it's super boring.

    I couldn't really think of anything to do to it other than cover it with blood and feces.

    HEY THAT'S IT!!!!
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    dolemite wrote: »
    Can anyone suggest I do something with the color map? I agree that it's super boring.

    Try and get the information that you see in the reference in there. Unless you're planning to put this in an engine using some kind of superadvanced plastic shader, get some of that yellow -> orange hue shift gradation you can see in the ref.

    Otherwise just dust and light wear style grime. Don't do anything silly, just make the surface more believable. Bake some AO as a base and work from it.
  • dolemite
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    Is this kind in the right direction? I might play with a different overlay.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    This is already better, yeah. I'd like to see the grime more follow the shapes of the object (smudgier on the raised areas where it'd be wiped off, instead of just plastered on top as an overlay), and more variation in tone on the yellow. Less saturation where it's gotten grimey, etc.
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