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RapeLay - Rape (& abortion) game simulation

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Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
Taking the word "egregious" to a new level.


When does something cross the line? Would you be in favor of banning this? I'm indifferent and still not sure. As a libertarian I would still have to side with "no".


  • psychoticprankster
    I have to agree with you and say "no" this also brings up the debate "do computer games really influence young minds into taking part in such behavior ?"

    I'm still undecided on that debate. I think myself that depends on the individual and how gullible they are.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    woah, there's a Battle Raper 1 & 2?
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Junkie_XL wrote: »
    Taking the word "egregious" to a new level.


    When does something cross the line? Would you be in favor of banning this? I'm indifferent and still not sure. As a libertarian I would still have to side with "no".

    Nope, not in favor of banning anything. I've deliberately run over pedestrians, paid for sex, shotgunned defenseless hostages in the face, stolen epic sums of money, gotten addicted to dangerous drugs, driven drunk, set buildings on fire, and partaken in the extermination of entire species, all just while playing video games. While this 'rape game' seems especially horrible, it's really just taking a number in line with all the other astonishingly evil forms of entertainment that modern games go for.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I lol'd

    I like how the woman throws you in front of a train if she successfully gives birth. The weakness of pregnancy is gone and she has super MOM power. oh those japanese... lolz
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Somehow this website doesn't seem like the most objective news source. I have never heard of this "hit" game until now.
  • flow3d
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    flow3d polycounter lvl 18
    thinking of applying for a part-time job at illusion

    so I'll have to go for the "no", not banning these games

    if youre gonna ban this, might as well ban Gta while youre at it, make everyone happy
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    pretty evil if you ask me
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    How does a design team keep a straight face when thinking up games like this...

    "The surveys are back, it seems 99.9% of people on earth enjoy rape as their preferred hobby, lets get that shit interactive Jim!"

    Those wacky japanese, what will they think of next.. :)
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    I find it amusing that this game is years old, and the "genre" of porn games has much, much worse than this (check out somethingawful's hentai game "reviews").

    But this was on Amazon, so its that much more special. I like how she calls it a "hit game" as if this was somehow up on the shelves at Gamestop or popping up on Amazon as "63% of users who bought Halo 3 also purchased Rapelay" it's not like its a Platinum Hits title or something. This kind of stuff is pretty much guaranteed to always be a niche market.

    As for the notion of banning it, I'd say its technically speech and its not actually taking advantage of anyone (except devs who are crunching unpaid overtime :D) so I don't find its existence to be any more harmful than any other fake rape porn, which is constitutionally protected, and the stuff between real humans in front of a camera seems worse to me than this.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    slow newsweek or something? This game is OLD. Makes me wonder what people will dig up regardless of cultural boundaries just to make 'news'

    Sure the content is bad... but hey... you're looking at a game that probably sells copes in the hundreds... maybe into the low thousands... to a bunch of introverted obsessed anime fanatics that probably never leave their basements in years because they prefer to interact with virtual characters rather than people, and if they do leave, they're easy to spot since they're dragging something of their obsessions along with them, beit lovedolls or whatever.

    Shit's creepy, but to think that this is any worse than GTA or wolf3d or call of duty or any other violent game is ridiculous. They all have their markets, and are left well enough alone. If it was truely a problem, you'd be hearing of copycat crimes in japan... oh wait.. that's right, these people don't have the balls to do something like that... it's why they play the games in the first place.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

    One day, the Japanese mother ship will land and take them all back to their home planet.
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    We need a serial killer game, see how many you can kill while moving around and evading police. I'd be into it.

    Seriously though, I don't think its helpful to stimulate people's deviant sexual urges (I mean people who really would enjoy rape). Probably only going to make things worse.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Asmuel wrote: »
    We need a serial killer game, see how many you can kill while moving around and evading police. I'd be into it.

    Seriously though, I don't think its helpful to stimulate people's deviant sexual urges (I mean people who really would enjoy rape). Probably only going to make things worse.

    What about people's deviant violent urges? Are games like GTA or virtually every realistic FPS game just making things worse? That's the argument that Jack Thompson would make...
  • SyaPed
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    SyaPed polycounter lvl 18
    vermilion wrote: »
    What about people's deviant violent urges? Are games like GTA or virtually every realistic FPS game just making things worse? That's the argument that Jack Thompson would make...

    At least most violence in games is somewhat justified. Killing evil aliens, good guys killing bad guys or bad guys killing worse guys. Don't think you can say the same for some kind of rape simulator.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    don't ban it.
    just don't buy it.

    There's violent porn out there too, and rape fantasy porn, etc. Just don't partake of it if it doesn't interest you.

    While its hard to think of how this could be entertaining or arousing, banning it could be quite bad.

    The issue becomes that wherever you draw the line, then there IS a line, and that line has a tendency to move much closer to home over time.
  • [Deleted User]
    No guys, you've got it all wrong. Killing hundreds of people is clean, family-friendly entertainment. Rape is wrong
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I dont know what they're talking about, i've played this game and it's nothing but family friendly.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Asmuel wrote: »
    We need a serial killer game, see how many you can kill while moving around and evading police. I'd be into it.
    Yeah! Then you can start going after prostitutes, lure them into back alleyways, have sex with them and kill them to get your money back afterwards. And if cops do catch you then you just try and kill as many as you can before they take you down in a homicidal rampage.

    Oh darn, someone beat me to it.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    When I first read about this it was on a site (for women) that had ads for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit, Cosmo with the tag line 'Male SEX secrets' and another sexually related ad. I just found that kind of ironic.

    And that article is missing some information I saw pertaining to the game. Namely that it was never intended to be sold, seen or distributed outside of Japan.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Ban? I'm not sure about that. Does Amazon have the right to decide not to sell it in the U.S.? Absolutely. That isn't banning. Stores aren't required to carry everything, they get to pick and choose. If Amazon feels that it isn't in their best interest to carry a game like this, they don't have to.

    Even if this game was made available for general retail (which is already highly unlikely) there are already systems in place to "censor" it without banning it outright. It would have to be rated by the ESRB before most stores would agree to carry it. And given the nature of its content, it would almost certainly get an AO rating. The AO rating is a financial kiss of death in the states. No major retailer carries games with that rating, and even most of the smaller retailers will avoid them.
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    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
    This is my favorite game.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    Players force anal and oral sex upon their victims while the women respond, "Sniff ... sniff ... I w-w-want to die. ..."

    Has to be the most disturbing line in the article. I really don't know what to think about all this. Rape is terrible. Why this game was developed is questionable. Wanting to play this game doesn't seem healthy. I'm against glorifying rape. Is it art? Is there something to learn from such a bold "simulation"? I am torn, I'll definitely be pondering on this. Where do you draw the line? How does this compare to glorifying war and killing? It's hard for me to say what I'd consider too far or inappropriate, and what factors take it there. I don't do it with my artwork as much as I used to when I was younger, I still feel that not all artwork is meant to entertain or capture beauty, but some is to provoke thought, and express or provoke emotion. I'm uncomfortable with the idea of censorship. If it became unsafe, I could see reason for the black bar. There are many factors that make something inappropriate. It's very interesting.
  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    i hate to say it, but where do you draw the line?

    shooting robots.
    shooting badguys
    running over innocent people
    fucking and then shooting prostitutes
    pissing on and then shooting people (saints row 2, right??)
    raping people

    ??? i agree this is horrendous.. but we're so desensitized, we dont even know what the fuck we've BEEN doing this whole time. this is just another degree of the same gauge folks.

    the ONLY issue here is the degree in which you're associated to the other person... and that's an issue of maturity. rape seems horrific because the person emotes... and that's the only thing that's getting this foul response. games like grand theft auto just remove that element so that the people don't emote well when you kill em.

    so what's more horrible -- a game that shows you something that tears at your gut... or a game that "cleans up" violence and makes it okay? if the people in grand theft auto could talk, they'd cry, scream, vomit on themselves, panic, speak gibberish, scream at you, etc, in a horrifying, bloody, comming to tearms with death type of situation... victimization... hopelessness. loss.
  • [Deleted User]
    It's not like the thing's meant to be didactic or entertaining in the "fun" sense, anyway. It's obviously just meant for people to jack off to. I'd much rather let people who are aroused by control fantasies have outlets like this, wherein nobody gets hurt, than not.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    many movies and tv shows have scenes that depict horrific moments that are far worse than this anime-styled game. This is just hentai on a different platform.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    some might argue that the interactive element makes it worse than a movie with similar themes...
  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    personally, i'm only 'desensitized' to this kinda shit when it comes to games.

    for real life versions of any of the above no way in hell am I desensitized to it. I can't stand it.

    except for the shooting bad guys thing thats ok if they deserve it.
  • Mark Dygert
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    That's the problem with having a semi free society people are able to make stupid choices (and games) just as much as they can make good ones. The sooner we legislate our way out of this mess and start regulating everything tightly the sooner we can get to the rebellion where all the common sense minded people emerge from their subterranean hiding places... I mean... err... what a cool game...

    Power to the pasty faced mole people!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    See a lot of the other games mentioned in this thread are only going half retard.

    GTA 4 had brilliant human elements infused in the story about redemption, racism, and family, to go with running over hookers, and shooting cops.

    The game mentioned in this article is going 'Full retard'.

    You NEVER go full retard.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    MoP wrote: »
    some might argue that the interactive element makes it worse than a movie with similar themes...
    That's the great part about theories: anyone can make them up and they mean jack squat until proven. Some might argue that being able to actively participate in a video game acts as a safe outlet for aggression. Fantasy is typically enjoyable because it's not real (see: GTA).

    The craziest thing about the whole "games make you violent/rape people" argument is the idea that somehow games are "teaching" you to do bad things.

    Uh, what? What world do these people live in? Who doesn't already know what rape is? Who is going to see this game and think "Wow, I never knew that somehow could forcibly be put into a sexual position before"? Who is going to think "Oh hey, I thought rape was bad but it's in a video game so I should go out and try it!" You would have to have terrible mental problems to begin with to think that way. You would have to be a complete psychopath.

    People don't need video games to teach them how to be violent.
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    I dont think this game should be banned personally; I would even fight to stop it from being so even though the intimacy of the game really bothers me. I think the intimacy really separates it.

    Ive been thinking about this game for a couple days now and I think what really depresses me the most about it is that the exact opposite version of this game would not give me the exact opposite emotional reaction.

    So as disgusted as I am by this game; if someone made it opposite I wouldnt feel the reverse; feeling of hope, bliss or satisfaction or whatever. I think thats kinda depressing. its too heavy on one side now maybe...

    interesting though...

  • [Deleted User]
    What do you mean by opposite?
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    I think this is terrible and should be banned everywhere.
    I also expect a complete ban on sale of this book which also sanctions rape:

  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    jox wrote: »
    See a lot of the other games mentioned in this thread are only going half retard.

    GTA 4 had brilliant human elements infused in the story about redemption, racism, and family, to go with running over hookers, and shooting cops.

    The game mentioned in this article is going 'Full retard'.

    You NEVER go full retard.

    HAHAH that's awesome.

    well maybe this one will have a redemption plot....
  • Nate Broach
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    Nate Broach polycounter lvl 17
    sprunghunt wrote: »
    I think this is terrible and should be banned everywhere.
    I also expect a complete ban on sale of this book which also sanctions rape:

    ugh, just felt like adding that in there didya sprunghunt? stay on topic. Dont start a completely different argument.
  • TSM
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    sprunghunt wrote: »
    I think this is terrible and should be banned everywhere.
    I also expect a complete ban on sale of this book which also sanctions rape:


  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    rapelay with babys? i didn't know that LOL

    Try sexy beach and artificial girl XD, all are the same but soft (it's a stupid game). This is something related to their culture, like "incest" hehe. We can't blame them.

    Forget the game if you are very catholic XDD. I know perfectly this is a game very played like all the products of illusion, just check out hongfire.com and you will see people from USA, UK, etc.

    There are dozens of companies doing these kind of games.

    Some occidental games are worse, like manhunt... and GTA is another example of a good game ¬¬ (yeahh i can kill cops, omg)

    Stupid human stampede begin...
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    TSM wrote: »

    In a simplistic interpretation of the bible god sanctions rape somewhere around Genesis 19:8

    But my point (heaped with hyperbole) is that this game might depict acts that most people aren't comfortable with but there's plenty of precedent for this sort of thing and civilization hasn't collapsed just yet.
  • Nate Broach
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    Nate Broach polycounter lvl 17
    sprunghunt wrote: »
    In a simplistic interpretation of the bible god sanctions rape somewhere around Genesis 19:8

    But my point (heaped with hyperbole) is that this game might depict acts that most people aren't comfortable with but there's plenty of precedent for this sort of thing and civilization hasn't collapsed just yet.

    Well your point isn't valid. In Genesis 19:8 it is a man named Lot who is giving up his daughters to an angry mob to let them have their way with them. Lot was living in Sodom at the time, he wasn't a saint. It was a terrible suggestion and by NO MEANS sanctioned by God. You need to read the whole story, not just one verse before you make wild claims like "god sanctions rape".

    Now I've gotten the thread off topic...
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    @Skeptical Nate

    Surely your not reading the bible in it's actual *gasp* context?
    Same on you for not picking and choosing what you want to believe!

    In regards to the actual topic, I'm more inclined to banning it. But then, we have games that kill people for fun. I guess it's how a culture views what is socially acceptable ad what is not for games.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Should the game be banned? No. Should the creators and players take a good hard look in the mirror? Yes.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    There's a little part of me that's in complete awe that a team of people actually thought this idea up, developed, built and released this, all whilst being fine with the ethical and moral implications.

    Is it multiplayer?
  • [Deleted User]
    Well your point isn't valid. In Genesis 19:8 it is a man named Lot who is giving up his daughters to an angry mob to let them have their way with them. Lot was living in Sodom at the time, he wasn't a saint. It was a terrible suggestion and by NO MEANS sanctioned by God. You need to read the whole story, not just one verse before you make wild claims like "god sanctions rape".

    Now I've gotten the thread off topic...
    You're right. If he had read the rest, he would have known that Lot gave up his daughters to an angry mob to be gang-raped because he didn't want it to happen to his male guests - who I believe may have been angels.

    Obviously a much more wholesome family-friendly context.
  • Nate Broach
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    Nate Broach polycounter lvl 17
    Kaskad wrote: »
    You're right. If he had read the rest, he would have known that Lot gave up his daughters to an angry mob to be gang-raped because he didn't want it to happen to his male guests - who I believe may have been angels.

    Obviously a much more wholesome family-friendly context.

    I dont want to keep getting off topic but....

    You missed my point. The argument that sprunghunt was making was that God himself sanctioned rape. When Lot had the two male guests (who were angels) the whole city came and wanted to rape the two male guests. Lot made a terrible suggestion of offering his two daughters to protect the guests. He basically took things into his own hands and tried his best to protect the two men who he knew were angels. Later the angels blinded the whole mob showing that he never needed to make such a bad suggestion because God was always in control of the situation.

    No the story isnt family friendly, its terribly sad, but there is plenty to be learned from others mistakes. And thats why its in the Bible.

    edit: if you guys want to keep this discussion going PM me instead of derailing this further.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
  • EarthQuake
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