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Most catastrophic loss

The other day I was reading Griff Rhys Jones had to bail from his boat and abandon his laptop that had the only copy of his novel he'd been working on for two years solid.

What's the most amount of work/data you've lost due to hard drive failure, viruses or tornado?

I was watching fight club the other day and was curious as to whether there was any truth to the fact you could blow up some central data centre somewhere in the world and all/most of our credit history would revert to zero. I can't believe it would be that simple (well not simple but...) surely all that stuff is backed up all over the world in case that happened.

Anyway what's the worst loss of data you've ever had yourself or heard of happening?


  • Farfarer
    Lost about 5 years of 3D work in a hard drive death in 1st year of uni.

    Thankfully it was all shite and I had only very slightly outdated versions of my most recent models on my USB stick.

    Needless to say, I now back up my 3D folder to a separate drive every week :P
  • scourgewarper
    5 Years! Even though you say it was all shite still would be cool to see how you've improved since those early days (or is it that bad :))

    I had a number of hard drive failures last year and now I won't buy any drive with less than a 5 year warranty and good reliability in addition to backing up stuff on multiple drives.

    Barring a house fire thats enough for now.

    edit: Although I was reading an article where they tried various methods of destroying hard drives and that most hard drives work after driving a car over them and putting them in water :P
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    i've lost a lot of work over the years to virus', being lazy, not backing up and just straight hdd failures. Honestly unless its something i'm working currently (which is usually spread across 2-3 computers/usb devices), it doesn't bother me, i'm more interested in the method than the final output. Any thing truly worth saving is on a dvd on my shelf
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    ya, I've never lost mass amounts of anything I was actively working on. I have lost all the source files for much of my older stuff, but I have renders/screenshots still.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    We were young, we were in love, she was my light in this darkend world, she was everything to me, and one day... I had lost everything I ever loved, her.

    Har har...
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    I lost some gb's of data once which were my models, textures, compositions, recordings... I was so mad but they were not great works anyway. I back up to an external drive now.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    2001, when I was leaving Illinois and moving to Reno. Had my HDD crash before I could backup, lost all of the work I did for the 20+ mods I had worked on. Made me sad :(
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    I had just recently backed up most of my work, reference, photos, music, movies, game saves, y'know everything to my 500g Western Digital My Book....

  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    the wire to my mobile 2.5" drive got caught in the arm rest of my office chair and pulled the drive off the desk and onto the concrete floor while it was reading files off of it.

    Needless to say the drive was not receptive of the heads plowing into the platters.

    Lost 6 months of 3d work.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    I had one BIG crash last year that only affected one file, but it was a huge deal since I spent over two months working on it. Then a couple weeks later, after I backed it up, I tripped on a cord and knocked my laptop on the concrete slab floor. Down like the mother effing Challenger! Thankfully, it didn't damage the drive and the computer was mostly salvageable. It was one of those slow motion moments of my life though. "NNNNNNnooooOOOOOO!!!!!" in a very deeeeeeep voice.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    Actually, I lost all of my work on an external HD that I just never got around to backing up. All of my college, personal, and 3 years of professional work, including the textures, music, programs, inspirational and tutorial images and documents were lost. This all happened two months before I lost my job. I've had to use shitty images I uploaded to the web and can't revisit finish incomplete or cannibalize old pieces.
    As far as I know the data can still be saved. It will cost me $500-1000 dollars to possibly retrieved the data, which I can't swing right now, but hopefully, one day, I will get all my music and porn back. *eyes well up* I suddenly feel like going to sleep.
  • o2car
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    o2car polycounter lvl 16
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    Lost all my art-related stuff dating back 12 or so years when I accidentally deleted the wrong folder. Luckily Windows never really deletes anything so I could get it all back using recovery software.

    These days I have SyncBackSE automatically backing up any changes to my 3D folder every 24 hours, putting one copy on my external USB drive, and another on Amazon's S3 servers using JungleDisk.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I've lost videos and tv on a drive that stopped working. I always have that kinda stuff on separate drives. (2tb and counting)

    All my "work" is in an internet cloud and synced over three different macs. It's the only way. I literally have 4 copies of the same data with deleted files archived in the cloud. (I used dropbox btw).

    It's only 50gb but it's more than enough for all my art, models, websites, text, references etc. Of course, no videos or music on there.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    As far as I know the data can still be saved. It will cost me $500-1000

    I can recommend this:

    got my drive back for just enough to grab everything I really needed. The drive wouldn't even spin normally, just sat there ticking. This software is magic.

    It's the same software they use at the place where they charge $500-1000, so save yourself the money!
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    hawken wrote: »
    The drive wouldn't even spin normally, just sat there ticking.

    Yeah mine has the dreaded ticks, just like that.
    Mine is Windows based, what was yours?
    Did yours start skipping when you powered it on or when you tried to access data on it?
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i lost a week and a half of my life, due to non stop partying on a veritable concoction of alcoholic beverages and drugs while in ibiza.
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    I never really lost anything serious, just some music or a save file...

    Wait, I take that back...

    I will always remember the tear that rolled down my cheek the first time I put in the original Legend of Zelda cartridge into my tattered NES only to reveal all my hard work was gone... Granted I was about 7, but it was traumatic nonetheless... *sniffle*
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    3-4 years ago a whole 250gb with a lot of information that I would have loved to have kept but when the HardDrive goes it goes, back up for the love of jebus!

    I said it once before and i'll say it again:
    http://www.ontrackdatarecovery.com/ <This program has saved my ass plenty-o-times.
  • Filbot
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    Filbot polycounter lvl 12
    Haven't had to use this yet for data recovery... but use it to keep my drives healthy.

  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    Can definitely recommend SpinRite. Used it several times to recover data from family's, friends', and coworkers' computers. Though it does rely on the HDD being mechanically functional (not counting damaged sectors). If a platter or an arm is broken it will probably not do you much good.
  • Codeman
    In this day and age if you dont back up you deserve everything you get.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    How I learned the importance of SAVING YOUR WORK AND OFTEN:

    Once upon a time, many years ago, I was just starting out learning how to paint in photoshop. This was on quite an old computer, and none to fast. It also had almost no space left on the hard drive. Nonetheless, I perservered and created my first painting in photoshop!

    I had been learning traditional painting at the time and wanted to try it out using Photoshop as well. In the end, after quite a few hours in my all-to precious youth, it was completed and I was more than happy with the results. "Wow, I did that with Photoshop!" I thought. And then, now that it was complete, and I was ready to proudly show it to my parents... was the time to save. So, I go to save... and... like I said, there was about no space on this old computer... and it was unable to save and because it was so low on memory it crashed the program. And I lost the painting.

    No, it wasn't anything special, and it really wasn't that much time that I lost. But... it being in my youth, where spending one hour on art felt like a lot, this was traumatic!! And now... I am a saving nazi, and have been lucky to have lost nothing significant since. :)
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Sometimes when I have to go on the fly, even online storage became an option .

    Nowadays having a passport or more is good instead of just having one main hdd.
  • sub_roland
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    sub_roland polycounter lvl 12
    I've been luck over my short 2 years of digital working, and not lost anything more then a days work, due to stupidity and not saving all day, fricken zbrush. But right now im being an idiot, my computer has died on me so all my info is only on my portable right now. Not sure when im gonna back it up, want to get another portable but that unpaid internship just barely pays the bills, not sure when that is gonna happen. So untill then i am just keeping my fingers crossed to not loss my data. though it would be a good reason to start from scratch. all thoughs unfinished projects are daunting
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    See this is why I hold that a sufficiently advanced civilization will leave no trace of itself should it suffer a catastrophe.

    Long while ago, like 2001 I lost a years worth of photos, skins, and early 3d work. I then bought a CD burner.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    I lost all my early maps on a HDD crash once. Makes me sad... I´d love to go back to them and check them out. We can get pretty emotional with our early work. Well, at least they still live in my memories :)

    I also lost a lot of drawings from when I was kid when someone threw them away by mistake.
    No, it wasn't anything special, and it really wasn't that much time that I lost. But... it being in my youth, where spending one hour on art felt like a lot, this was traumatic!! And now... I am a saving nazi, and have been lucky to have lost nothing significant since.

    Yup, Valve´s Hammer Editor turned me into a saving nazi as well. People with any experience with it will know what I mean =)
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    I'd take a look at spinright, I've heard it's good for HD maintenance and if done monthly, can help warn when a drive is beginning to die. That, and just backup your work. Burn it to a disk, something.
  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 18
    I lost an hour worth of work to a corrupt zbrush file and I felt like poking my eyes out.

    almost every HDD I've owned since high school has failed catastrophically, so work gets backed up daily
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    I lost all my work for my senior studio project and a game design class during finals. I decided to reformat my drive and though I had backed up every thing. Yup I did back up everything except that work some how. Fun times.
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