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xframe flyer + girl + moof

polycounter lvl 17
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coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
I've lurked polycount for years now.

I'm kind of ashamed that I fought for cgsociety instead of Pcount in the last two wars...

things change. So I'm making this setup for portfolio reasons. Maybe get it done before domwar.
Keeps me motivated when I document what's up.

so here goes.


I intend to model the flyer, the gal, and the moof if I get to it.
People have noted what I already knew, which is that this thing would be incredibly uncomfortable to fly, but practicality really wasn't my point, I just wanted to do something cool.

Updates soon.


  • EarthQuake
    half naked ladies in robots is always win
  • super_villain
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    super_villain polycounter lvl 11
    Those shoes make the flying machine look fat. Regardless, it's time to start modeling.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    I personally feel that if when I'm concepting something and it leads to me making storyboarded thumbnails, like the one you have here, I know for a fact I've got something good, I'm going in the right direction, and should continue forward. The artist Andrew Jones once told me, if something good is happening, tape on more paper. That's always stuck with me.
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    ICESPADE polycounter lvl 15
    Awesome design. I love seeing work that makes me want to give it a go.
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    Those shoes make the flying machine look fat. Regardless, it's time to start modeling.

    I'm going to draw up the girl a bit more, get the costume down so I know what I'm doing, but after that, yes... it will be time.

    Btw, hey EQ /me wave
    you probably don't remember me.

    killingpeople> the story boards actually come from a comic I've been working on for a bit. This character and world are pretty well established in my head so I'm comfortable with it.
    I hope it translates to the character model.

  • EarthQuake
    Yeah the name seems familiar dude, were you one of the guys at raven?
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Cold was on Sapphire Scar man. You know, back when we all sucked?
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    i like the design, but it looks like it would be uncomfortable to use for extended periods of time
  • EarthQuake
    ohhhhh ok so that makes sense.
    yes yes yes, cool to see you doing some good stuff these days man, oh the sscar days, it seems like forever ago.
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    I am pretty much digging this concept.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    Welcome out of lurkerdom.
    Great colors, rendering, detailing. Like to see more of the rig (and its ladyfriend), and also a little more development of the x-frame (as you call it?) as an interesting "character" in its own right. Looks great with the girl in it, but I wonder does it have its own visual focal points, like a fuchikoma? Let's see some more.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    heya kodiak, i loved your assassin concept at last last domwar. this one's equally ace. good to see you marching for the black and green this time around!
  • Ex3
    That`s one of the best designs i have seen in weeks :)
    Congrats man.
    I`d love to use it as a wallpaper when it`s ready :)
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    love the way the design exposes/enhances the cleavage
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    I personaly like the dog the most.
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    stimpack wrote: »
    I personaly like the dog the most.

    moof.gif it likes you too.

    Marine> Yes. I think it would be uncomfortable too. I'm gonna explore making the back more suited for a human shape.

    EQ> Yes. Sscar... it was learning experiance.

    perna> I've been studying boobs just to get this right for you.

    Vrav> thank you. I'm very much digging you :D

    gauss> visual points might come in the form of the texture. Somethings not readily apparent in the picture is the helmet head guard that comes up, and these foot pedals in the back. The underside might have some visual opportunities as well.
    I'll explore it!

    Snowfly> Polycount is the place. I'm happy to be be a cgsociety traitor.

    Ex3> Thanks! I'll make sure to make pretty shots when it's done so you can have a wallpaper. I'll do my best.

    SHEPEIRO> It's not ghost in the shell, where undressing will make you invisible, but it will have to do.

    I'm finishing up the character shot. I'll probably be done later today. Thanks guys :D
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    lol so I`m guessing moof is the dog. dude your illustrarion style is SOO dope, love the mechanical bits.. glad you`ve defected from cg society. viva la revolucion!!
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    World needs more robots with attractive ladies bent over in them :D

    Looks aces.
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    konstruct> yes the moof is the dog/cat thing. Glad you like the mechanical bits. I'm glad to have defected.

    Ghostscape > Yes, more bent over attractive ladies. The world needs it :)
    char sheet

    I'm going to be looking at some of the technical aspects of the xframe before I start the girl, but I'm going to finish the girl first, and fix the sled to work with her final model.

    Probably start that up tomorrow.
  • IceWolve
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    IceWolve polycounter lvl 18
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Damn sweet concepting. So cool to see concepts that are cool because of the artists draftmanship rather than the usual photoshop trickery.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I especially enjoy your clean, concise line rendering of the mech in that top-down perspective view. It sounds dumb to ask(since I guess this is all careful craftmanship with on magic shortcut...), but I would love to hear how you approached this!

    Can't wait to see more!!
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    Glad to see I'm not the only one defecting from CGS! I love the concept work here for sure and the costume design is great! She already has so much character about her.
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    IceWolve> ...


    Blenderhead> thank you kindly

    pior> You're awesome man, love your work!
    So, unfortunately there's no trick to that drawing. I just sit down and draw it, real slow and meticulous. I had an idea in my head, I kind of knew the shapes... and so I went. The only real process is that I kind of think about how every part interacts with its adjacent parts, and making sure that I actually more or less understand the overall mechanics in my head. I just assume some parts won't work in the final model, but I give myself room to maneuver. Also I cut away some key sections and draw what's underneath to make sure I'm not missing something. I check the perspective every now and then too hah.

    Firebert > Thank you :D As I've said, I feel I know this character pretty well, so it's good to see people enjoy her company.

    Well as for working today, didn't happen. I'll definitely start tomorrow.
  • Havok
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    Havok polycounter lvl 14
    IceWolve wrote: »
    i'd hit it

    You mean the dog, right? :)

    Everything looks great so far, dude. A couple things that look off to me are:

    -The arms look a bit short, usually the hands are at about the mid-thigh area
    -The hands look a bit weird, especially her right hand. You might want to make the fingers a bit longer, too.

    Keep it up though, this is looking awesome.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    great concept work, her hands look a little too childlike...yup thats all I can come up with :P
  • 00Zero
    very nice drawings so far.

    id love to see what happens when the machine bends backwards too far ;)

    haha, man. looks so dangerous.
  • oidipusss
    Yes! that's hot! like the girls face, flyer's rear "legs" look a bit static, however it could just work out pretty well ones animated. Like this one very much, following every step!
  • larolaro
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    larolaro polycounter lvl 9
    Nice design! The robot and girl remind me of the crying wolf from mgs4 though, When she opens it up in the boss battle.
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    reminds me of this movie... probably of great interest if you havent seen it... although im sure you have.

  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    Havok + Ged> agreed on the hands. Bit whacky, will fix in the model.

    00Zero> haha. It would be dangerous. Dangerously awesome.

    oidipusss> I have plans for the back legs of the xframe. I think it'll be sweet if I do it right.

    RobG> I haven't played mgs4 yet. stoopid ps3s :P Someday though.

    Microneezia> I think I saw that movie as a little kid... bout an old man stuck in a machine, and then the machine starts acting out the thoughts of the old man if I remember correctly.
    Probably something embedded in my mind after all.

    well, here's my progress. Has a busy weekend, but I think I'll be able to have this chick essentially all done by the end of the week (minus polished textures). Don't take my word on that though.


    I'm making a body I can use for later, so I'll eventually cut out the pieces I don't need, and fix it up with the clothing models and topology.

    Saw the chick model for res 5 today. wooboy.... you guys need to check that stuff out. Chris Redfield is crazy.

    [edit] hah. Just looking at those pics I see things i need to fix. :|
    [edit again] changed pics
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