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WIP - Plasma Thrower

Hi, so this is the first time posting here. Please be kind :)

Here is a model I have been working on for a little while in my spare time. It was inspired by a concept sketch created by my friend, Andy Cotnam. http://seecotsdraw.blogspot.com/ He rocks!

Plasma Thrower
So I'm not done with the textures yet. I have to add some more dirt, fix the specular map, and the emissive map needs work.
I also want to create an effect for the plasma spewing out of the weapon.
I realize that it's pretty symmetrical, I was thinking of adding some unique details in the texture to try and make it less so.

Please feel free to comment. Feedback is always appreciated.

Created in 3ds Max and Photoshop.
7500 polys (with weapon)
2048 texture size on character
1024 texture size on weapon
3 Materials (character, weapon, transparent head glass)

rendered in 3dsmax

Diffuse / Normal / Wireframe

High poly model

Textures for character - diffuse, specular, normal, and emissive.


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