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Terminator Salvation Trailer


  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Droooool, I've been waiting for this!
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    holy shiiiiiiiiit

    edit, i hope it doesnt turn out to be a transformers ripoff.... :(
  • Farfarer
    Humm... this looks bad.

    And why we build such inefficient robots?
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Talon wrote: »
    Humm... this looks bad.

    1) Robots
    2) Explosions
    3) Christian Bale's fake raspy voice.

    How, again, could this possibly be anything but awesome?.

    Also, the last robot has a giant freaking laser cannon for a head. That seems like a pretty efficient use of engineering to me.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
  • Farfarer
    Slum wrote: »
    1) Robots
    2) Explosions
    3) Christian Bale's fake raspy voice.

    How, again, could this possibly be anything but awesome?.

    Also, the last robot has a giant freaking laser cannon for a head. That seems like a pretty efficient use of engineering to me.
    Hahah, alright, you've a point. Three, infact! Perhaps I'm look to the Terminator films for the more personal demon/friend atmosphere that T1 and 2 had. I think that's what made the first two films for me.

    As for the robots... motorbike robots? I can see that, just. Walking behemoths modeled after a bipedal human? I don't know, it looks a bit stumbly to me and with forwards firing weaponry like a human would have because that's all we can process... something more quadruped that could defend/attack from all sides would surely be a bit more efficient? There's always been something about robots modeled after the human form that feels wrong to me, somehow a very human way of looking at designing things that could be free of the limitations of the human form.
  • rebb
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    rebb polycounter lvl 17
    Batman ? Check.
    Terminator ? Check.

    Now all we need are a new RoboCop and Aliens Movie with Christian Bale in it :D.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    no.... spoilers....
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    rebb wrote: »
    Batman ? Check.
    Terminator ? Check.

    Now all we need are a new RoboCop and Aliens Movie with Christian Bale in it :D.

    The RoboCop reboot is being directed by Aronofsky!
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    rawkstar wrote: »
    no.... spoilers....
    The Terminators fail to kill John Connor...again...for like the zillionth time...
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    I'm a little on the fence with this trailer.
    The motorbike robots and lack of night fighting...i mean ALL terminator battles should take place at night!
    It was however pretty sweet to see the one woman from the the TV series be in the movie. I really dig the TV series and T1 and T2...T3 uhh...well. I'll definitely see it in theatres i just hope i see more T-100 skeletons with giant guns stomping on skulls.

    NOTE: The woman i thought was from the TV series is actually the chick from the canceled TV series "Journeyman", that was also a pretty sweet show.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    So is that guy Christian Bale is facing off against another Terminator sent to kill him from the future?

    When is Christian Bale going to stop thinking he can pull off the raspy voice?

    Trailer looks neat but I hope the story is good.
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    i don't know bout this. it's the problem i usually find in prequels these days. they create things that are more advanced than what was present in the other films. i would love to see ALL three weapons from the original:...terminator, tank thingy, flying thingy. that's it. maybe a couple of variations here and there. but man, don't go nuts cause you can(digi FX).

    it's one of the reasons the star wars prequels were all trash(one reason out of zillions). everything was so much more advanced. it just doesn't follow logic in the progression of the fictional world. it's a prequel...make it raw like the very first terminator and concentrate on the story.
  • indian_boy
    @fritz: the star wars prequels do explain the tech pretty well? the xwings could be seen in the fighter ships in episode 3, while the tie fighters could be seen in the jedi starfighters. by that i mean that we can recognize things like s-foils and general shapes etc.
    the droids were 'disbanded' because the trade federation was gotten rid of, and the clones were cheaper / already purchased, as compared to manufacturing new droids. the expanded universe explains things better. im no sw buff, but i think most things were well explained, in terms of crappification of technology

    also, this terminator isnt a prequel. its a sequel. as far as i remember, this is supposed to be after judgement day, which would put it 'ahead' of the prior 3. as such, super-tech only makes sense. also, we haven't really seen _everything_ skynet had to offer. We dont know how advanced the things were in that secret military base etc. maybe laser-head-robot already existed when we were watching t2. we'll never know.

    as long as a good explanation is given, i'll be happy

    on the note of being happy:

    i loved the T series ever since i saw T2 when i was around 5. T3 was a bit of a let down, and the lack of arnie in the upcoming trilogy slightly saddens me, but after seein this trailer, im pumped for it!
    can't wait!
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    True, the trailer doesn't make me want to see the movie at all. I don't see great acting, no great shots, no character tension, just big effects. If it weren't the terminator franchise I would just classify this as another silly scifi-action film.. which I hope it doesn't turn out to be.

    I wonder what James Cameron will say about it...
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    he has said the story ended with the first two movies.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    fritz wrote: »
    i would love to see ALL three weapons from the original:...terminator, tank thingy, flying thingy. that's it. maybe a couple of variations here and there. but man, don't go nuts cause you can(digi FX).

    <science nerd cap> I would have to say from the robots I saw in the trailer, that what we're shown in the older movies are more advanced. Basically the tech we're seeing is indicative of the situations SkyNet has to deal with. Immediately post nuclear apocalypse SkyNet has only basic robot research and manufacturing, and would probably be experimenting with the most efficient ways of killing off large swathes of unaware, unprepared, scattered human survivors who are taking to the road to meet up and scrounge for necessities (hence the motorcycle robots). Later on in the older movies we're seeing a SkyNet send the most efficient streamlined forces into battle instead of a hodge-podge of forces (its learned what forces work best and which don't), and to deal with a lot fewer, battle hardened survivors. </science nerd cap>
  • Ozymandias
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    Ozymandias polycounter lvl 18
    as far as the tech goes, you have to consider that through the first 3 movies and the tv show(if they're thinking of the show in their story progression) the timeline has been altered at least 3 times. So, the "future" has undergone what are possibly very significant changes due to what the connors were able to do in the past. Thats an easy space time continuum cop out if they want it, but it also would have an effect on what lay in store in the future. This particular trailer wasn't too impressive, but I will see anything and everything with Terminators, its just a too cool, and most likely accurate, view of humanities future.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah you can hear in the trailer Conner say this isn't the future my mother warned me about. Something has changed. So like in theory if time travel were real and you were to alter things it might create all new futures much worse or brighter then originally projected.

    I am guessing that is the case here. That things got even more fucked up and worse due to some change. I don't care to be honest. It doesn't have to fit. It's not real. Suspend the disbelief and enjoy it for what it is. A movie where dudes fight machines that want to kill you. Works for me. :)
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19

    Theres nothing special about this movie. I mean, compared to the other ones. Remember the first time you saw Terminator 2? There are so many awesome moments in that movie, it's a true classic. Wheres the awesome moments from this? It looks like a starship troopers sequel with transformers thrown in.

    I'll still go and see it though.

  • j_bradford
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    j_bradford polycounter lvl 17
    hawken wrote: »

    Theres nothing special about this movie. I mean, compared to the other ones. Remember the first time you saw Terminator 2? There are so many awesome moments in that movie, it's a true classic. Wheres the awesome moments from this? It looks like a starship troopers sequel with transformers thrown in.

    I'll still go and see it though.


    Wouldn't you need to see it first before finding that kind of thing out?
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    hawken wrote: »

    Theres nothing special about this movie. I mean, compared to the other ones. Remember the first time you saw Terminator 2? There are so many awesome moments in that movie, it's a true classic. Wheres the awesome moments from this? It looks like a starship troopers sequel with transformers thrown in.

    I'll still go and see it though.


  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    Illusions wrote: »
    ...and would probably be experimenting with the most efficient ways of killing off large swathes of unaware, unprepared, scattered human survivors who are taking to the road to meet up and scrounge for necessities...

    My suggestion to our robot overlords would be chemical/biological weapons. Why waste your time with lasers?
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    8FtSpider wrote: »
    My suggestion to our robot overlords would be chemical/biological weapons. Why waste your time with lasers?

    They covered this in a recent episode of the TV show. The metaphor was we humans are like cockroaches, you can release viruses as much as you want, some people will always be immune, and the immune people can be used to develop vaccines.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    perna wrote: »

    T1 and T2 are consistent with there being only one timeline in the telling of this story, that's the whole beauty of it, and the foundation for the theme of unrelenting hope in T2.

    well apart from that kid in T2 who's clearly at least twelve but, by the timeline, would be about seven or eight or something
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    if T2 was set in 1995, you'd think they'd have had some better coin-ops in that arcade

    oh, it's a mess
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    @ fritz: liquid metal robots are more advanced than anything in the trailer..
    edit: ok well you said first film, but still..
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    you got me there....i guess....i just get a little bit bummed out when things take the backseat to FX these days because peeps think "we can do anything these days because of computers". i know i know...making real robots is expensive. hahahahaha. but sometimes i really think that peeps making movies these days focus to much on money shots with FX. don't get me wrong i love FX. but man...it seems there is a rawness lost sometimes. in the old days things had to be built...like for real. and since that was so expensive(not saying digiFX are cheap), it was usually a one shot mentality. and they would just have to work with what they had in certain shots. and it had more character in my opinion. i promise you...that if the original terminator used CG....it wouldn't have been such a raw movie. and that's how i like my flix! for example....THE THING. if it used CG....would not have been as good. no way. in many cases...i prefer puppets. maybe i'm off subject...hahaha....had a couple two or tree beers. ha.
  • ebagg
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    no epic ahnold 1 liners? movie phails. D:
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