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3D Coat - have we done this yet?

polycounter lvl 18
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headengine polycounter lvl 18

Rick and I are just playing with this in work - seems to have a cool featureset and for the price certainly could do a few things very very well - enough to justify the price, anyway.

3D paint - retopo tools - sculpting - PSD layers - a whole bunch of stuff:

Be warned though - the UI is programmer art and pretty grim.... but once you find it hidden in a submenu, you might just find it very useful...



  • Eric Chadwick
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    Yeah, I was just looking at this yesterday, want to play with it some, see how it performs.

    An older thread.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Not really sold on it, for a little more you can a lot more, in either Mudbox or ZBrush.

    The Re-Topo tools are interesting but I already have ways of handling that efficiently.

    It suffers from some of the same ui issues Zbrush does. If I was going to have a bear of a time learning one or the other I'd have to pick the expanded feature set and mountains of documentation for ZBrush.

    The gallery examples are not that amazing, I see a lot of;
    Dino's: Dino skin is one of the easiest kinds of very forgiving detail, see the mudbox2009 frog painting demo. Hopefully the dino examples are pointing to its modeling prowls?
    Bugs black/grey fill + spec, ding done!
    classic hallmark of "every time I try to make a pretty human it comes out alien"
    Poorly painted faces. Not sure how much of that is the app holding the artist back or the other way around.

    Maybe its too early to tell, maybe this is just the first step in many to come. Rick wasn't wrong about Silo so I'll keep checking on this one. It's worth watching this one grow when the titans are not thrashing about making headlines.
  • headengine
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    headengine polycounter lvl 18
    The 3D painting seems to be coming out best here: could still do with a lot more finesse (and options) but its nice and fast and seems initially better - for example - for seam overpaints etc. than going to zbrush/zapplink...

    Needs more of a battering i think
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    The Painting is pretty solid and even has a zapplink feature that works with all layers. Support for psd layers is awesome in fact. The retopo tools gather together all the best features from other programs. The sculpting needs more work, but there is an update coming in a few weeks apparently that will add volumetric sculpting to the mix, which might just up the game in that area.

    I've decided to buy it just for the paint and retopo tools for now, but I want to play around some more with the sculpting to see what I can do with it anyway. You can paint directly to the normal map with depth info - which might be more useful once Andrew adds better support for working with low rez meshes (also coming soon).

    If you haven't been following this software, this guy is a friggin machine. The updates have been coming fast and furious since it was released not too long ago. 64 bit and cuda support also on their way, which will give it a massive performance boost.

    Make suggestions on the forum, andrew is pretty good at answering and implementing new features that way. Hell I submitted a bug report a few demos back and he sent me a new .exe with a fix when it wouldn't run on vista 64. That's pretty cool. I've only seen response like that from Nevercenter with Silo in the past. Definitely worth keeping your eye on this one.
  • EarthQuake
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    Gwot wrote: »
    You can paint directly to the normal map with depth info - which might be more useful once Andrew adds better support for working with low rez meshes (also coming soon).

    This is something that i've been wanting to see out of an app for a long time. It just seems like common sense. If you could crank out your Low-Medium freq. details, bake that down, then load up your lowpoly and be able to use the same sculpt/paint tools to create the high freq. detail. Seems like a much better solution that needing to create some 25 million poly mesh just for little details.
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    Those retopo tools look fantastically simplistic to use... I definitely need to give this a whirl, thanks for the heads up on this one guys.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    I'm gonna give the demo a try, I've been wanting someting to make painting models easier. Maybe even just as a hack/slash combo with photoshop. Mainly for seams ands stuff, haven't tried mudbox either yet so this could be good.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Painting from a photo worked really well in it - place the mesh over the image and zoom/rotate either the image or the mesh to line them up, then simply paint that image directly onto your mesh.

    Realtime painting of specular values is great, but I want to play with it more.

    It's a helluva lot more intuitive that Zapplink, and the painting engine (with MULTI LAYER PSD SUPPORT!!!11one) is worth the money alone.

    I'd like to see it get a an overhaul in the UI front (too many options and menus, it almost like Blender). There are 6 or 7 load/import/merge options which could be drastically reduced (this is something I can't praise Silo for enough).

    Oh, it's Mac and PC.
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    I think the UI is more a result of such a rapid development pace. For the most part it works, but it needs refinement for sure. Will be interesting to see how it evolves now that more professionals are starting to play with it and give feedback. Andrew seems pretty open to doing whatever it takes to make the user base happy with it. I want to play with some keybinds and such more before I make any suggestions myself.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I've been playing with the Mac version tonight, and it's got some quite nice retopology tools. It feels a little clunky in places, but as Gwot says it could evolve very quickly with more production artists giving it a go.
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    If you're looking for purely retopology, there is Topogun. Just sign up for the beta, and have fun. I haven't used it in awhile, but for characters it is awesome. http://www.topogun.com/
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    New alpha version of 3.0 with some volumetric sculpting tools to play with is available in the forum.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Oh nice! We just bought a few copies.
  • ghib
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    Bought myself a copy of this too. It still has loads of little issues that I hope don't get overlooked now that Andrew is crashing on with the Volumetric sculpting in Alpha 3.0. I hope to see..

    -Better integration of PSD files (currently it doesn't always keep layer order on reimport.)
    -More solid mesh recapture in the Retopology tools (doesn't currently match Topogun on this one.)
    -Paint tools are a bit flaky still as it works on a type of subdivided vertex painting system instead of uv space. here
    -faster brush speed, currently it doesn't always produce smooth results.
    -colour spec.

    having said that it does many other things well so I can forgive them.
  • funshark
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    funshark polycounter lvl 16
    ghib wrote: »
    -Better integration of PSD files (currently it doesn't always keep layer order on reimport.)
    -Paint tools are a bit flaky still as it works on a type of subdivided vertex painting system instead of uv space. here
    -faster brush speed, currently it doesn't always produce smooth results.
    -colour spec.

    having said that it does many other things well so I can forgive them.

    Yeah, same here, but i'm waiting for these to buy.
    Plus :
    - Meshes with PSD assigned doesn't load with the PSD
    - We can't paint on alpha channel in PSD yet
    - Brushes engine isn't well finished and comprehensive yet
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Does it still have the Little Jesus warning?
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    There's some personal belief/non-lewd materials request during install if that's what you mean... but like any eula, I pretty much ignored it. It has no effect on me using the program at all so who cares? Odd thing to include though I thought.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well yeah I see your point, I guess I should give the prog a try no matter what ; and I think I indeed tried it some time ago when it was called differently.

    I just felt personally offended when reading that eula - why would the software author want to impose personal beliefs on his userbase? I just don't get it, that's quite disrespectful of other people beliefs if you ask me (no matter what they are).
  • Michael Knubben
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    Agreed, but I did the same thing as Gwot. If anything, it's incredibly na
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Whats the regular price of it? It says $120 now, until September 15th, if its really that good, and is really going to go back up a lot, I might snatch a copy of it before it does...
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Searched for "price" on their forum
    Upgrade to 3.0 will not be free. 2.00 was released almost year ago and since that time we had 10 free updates, every of them was really big.
    So, 3.0 is not free especially because of it's neew features. But upgrade will cost

    Price_of_3 - 120 + Add_value
    Add_Value is approx 20$

    Price_of_3 will be approximately 180-200 at start point and will grow then.
    After 15 of september price will grow slightly, maybe 140-150.
  • Mr GetDown
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    Mr GetDown polycounter lvl 18
    pior wrote: »
    Well yeah I see your point, I guess I should give the prog a try no matter what ; and I think I indeed tried it some time ago when it was called differently.

    I just felt personally offended when reading that eula - why would the software author want to impose personal beliefs on his userbase? I just don't get it, that's quite disrespectful of other people beliefs if you ask me (no matter what they are).

    I can't remember what the exact statement was exactly but I'm sure the jest of it was just a plea not to create controversially lied/distasteful work, not to pirate is software, and be good to one another?
    It ain't no biggie, or something to get worked up over if u ask me. I can't see anything wrong with asking that of people. But that’s just me & my 2 cents.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I hope I am not derailing the thread too much. But then again, it's written in the text that one needs to 'agree' with when installing the app.

    GetDown, my problem lies exactly here. What if someone wants to make some kind of art statement through a distasteful or controversial piece? Not everything is spacemarine or CareBear. Asking for a certain type of artwork and not another is quite naive, like Pea said. This text sure has no weight whatsover, but I just have that one weird chill down my spine when I read it! By this I am not saying I feel offended in my beliefs ; mostly offended by how the software author considers that one type of art is right, and not another. I am fine with him believing it; but asking users to share this point of view *is* being disrespectful to them.

    Can't wait to try the demo tho haha!
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    I think I'll look into this one closer. I tried the demo before, but gave up on it too quickly I believe.

    As for the EULA. We know that unreasonable EULAs (such as this one) never hold up in court if it would come to that. I have to say the devil in me kind of wants to break it on purpose just for the hell of it.. :shifty:
  • Mr GetDown
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    Mr GetDown polycounter lvl 18
    :) I'm sure you'll like it.
  • ghib
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    There's a lot of fuss being made about nothing here. It's shaping up to be a totally frikkin awesome app regardless of the guys denomination. You seem of strong enough mind Pior so I'm sure you'll be able to withstand the temptation of becoming a devout christian yourself.
  • Mark Dygert
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    So wait... we can or we can not use it to make demon-Jesus killing kittens?

    I still might use it, but I don't like the idea that someone tries to sneak extra stuff into the EULA that really doesn't deal with the software.
  • ghib
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    Vig wrote: »
    So wait... we can or we can not use it to make demon-Jesus killing kittens?

    You could, but he might revoke your license :p
  • Michael Knubben
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    It doesn't seem like a lot of fuss to me, Ghib. Just an opinion. One you don't need to sign with 'I agree to these terms' to continue using the forum, so that seems alright, eh? ;)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    so uhhhh anyone gonna post any work they've done using this?
  • Mr GetDown
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    Mr GetDown polycounter lvl 18
    MightyPea wrote: »
    It doesn't seem like a lot of fuss to me, Ghib. Just an opinion. One you don't need to sign with 'I agree to these terms' to continue using the forum, so that seems alright, eh? ;)
    Dude, that's a bad example. He doesn't blackmail people into changing their opinions. I believe a closer example would be the rules and guidelines that every forum has. An example of one would be. "Don't flame..." and the relevant consequence is given for not following the rules, a ban. I can't see how this is different from what he's doing, other than him being religious... and religion being an unpopular trend.

    Ok back to 3D-Coat :D
    When sculpting I find its workflows need ironing out and the tools need refining. I think there's a big danger of him taking on too many feature requests from hobbyist and neglecting it production values. Although in its current state it can be very useful.

    I'll give you the heads-up as it’s not immediately obvious how 3dcoat works when you start playing. A lot of people think it's just like zbrush/mudbox. But you’re not actually sculpting in its main window, your creating normal maps, that’s then are converted to a displacement maps, that then updates a large subdivided mesh. So your initial strokes are actually flat and won't be in relief until your brush stroke ends and then it immediately updates the subdivided mesh. Sculpting is done in a different mode.
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    As of alpha40 the volumetric sculpting is quite nice! He's got a 64 bit version working too now, though I think performance could be better, it's nice that he's got a serparate build for that now. Not bad at all though overall. I've been messing around doing quick sketches with the volumetric tools and I gotta say, as somone who loved using Zspheres, the volumetric approach frees you from topology issues much more than they ever did. You can literally build out a human form for instance just from the default sphere.

    Sculpting onto a 2d plane is another good way to start complex forms, since you can just thicken them up from there and bend them into the pose/shape you need with the new transpose tool (needs some work too but works ok for a start).
  • Michael Knubben
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    Hey Gwot, if you find the time, d'you reckon you could get some videos of you using it up?
    The 'videos' on the website aren't too helpful in that regard, they're more instructional than being good for showing off the tools.
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Hmm yeah I can see your point. It's really only been the last couple builds that I've found myself enjoying using the voxel sculpting though. Originally the voxel sculpting felt very lumpy and hard to manage - much smoother now.

    I'll see about doing some vids - I'd like to do some for work anyway. I also started a wip/sketch thread on the 3dcoat site to sort of document some of my stumbling around in the program. Nothing fancy, just quick doodles messing with the tools and fishing for workflows. I put up a couple images there that sort of show how quickly you can get from a sphere to a human body if that helps. I didn't use anything other than the build brush and the transpose tool, with maybe some move brush thrown in for tweaking.

    I'll keep updating it as I go... I want to mess with other areas too like retopo and painting/baking stuff etc.

    Link: http://3dbrush.kriska.hvosting.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1850

    Note: one thing that was pointed out to me (after I found out the hard way) is that increasing the voxel resolution in the tool panel causes a performance hit. I did this a few times without realizing when I was goofing around with my first sketch. You can get around it somewhat by hiding parts of the sculpt but I would just avoid up-rez'ing at all for now if possible. The performance hit you take for it isn't worth it. So in that sense, you still kindof need to start low, and work up just like in mud/zb. It's best to just let the program add volume to the sculpt as you build it out on its own. My second sketch shows the resolution changing automatically as I flesh out the piece.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    3D Coat looks really promising and especially I like the painting tools and retop tools, would love to be able to make textures and normals without dishing out 5 million polygons for a cube just to get decent details. Regarding the UI, I would REALLY recommend that if some people know a lot about UIs and how the best and intuitive way would be to make it, post it on 3D Coats forum and give the suggestions. He listens to the userbase and a lot of the stuff (if not most) in 3D Coat is created from user suggestions. It will help him making the changes faster if people give him some valid and detailed suggestions. :)
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    CUDA support in alpha42 is pretty sweet... significant performance increase with voxel sculpting on my 64 bit machine.
  • Nate3d
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    Nate3d polycounter lvl 10
    Hello! I use this program! :D


    I'm used to Bodypaint's interface, and right from the start 3d-coat's interface made a ton more sense to me than zBrush. I was able to bang out a mesh in Maya, bring it into 3d-coat, texture and sculpt it all up, and export it back into Maya with normal maps and everything after about 30 minutes of messing around with it. I can't say the same for zBrush in my own experience, though I think zBrush definitely has a ton more features.

    I was sold on 3d-coat after a couple hours of using it. Bought my own copy the next day. If you're already a zBrush expert and actually own it, then this program probably wont do much for you. Otherwise, it's definitely worth the price in my opinion. Just my $0.02 :)
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Pea... couple vids I did that showcase some of the tools. The second one is more about just filling in the hand so you could probably skip it after the transpose tool use at the start. Was just having a bit of fun with the 2d-Paint brush initially and decided to record it. Probably not the best way to make a hand but it does illustrate how you can hash stuff out on a 2d plane and then go 3d with it. If there's anything specific you'd like to see just ask. I'm starting to get a better feel for the tools in general.

  • ironbearxl
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    ironbearxl polycounter lvl 18
    That's kickass Gwot, I tried out the trial last night after seing this thread and made a funky batman head from a sphere:


    The retopology tools look really good, i'm wondering how they compare to silo, modo, topogun, etc?
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Heheh that's cool IronBear, hope you're having fun with it... for me that's what I like best about the voxel sculpting... I don't even really think about polygons until much later. I've been doodling and doing random sketches a lot more lately because of this program and it feels good.

    I really like the retopology tools myself. I was thinking of doing another vid on their use in fact. The best thing about them is that you can use them right over top of your voxel sculpt - no need to down rez and export to another program. They are like a mix of most of my favorite features in all the other programs.

    I should point out that using that 2d - Paint brush to sketch out the hand at first could probably have just resized the brush and done the hand in under 10 strokes. I messed around with it later and got a much faster base sketched out. Another fast way to tackle a hand would be to take the default sphere, flatten it a bit to block out the palm of the hand, then use the curve tools to draw out each finger (curves turn into voxel mesh, which you can then control the thickness and length of at each control point - kinda like zspheres). You could also just brush the fingers out from the hand using the build, spray/thaw or airbrush tools with a high strength setting - kinda like this dude I did really quickly just to test out my camtasia settings:


    With no real topology limitations you're free to sculpt whatever complex shapes you want from a simple sphere.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Thanks for the vids, neat tools.
  • kary
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    kary polycounter lvl 18
    Tried it for a few hours over the weekend and found it pretty impressive. The brush feel and fine detail are not there yet (ie: three million polys and the face is still unworkably light -- I expect he'll be able to do localized detail, or something, with time though).

    I started this with the default Silo man primitive and arrived at this. It'd be hard to switch from a biped to a slug's body mid sculpt in ZB, but it was painless with this.


    No subtools, brush feel and detail would be the cons. The ease to lose yourself in a sculpt is right up there with ZB already though -- the interface is natural, if a bit cluttered.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Is there a way to stretch/push/pull voxel matter from a side view? The voxel stuff blew my mind today bot I couldn't find a simple 'move' tool.
    Also is there a way to change the camera bahaviour? Seems like it is locked to the last surface being hovered on. Super annoying haha :D
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Pior: there are controls for ortho/persp toggle in the top right corner, as well as viewport dropdowns for changing the angle. As for shifting voxels around there's the move tool which acts kindof like a tweak brush, the Vox Follow brush, which is more like a smear brush and you can also use the transpose tool, which tends to give you more freedom to do large stretches, rotations etc (good for use in ortho views too).

    The 2nd video I linked above in the hand series shows me using transpose right at the start, along with 'Select With Pen' as the falloff type (Transpose mode). This allows you to paint the area you want the transpose tool to affect.
  • Mr GetDown
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    Mr GetDown polycounter lvl 18
    Voxels strikes me as a hobbiest tool. As it's seems based on creating a models with no prior thought?
    Probably will end up being a lot of fun to use but I can't see voxels being used in the office
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Thanks Gwot, will look into that.
    GetDown, yeah sure more flexibility is never good huh!
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Welcome Pior!

    ...just another quick update to add. Andrew included a turntable render feature in the latest build so I did a couple quick renders on some sketches I've done with voxels lately.

    Mostly just quick stuff, though I've been going back over the swamp troll to see if I can refine it further. The CUDA support will definitely allow me to push the detail more on it so we'll see how it turns out I guess:


    And a retopo i also did in 3dcoat from the voxel zombie sketch (optimized in silo afterward):
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Haha okay just found the move tool, didn't see it yesterday for some reason.

    Voxels truly are fantastic to work with. Find myself thinking just like with real clay instead of worrying about mesh stretching aso. It feels new just like in the days when Zbrush first came out - except, much more flexible!! I'm glad this tech is not limited to that expensive FreeForm app anymore.
    Great for a first pass to be mudboxed later. I can see a new breed of alien test heads coming up! :P

    A few minutes worth of voxeling around:
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Nice use of voxels... you too kary. Shows off the complexity of form you can achieve with little effort.
  • funshark
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    funshark polycounter lvl 16
    pior wrote: »
    Voxels truly are fantastic to work with. Find myself thinking just like with real clay instead of worrying about mesh stretching aso. It feels new just like in the days when Zbrush first came out - except, much more flexible!! I'm glad this tech is not limited to that expensive FreeForm app anymore.
    Great for a first pass to be mudboxed later. I can see a new breed of alien test heads coming up! :P

    A few minutes worth of voxeling around:

    Eheh it's nice to see how your artistic touch is very well transposed on voxel clay
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