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CS4 3d paint thread.

Alright so one of the guys here just gave me a quick little demo, and i'll say that it looks better than i thought it would. Now, that isnt saying much, and i really dont know how usefull it will be, some of the things seem very quirky, in a "baby's first 3d app" sort of way.

Anyway, if anyone here has given it some extensive use, please feel free to share your thoughts.


  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    im actually pretty interessted in this stuff - i dont do any normalmap things at work so just simple diffuse painting would help quite a bit. so i would appreciate any informations :D
  • silversteez
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    i had a quick 30 minute session with it a few days ago and i was impressed, but i came into it with pretty low expectations. loaded a 50,000 tri obj, tweaked the default lighting and material setup, and did some projection painting. the brush and clone tools worked well, though i was always able to see my uv seams clearly--not sure if this is a rendering or painting limitation. rotation around the the model was sluggish with my 8800gt, but not toooo painful. had to set-up opengl rendering in the preferences to activate gpu acceleration which appeared to be off by default.

    i'm hoping we will get upgrades at work. the implementation seems a bit clunky overall, but the projection painting was satisfying. i'm looking forward to doing some more research/experimentation.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    yeah might get to play with this soon, really want it for applying decal etc to funky geometry how good id=s it for that?
  • Psixos
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    Some detailed info on some of the 3d tools can be found here
  • Mark Dygert
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    Silvers, I think the seams you see are actual breaks in the geometry along the UV's?
    I think its the fault of either the exporter you used or the importer Adobe is using, probably the later?
  • Michael Knubben
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    Don't play with my emotions like this, guys.
    Are you saying it's actually not shit beyond belief?

    I'll probably stick with cs3 untill I can actually use their OpenGL acceleration (only on vista64, right?), but I'll give the demo a go to test the painting.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    i want cs4 only because it has canvas rotation. :P.
  • silversteez
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    MightyPea wrote: »
    I'll probably stick with cs3 untill I can actually use their OpenGL acceleration (only on vista64, right?), but I'll give the demo a go to test the painting.

    i tested it on xp and had OpenGL acceleration...unless i turned it on in the preferences and it didn't do anything? it seemed to be working, as far as i could tell. i do think it will only run in 64bit mode on vista64, though (xp64 is a no go).
  • Michael Knubben
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    Ah, thanks for the clarification. That might actually be where my misunderstanding comes from.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Wow that's a lot more in depth and advanced then I originally saw. I'm a bit more optimistic about it and look forward to checking it out.

    But, I have to say the way they create and manipulate lights is kind of messed up. I'm not sure if it can do 100% self illum? But the bump painting tools are pretty cool.
  • robioto
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    robioto polycounter lvl 18
    It's a little slow on my laptop but I think it might be my outdated graphics drivers. It sure does seem promising feature wise and I'm due for a new computer soon anyway.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you pros figure out regarding workflow, tips, etc.
  • funshark
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    funshark polycounter lvl 16
    Vig wrote: »
    Wow that's a lot more in depth and advanced then I originally saw. I'm a bit more optimistic about it and look forward to checking it out.

    But, I have to say the way they create and manipulate lights is kind of messed up. I'm not sure if it can do 100% self illum? But the bump painting tools are pretty cool.

    It can do 100% self illum and others.
    But the way we manipulate the camera and the overall speed on a 250 tri mesh with 512px texture is not really good to work with in production.

    Same for the rotation tool, the Kuler tool and the brush size tool...
    Ideas are good but integration are not.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    this might just trump mudbox for me, by the looks of things.. (and depending on the painting response) the painting was a more exciting aspect to me
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Vig wrote: »
    But, I have to say the way they create and manipulate lights is kind of messed up

    export a light set-up with wour model.

    ( export scene as collada .dae )
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    Looks retarded. Could have been good but they focused on rendering workflow instead of creation so you end up with useless crap. The fact that the entire feature is based on a "3d layer" is terrible.

    The obvious and better way is just give you a 3d viewport along with your PSD and allow you to go between them and paint, keeping your exact same UI and layer options when using the 3d viewport...
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    The obvious and better way is just give you a 3d viewport along with your PSD and allow you to go between them and paint, keeping your exact same UI and layer options when using the 3d viewport...

    totally agree with you on that. I just want photoshop painting tools as we currently have them but on a 3D model as a canvas.

    My guess is that they are expecting 3D artist to just make a model and then hand over the responsibility for the colour/texture and lighting to the 2D designers to do all the rest. I can imagine this working for product design prototypes etc but for the most part I would prefer to see 3D lightinging, texturing and rendering done in a 3D app by 3D artists.
  • funshark
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    funshark polycounter lvl 16
    perna wrote: »
    you two guys, I'm sure you're familiar enough with development to know that such expectations for a first iteration toolset are way beyond the bounds of what you can realistically expect.

    I'm all right with you about that, but this first iteration is way too late considering the market.
    And we still don't have a color selector constantly opened.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    perna wrote: »
    Here's a registry hack to get ogl working on xp64.

    thanks a lot for that, that was one of the problems i was having in x64

    anyways i played with for few hours and the painting some what serves its purpose. that is if you want to mainly fix seams and do minor texturing.

    i noticed some bugs that stopped me from doing a full blown texturing. the texture connection was buggy. sometime i would paint in the actual texture and go back to the 3d and it would update smart object to reflect all the change i did. same way if i painted something in the 3d view it updated in the selected layer i had in the psd file. but sometimes it disconnects and i would have to reconnect the texture. it also creates a cache texture by itself sometimes in C: drive. i may be doing something wrong too.

    the painting is definitely more useful than zapplink, zbrush or new mudbox or even body paint.

    whats also useful is the ability to pain bump in realtime and see how it looks, same goes for alpha. i am not sure how the specular works.

    painting across seams is working ok too.

    some of the bugs i had may be due to lack of openGL acc, so i will give it another try with the fix above.
    The obvious and better way is just give you a 3d viewport along with your PSD and allow you to go between them and paint, keeping your exact same UI and layer options when using the 3d viewport...

    the canvas is pretty much the viewport, you can navigate around it, change light directions etc. the 3d layer is basically the portal to the 3d viewport and the texture viewport.

    also, it has a normal map channel i think and may be using object space normals instead of tangent space.
  • silversteez
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    turns out the weird seams i was getting on my first attempts were indeed just a bad obj import/export. played a bit more yesterday and everything was looking nice and clean with no problem painting across uv seams.

    the biggest workflow problem i had was the same as MM experienced: the connection between the 3D layer and its corresponding texture would stop working after awhile. meaning you paint a few strokes in 3D and the texture updates immediately, paint a few strokes on the texture and the 3D model updates quickly, paint a few more strokes on the texture and....nothing. you have to close the texture and reopen it. this is a MAJOR workflow killer and will hopefully be fixed asap.
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    They probably implemented it this way more for their main market than for film or game asset painting. As far as user base goes we're an afterthought to adobe.

    anyways i played with for few hours and the painting some what serves its purpose. that is if you want to mainly fix seams and do minor texturing.

    That's pretty much all I want/need out of a 3d painter. Much prefer it to be right inside photoshop myself, since I'm using it anyway for most of the texture work.

    I really need to try this and see for myself.

    Was thinking about upgrading anyway just for the 64 bit version and canvas rotation. Guess I'll think about it a little harder now.
  • silversteez
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    the new dodge and burn tools, by the way, are much improved and very usable for quick fixes now. very nice.
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    The trial is available for download now if anyone wants to mess with this stuff. I'm having some issues with obj import not working right... very similar to Enzo in fact. Will try some others too...
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Ok, first impressions were a little frustrating, but after getting the hang of using 'n' (sticky key) to toggle viewport rotation etc, it's not so bad (will probably reassign this later though). It's easy enough to flow between navigation and brush mode this way. Brushes work pretty well on the 3d object. Importing normal maps helps to paint on a low rez object. Not a big fan of the lighting setup but maybe I need more time with it - it's customizable at least. This is a much more useful 3d painting setup than mudbox's first gen attempt, and definitely makes Enzo kinda redundant (and actually works on my machine). I also like how you can alt+right click/drag to resize the brush on the fly - nice addition for painting in general.

    Still messing around, but already I'm enjoying this more than using modo, mudbox, zbrush Enzo or anything else I've tried so far for painting in 3d. It's definitely not perfect but it's much better than I expected. Most important of all is that it's photoshop.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    hm worked with it on average machines and it was slow like hell on >1000tri meshes, will give it a try on my quad with a 8800GT but after seeing that i'm not looking forward, will stay on deeppaint for this iteration i guess
  • Michael Knubben
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    Cool Gwot, thanks for sharing that. I think I'll give the demo a go sometime this week. For me, the biggest advantage would be the fact that it's photoshop, and I know my way around it. Oh, and I can use all of my own brushes.
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Neox: yeah I should mention I'm using it on a 64 bit quad core machine with 8 gigs and an 8800GT as well. I'll try it on my work system too, which is a 32 bit machine with 4gigs and an 8600. I was testing with a 4k polygon mesh. Will try to use the same one on the other machine and compare.

    Pea: yeah custom brushes, and just being able to add new layers as I needed made me smile. My main 3d painting app before this was modo and I really hated the lack of layer support in it. It really turned me off of using the app in general for 3d painting. I think I will probably upgrade my copy of photoshop over modo and mudbox for now, as neither of those offers as much as I would like for paint work at this time. I'm spending less on software these days so putting my upgrade money where it counts the most has become a bit more important.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    Gwot wrote: »
    ... I'll try it on my work system too, which is a 32 bit machine with 4gigs and an 8600. I was testing with a 4k polygon mesh. Will try to use the same one on the other machine and compare.
    sorry for the useless nag but its 3GB as 32-bit does only allow you to adress 3 GB ram
  • Toast
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    Toast polycounter lvl 11
    Anyone find it difficult to paint accurately?
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    the framerate is not so good as SAI or OpenCanvas,- if you have Photoshop CS2 or CS its almost double the framerate in those older Photoshop releases. Of course if you ahve a quadCore with 8 GB ram it might be running pretty smooth but on regular working computers its alot slower than other competors in my oppinion
  • Michael Knubben
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    Render: are you sure? It has only half the framerate as --say-- Photoshop cs1?
    That has to be a bug, right? Otherwise that'd just be scandalous!

    Can anyone check whether they get a lower framerate in cs4 than in an older version of ps?
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    well haven' measured but I have here Photoshop CS2, CS3 and CS4 installed and since CS3 the interface is notable slower.
    Got a OpenCanvas trial isntalled as well and the sampling frequency as well as the framerate (booth = smoothness) feels in Phtoshop <CS2 and the others so much faster.

    I work alot with Flash and its basicly the same since the MX2004 release and even worth in CS3 (flash cs3) the GUI performance got the worst of all.

    But back on track:
    if you want to boost the performance in Photoshop CS3+ goto full screen (2x [f] key) and hide the tools [tab]-key that should speed up things.
    Other things that help is to disable the Version Cue and the font preview- its makes switching tools and esspecially the texttool alot faster.

    As for my expierence with the GPU support:
    it actually made the photoshop expierence very bad- the whole navigation (zoom, drag, pan,...) was extremely slow (felt like 4-8 fps). So I assume that my GFX card is not yet so well supported or my computer lacks something else.
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah I'm aware of how xp uses the ram. Regardless, physically there are 4 gigs of ram plugged into the motherboard. =]

    CS4 definitely runs slower on my work machine, but that was to be expected. The most noticeable issue when I loaded up the same 4k mesh and psd file was the 3d viewport being extremely slow during navigation. I could see it struggling to update as I rotated it, dropping frames like crazy to keep up, but I could still paint on it reasonably. All the newer software runs like ass on that machine though. Mudbox 1 runs better on it than 2009 - texture painting in that program was even worse for performance than CS4. Time to upgrade the hardware I think.
  • EarthQuake
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  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    renderhjs this is indeed a fascinating, on topic subject in my opinion.

    How COME that painting in CS3 or CS4 is much slower than in CS1 on the same machine? I understand that a newer release of a program is bound to introduce new features that might require stronger hardware. But how come that menus or even brush strokes become slower and slower? Isn't code supposed to be improved with time?

    BTW I tried some CS4 painting on one of the very lowpoly Bobo head models with a 512*256 and it was unuseable even on a badass Vistax64 machine. Haaaaaaaa!
  • Toast
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    Toast polycounter lvl 11
    pior wrote: »
    Isn't code supposed to be improved with time?

    Yeah, it kind of reminds me of Blinn's law:

    "That law,” Grant says, “is that any renderer, no matter how fast processors get, will always take a couple of hours, because that's the tolerance level of artists".

    The same goes with programs as well, perhaps?
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    Its the GUI that has far more events running and effects (soft shadows , rounded anti-aliased corners [alpha buffer]) and to some extend everything CPU processed.

    I have been complaining about this for years already on the flash site- many people there even switched to other dev and coding tools because writing and editing code in FLash has become almost impossible due the horrible GUI performance.

    Its the same sadly with Photoshop,- with instant actions such as copy, paste, delete, filters,... you wont notice much of it but if you paint a speedy performance is very important so that the high pressure frequency of a Wacom tablet makes even sense.
    Sadly GUI performance (not filter render speed) hasn't been on the photoshops todo list since CS3 - I hope that the next version will run significantly faster when painting.

    Of course the whole performance issue is less of a problem if I work on my QuadCore but on a 3000 Ghz or Dual Core its sometimes more or less noteable - and it sucks.

    I noticed for example that OpenCanvas on the other hand is highly optimized for high response painting but as soon as you do some layer merging or other layer based actions (filters, copy,paste, selections move,...) it gets horrible slow. So my guess is that OpenCanvas has some robust caching mechanics that are more optimzed for painting and not like Photoshop just for displaying large documents.

    not sure if it was already posted here but this is a nice offcial guide on how to tweak Photoshop CS4 as it is kinda a known issue at adobe:
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    arrggg i'm having the same troubles with cs4 in my work machine, i can't explain myself how it's possible cs3 runs better than cs4 64bits.

    Some of the new features are useless for me, and some others are great. The smudge tool in cs4 64 is better than in cs3, more poweful, but image scrolling is slower and not so smooth as in cs3 :S. Pencil of radius 800 or higher are much slower in CS4. When i create a new image of 5000x3400 cs4 64 is a rocket :D, cs3 takes a bit.

    This version is a bad thing, i use too many plugins...
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Also it seems like every newly purchased Photoshop license has to be a CS4 one. Duh...
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    I noticed a huge performance drop in cs4 as well when I trialed it on my system. The dumb thing is, the way I got performance back to cs2/3 levels was by... turning off gpu acceleration. Mind you, I have a pretty decent gpu (9500M on my lappy, with half a gig of dedicated vram, runs plenty of current games quite well). Another friend with a high-end ATI card also experienced the same thing. Turn off gpu acceleration, and bam! instant 2-400% performance boost.

    Of course, turning that off removes the ability to rotate the canvas (I don't know if it removes 3d paint though).

    Completely idiotic, if you ask me.
  • Toast
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    Toast polycounter lvl 11
    Third party plug-ins written for 32-bit versions of Windows will not work when you run the 64-bit version of Photoshop. If you need to use plug-ins that haven't been updated, run the 32-bit version of Photoshop

    I can't even open the 32 bit PS on Vista 64 at work...it crashes before it even opens!

    I haven't had much experience with Photoshop (had the old CS for a long time) before upgrading, but are Adobe usually good with releasing patches and upgrades?
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    I keep CS2 installed 'just in case' cuz it runs a hell of a lot smoother too. I'll probably upgrade to CS4 just because it does run ok on my 64 bit machine and has some nice features I want, but it really is kinda pathetic that Adobe couldn't optimize this stuff a lot better.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    not in the least bit impressed with the speed on mine.. for me mudbox 2009 has more use just from the speed standpoint. also all my controls in 3d seem to be reversed
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    hmm tried it today, it loaded in a 3000 poly character head with colour and normal map in bump channel and it looked alright but I wanted to projection pant some texture onto the model from a photo texture layer above the 3D layer and I cant find any way of doing that in the 3D mode, is it possible?

    Ive still got to try painting a blank character in CS4 with a fresh diffuse etc.
  • silversteez
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    you can place the photo off to the side and use the clone stamp on the 3D layer. you can also just get the photo layer lined up over the 3D layer so it looks good and then hit ctrl-E to collapse it (project it) onto the 3D object--i'm pretty sure that worked when i was playing with CS4.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    you can place the photo off to the side and use the clone stamp on the 3D layer. you can also just get the photo layer lined up over the 3D layer so it looks good and then hit ctrl-E to collapse it (project it) onto the 3D object--i'm pretty sure that worked when i was playing with CS4.

    thanks alot, clone does work! that was wierd though, I guess they expect you to place the texture that you want to project onto the layer above and use opacity of about 30% and then clone brush it onto the model. works well enough, I might start using this more actually.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    what the heck this sucks, how does straight up painting run like ass???? like in a 1000px image my brush lags like hell with just a circular brush. This is on a dual core w/ 16 GB of ram. tried turning on aero and 1 monitor, nothing helps :( not to mention 3d painting is slow as well. cmon adobe.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah I am having crazy lag issues with CS4 and this was on an even smaller image then jordan mentioned. quad core set up with 8 gigs of ram as well. home set up was the same with dual core and 4 gigs.

    Seriously wtf.

    It has been like this since CS2 on Vista.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    my machine is fairly old by pc standards. 7900gs, 3gb ram, 3.2ghz AMD processor, running 32bit at the moment, and i have no slowdown at all =/
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    turning off vertical sync helped my performance in 2d images.

    Painting on a 3d model is OK if the texture doesn't have layers, but i tried painting on a model that had a psd w/ like 20 or so layers and it wasnt very fun.
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