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Gears of War 2



  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    just got it having alot of fun played co-op online with snake85027 so fun we played alot ubtil like 2 in the morning had to goto sleep after that :P
  • Morton
    Shooting games are usually not my thing but Gears of war 2 has changed my mind. My friend got it yesterday morning and we stayed up late last night playing co-op, this game is definitely worth getting.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Beat Gears 2 last night with Jesse Moody. Level craftsmanship with the art work is truly inspiring. The story was much better this time, some very strong emotional scenes in the game, don't see that to often.

    I broke down and bought a PS3 today and got R2 and MSG4. I do find it strange however that gears on the 360, a technically inferior system, looks much better graphically then R2 imo. Both are great though, props to those who worked so hard on them!
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    *in marcus fenix voice* NIOCE!
  • indian_boy
    inside the hollow, the art just got beautifuler.
    wish marcus WAS a botanist. love to learn about this stuff in depth

    and, as carmine was walkin thru my view, i got a view of inside his helmet. guess who?
    its kim! or whoever the leader was in the beginning of the first one... lol or at least his head model.
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    Just beat it earlier today on hardcore with a friend... GOD DAMN that was a great run through. Everything felt super polished aside from some really bad collisions in a certain part, and they definitely upped how brutal everything felt. Best coop experience I've ever had no doubt.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I was playing some co op the other day at a friend's place, and I was wondering, is there some way to change the split screen to go vertically down the screen rather than across? My buddy already has a widescreen TV, so the ratio would certainly be better..
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Beat it on normal, really need to find someone to do the whole co-op on Insane, and here's hopin my coworkers are ready for the Horde. :D
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I loved it till my Xbox decided that the game was so awesome that it couldn't compute it fast enough. That kinda sucked. Seriously 5th system in 3 years? LAME.

    Back on track though, Horde Mode is tons of fun and what I played of the Story is entertaining. Seems more of the same, cept cranked up to 11.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    wurm lvl was retarded... zzz... being covered in blood is cool tho.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    wurm lvl was retarded... zzz... being covered in blood is cool tho.

    That level was awesome... at least visually.. gameplay could've used a LOT more enemies, but was still pretty good for what they had to work with.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Beat it with Cojax the other night. Gotta play through on insane now. Honestly I am impressed as hell with the levels towards the end. The amount of shit going off on screen at once is just insane.

    Horde mode. WOW. What a ton of fun that is. Def need 5 people though. Playing with just 2 is a bit rough come level 8. haha.

    Also played a few rounds of Meat Flag. Man what a blast.
  • animatr
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I just picked up the limited edition copy today, I'm on leave as of tomorrow, so I'll get a good play before I fly out on Wednesday.
    If any of you Aussie jerks want to play some co-op, word me up.

  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I hate to be the guy who disagrees, but... GoW2 left me feeling a little disappointed. Played through the campaign in co-op Hardcore over Friday->Saturday and put in a bit of time on a bunch of Horde maps.

    The campaign was very polished, but there really weren't any really new experiences compared to the original. A couple of new weapons, a different vehicle, a different lethal environment effect (Kryll were much creepier than razorhail), but nothing that made me OMGWTFBBQ!!!11 with super coolness, and definitely no new game mechanics to master in order to be successful.

    The ending in particular is kind of bleh. I'm zapping this critter and all of sudden the 360 starts dropping a sh'load of achievements on me... That was my end battle? Really? The toughest fight I had the whole game was that fucking horrible fish, way back in Act 3.

    From the storyline, it's obvious there's still more to come, and that's cool. But for $60, I'd rather it feel like I bought a brand new game rather than a really long expansion pack for the original game.

    That said (and to keep people from slagging me :p) it is fun to play, and masterfully executed. Production value is through the roof with both visuals and audio - Cole's smacktalk rant inside the Locust palace is hilarious. Horde mode is a cool way to kill some time and get lots of practice in with the different guns. Haven't played any other multiplayer, but I assume it'll be just as good as GoW1.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Finally got to play some last night!!! woooooooo for Horde. Need to get some more games goin, we sadly got wiped out on wave 7 (we suckkked... but in our defense, Jacinto is a really hard horde map). I want to check out how some submission games are going; there was a point here where our games would last 30-40 minutes for a single capture (on Tyro).

    Pegging through SP atm, need maor!

    thanks guys for all the kind words, we definitely put a lot of love and attention into everything for your viewing pleasures. :)
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    I'm loving the game. The Nexus looks amazing! I'm at the Queen!
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    Major ass whoopin went on last night with four co-workers and myself on Horde. We got to wave 30 on hardcore difficulty and man is it getting hard. Blood drive is definitely the best map for horde mode... just hold the top of the stairs and take turns laying waste. Suppper good time!
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Beat the game on Sunday, going through now on a harder difficulty, gettin them collectibles!. This game kind of rules.

    Still haven't gotten together for a go at Horde.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Sectaurs. Horde is quite pwntastic if i might say so myself. Don´t wait to try it out. It´s even fun with complete strangers.

    Exactly the kind of thing i wanted in Gears. Wouldnt mind some assault maps next time though. (Like Unreal)
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Kovac wrote: »
    Major ass whoopin went on last night with four co-workers and myself on Horde. We got to wave 30 on hardcore difficulty and man is it getting hard. Blood drive is definitely the best map for horde mode... just hold the top of the stairs and take turns laying waste. Suppper good time!

    yeah!!! Blooddrive is an amazing Horde map! Should try Jacinto, its freaking hard. Tyro is also my favorite Meatflag map, it has the best flag paths & combat locales.
  • Bryan Cavett
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    Bryan Cavett polycounter lvl 19
    I found Jacinto to be one of the easier Horde maps. Just hang out at either end of the map by the tower with grenades. There's really only one way in and it's easy to defend. We beat lvl 50 on that map first night. Really enjoying the game and the art is super inspirational! The Locust Hive and ruins are just insane quality wise. Now post your art!
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    dang, guess i just suck then, haha. never played that map much outside of annex though.

    maybe soon!
  • Bryan Cavett
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    Bryan Cavett polycounter lvl 19
    Well I guess I shouldn't say it was "easy" to defend because we died a whole lot :) It took us forever too... probably bout 4 hours or more. We were getting beat so bad on all the other maps. It was all fun though. All 5 of us getting crushed by one mauler's mace in a goey crunchy shot was the highlight of our lvl 48 wave.
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    Haha for sure Bryan. I've played Jacinto plenty of times on other modes than Horde and it's a lot of fun. What difficulty were you guys playin on to whip through 50 levels that fast? We all work together really strategically and we just got to wave 40 on hardcore tonight and had to call it quits. Those goddamn doggies piss me off!

    Tyro's an excellent meat map... I can't believe how much more fun I've had on gears 2 mp than I originally did on gears 1.
  • Bryan Cavett
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    Bryan Cavett polycounter lvl 19
    I think our host had it on Normal... we're wimps. I need to try hardcore though.

    On another note has anybody beat the game on hardcore without playing with a friend? I could never get pass the second level where your going up the mountain on the derricks. The Reaver battle after shooting the cysts down seems to be broken for me. I can not put enough bullets in it to kill it before it knocking Betty off the cliff! The AI bots do not shoot at it either. Maybe I'm just not accurate enough but I've tried everything to get pass it. I had to switch it to normal that early in the game just to progress :(
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    That's a bummer, there were a few of us at our office that were able to solo hardcore I'm quite sure. Not looking forward to that part on insane though :(
  • makoa
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    makoa polycounter lvl 17
    bryan, are you cooling your turret down by pressing the right bumper? i had the same trouble on hardcore, but once i started cooling down the turret, i was able to shoot twice as many bullets and made it a lot easier. also, shoot the driver as soon as possible and you should be good. hope that helps man.
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