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Hello everyone,

I've been away from the pc for a pretty long time and now that I've slowly got back to using it,I started working on this guy for a warmup. He is one of my favourite anime characters, L from "Death Note" :

***Latest update*** Click thumbs to view renders :
click the pic for more views

Toon Shaded Views > http://www.sriramatrix.com/gal3d/2008/L_wip_toon.jpg
Basemesh > http://www.sriramatrix.com/gal3d/2008/L_base.jpg

Based on these refs from the manga/anime > http://www.sriramatrix.com/gal3d/2008/L_ref.jpg

I've had a lot of fun sculpting clothes for the first time[Cheers to my friend Ankit[Smooth_Criminal] for his constant support].

I didnt work much on the back and theres still some minor details left on the clothes. I will be working on the final anime hair next [he has got a temp bunch of cones atm]. Any comments/crits on the progress will be highly appreciated!

Thanks for checking :)


  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    hey thats really good man !! keep this going, really liking this !
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Hehe, was looking at this while my gf said "THAT'S L FROM DEATH NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!" while she was minding her own business, so I guess that's a good sign. :P
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    dude! you managed to make anime look good in 3d. you've joined a club of like 3 other people.

    love the pose.

    the wrinkles are fucking -- awesome. and not just in a technical sense.. i love the placement.... the range of detail... and the emotional weight of them -- how they sit with the pose. pretty damn good man. very very very nice work on that.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    looks great like everyone has said but his clavicles where you have them connecting to the sternum is bugging the piss out of me, seems to far out. :D but they're hidden under the shirt so you won't see em. :)
  • Zephir62
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    Zephir62 polycounter lvl 12
    Dekard wrote: »
    his clavicles where you have them connecting to the sternum is bugging the piss out of me, seems to far out. :D

    Yep, they're definitely backwards. Also the muscle attaching from behind the jaw to the clavicle aren't a smooth C-curve but seem to have some awkward angles in there when it reaches the chest.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    looking good sri, keep the good work
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 18
    the head needs work, much to exaggerated compared to how obata draws L
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    That's amazing. You got the likeness to a T and I love how you handled the folds. Can't wait to see how you handle the face and the hair!
  • kakikukeko
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    kakikukeko polycounter lvl 17
    Very nice! My only crit, is that the head could need more work.. the torso has much more fine details (sharper creases in some places..) in comparaison.. the folds are very good!

    (on the toon shader view, the lack on Anti Aliasing is a bit disturbing imo, and the skin value is too similar to the Tshirt value..)
    but very good job overall!!
  • movento
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    movento polycounter lvl 17
    It really looks great.
    I agree that the head could use some work.
    In my opinion its not that it lacks details,but i think it's the eyes that make him look different then the anime.
    He looks a bit sad,while L has more of a mysterious look.
    Do you have planes to normal map this model?

    I'm looking forward to your other anime models
  • DrillerKiller
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    DrillerKiller polycounter lvl 11
    nice, i'm on book 10 now, sooo good. it's a good start, but the likeness is'nt 100%.
  • Sri Ram Chandra
    @Johny,Slipstream: Thanks guys,glad you like it sofar :)

    @Disting: Hahaha,THAT is certainly a good sign! cheers to your gf :D

    @John_Warner: thanks dude ! very glad to hear that you like the wrinkles

    @Dekard,Zephir62 : Thanks for the crits guys,I'll work more on the transition :)

    @Hugo : dude,great to see you here ! thanks for droppng by,I'm glad you like him :D

    @Marine,DrillerKiller : Thanks guys, its good to see more Death Note fans here, I will certainly work more on the head once I get his final hair going.

    @kakikukeko: Thanks man, I kinda got carried away with his torso hehe but I'll certainly be working more on the head. About the toon shader,well,the Toonshaded views I posted were realtime shots from Mudbox 2009. I've used a bunch of modified toonshaded maps with the "Lit Sphere" material to get a quick toon-preview:
    For the final renders,I plan on doing a blend between realistically textured and toonshaded materials..kinda like Appleseed Ex Machina. Here is a very rough initial test in max using mentalray, on a lower division [he still has the old hair here!]. Thanks to my friend Jignesh for helping me with MR shading !

    @movento: Thanks dude :) about his eyes,well,I was following the ones from his first appearance [my ref pic ^] ,I love his usual mysterious look more,maybe I'll do another pose with it ;) about normalmaps,well,I guess I'll be using them in mentalray. and oh, Mugen from Samurai Champloo is next on my list! :D

    I chose to do his final hair with manually aligned cones,will have an update soon ,thanks for checking again !
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    I love L so much.

    lol But for critiquing... I agree that something seems not quite right in the face compared to the awesome awesome work you've done on the body. It right now seems too simplified compared to the detail that's been put in the body. Also, L's eyes are more rounded, in fact they're quite circular in shape. It works better for his creepy gaze that he has when he stares at you.

    Also, LOVE that you put him in the pose of where he first appears in the manga. This makes me happy on so many levels. lol And seeing L topless... is mildly creepy haha

    Overall, really good!! Please keep going, I can't wait to see the final results!
  • Sri Ram Chandra
    hey ,very glad to hear that Mezz,thanks ! I kinda got carried away with his torso since it wasnt meant to be seen, but I'll certainly be working more on the face,thanks for the feedback ! :D

    I'd started working on his hair and heres the progress sofar,the overall style and back of the hair is still in progress :

    here are more mentalray toonshaded renders >> (click for fullres)

    Any comments/crits on the updates would be great, I will be working more on his likeness and clothes once I finish the hair.

    updates coming soon,thanks for checking !
  • Generalvivi
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    Generalvivi polycounter lvl 14
    Turned out pretty cool dude! Very nice ^^
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    Wow! This is perhaps one of the best anime characters Ive seen in a very long time! Nice work. As far as crits go, I would have to agree on some of the previous posts, that his face does, look a lil off.

    Good work though, and great rendering.
  • Okt
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    Okt polycounter lvl 19
    The shirt is really awesome, good job getting the folding to look so nice.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    The chin looks off to me. I think it's too pointed/narrow.
  • Enix
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    Enix polycounter lvl 18
    Looks great so far. My only crit is that you need to add a bit more volume to his hair. It looks way too flat atm. Here's some always helpful settei if you don't already have it:


    Lookin' lovely so far, keep it up.
  • Sri Ram Chandra
    @Generalvivi,Okt : Thanks guys,glad to hear that :D

    @mikezoo: very nice to hear that man,thanks ! :) I'll be working more on the face now that I got the hair going.

    @Enix: hey,thanks man,I do have the settei, but I was following the manga for the hair[kinda like how it has a more detailed structure]; I agree about the volume,thanks, :D I love your anime artwork btw,very cool stuff!

    Here is an update on the hair, I guess I'm almost done with it. would love to hear what you think >> click to view fullres


    Will work more on his face and polish the pants next,thanks for checking !
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Really like the model so far, especially the clothes. Keep it up :)

    Was all the sculpting done in mud2k9? If so what brushes are you using primarily (have been having a hard time getting sculpts to not come out blobby looking, though never have that problem in zb).
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    yeah... it's been bugging me.

    his chin is too thin... and his jaw ducks in way too much before his chin. it looks kinda pinched.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    i think his chin is too pronounced and circular.
  • Sri Ram Chandra
    @PolyHertz: Thanks man :) regarding the sculpting, I'd used MB1 for his body as I dont like how 2009 screws the flatshaded views [especially at lower divisions]. But I used 2009 for adding the wrinkles [the Steady Stroke option is great,kinda like Lazy Mouse from zb,enabling it should give you a blob-free stroke]. In MB2009,I mostly use the sculpt brush with steady stroke enabled for sculpting the wrinkles apart from constant smoothing. I didnt really find a need to use the other new brushes yet.

    @John_Warner,killingpeople : Thanks,I hope you guys like the update on his chin :D

    I'd worked more on his face and hair and I'm pretty satisfied with him now, I'll be moving on to the composite next [planing to make a hotel backdrop and give a more colorful lighting setup]

    Click thumbs to view renders :

    feel free to comment/crit , I hope you like it :D

    updates on the envi coming soon, thanks for checking
  • ankur_ssa
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    [FONT=&quot]The work is really damn good man (as your previous works ). Keep rocking :thumbup:[/FONT]
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