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Head Sculpt

Hey guys,

I've been getting to grips with Mudbox and sculpting, and I'd love some feedback.
This is the second thing I did, so while I'm getting more familiar with the tools (layers etc...), and with how high I can take it on my system, I feel I should get some critique on the actual work as well, so that the next one could be better.


I've done that thing where you leave what you're bad at until last, and now I still haven't tackled it: the ears. I'll get some ref and start on those, and then incorporate whatever advice I get here.


  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Looks really good so far! I'm not the greatest sculptor, but it looks to me that you need to refine the shapes some more. It still looks a little blobby to me, and since I see really small scratches in the mesh, it makes me think that you may have gone into the detail stage too soon. So the forms look really good, just need to be more crisp IMO.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    love the look of the punched swollen eye! Will the nose and lips be bashed as well?
    If not, mebbe u could thin the center lower ridge ( columella ) a bit on the nose and take some of the puff off the ends of the upperlip.

    Nice werk, texturing on that eye seems like it should be loads of fun.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    not to bad pea, the ear is looking a bit to blobby in my opinion but im digging the swollen eye!

    how did you come to grips with the new tool sets and all I have yet to play with mud2 yet.
  • penrod
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    penrod polycounter lvl 14
    For just coming to grips with mudbox and sculpting I'd say you did a great job. The main thing that I would look to improve on your next sculpts is nailing your base forms first before detailing. Try to think about sculpting from the inside then out. Focus on the shape of the skull as it should define most of your head. Then define how the muscles and fleshy bits fit on top of the skull. The first thing that stood out to me as being a little off was the eyes. The eyes should fit father back into the eye sockets. I wanna see another head! This guy shows a lot of potentially cool sculpts.
  • Michael Knubben
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    Penrod: Yeah, that sounds spot on. I don't know if the eyes have to sit much further back, though, but I'll certainly use more ref next time.
    Seforin: English, motherfucker, do you read it? (teehee)
    I'm getting to grips with them just fine. It took me a while to remember to use layers, and to remember that they're not resolution-independent (and that --annoyingly enough!-- turning a layer on and off to see if you like the change means you can't undo what you just did.)
    Oh, and I've hardly use masking, as I just kept forgetting. I should see what the shortcut for that is, so it's easier to get at.
    Claydough: I agree on the nose, but I'm really rather fond of the lips, even though they're not meant to be swollen, just... naturally full. The bottom lip needs work though, but mostly because I haven't really defined the inside of the mouth yet, and there's no detail on it.
    Brad: I was hoping the shapes were defined enough, and that the detail was just enough to work when complemented with the diffuse and spec, but I really don't know. I'll have to see about that.

    Oh, and seriously: the ear's not done.
  • pixelmitherer
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    Coming along nicely. Good work.
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