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Witch knight WIP

Hey guys first thread, character ive been working on slowly, my concept for it is on my comp at work ill have that up here tomorrow, wanted to post the mesh so i could get some feedback before nmapping and before i create his weapon, right now im thinking oversized kuni with chain for his weapon, maybe with a mean morning star on the chain. also his back armor hasnt been modeled yet ill post that later today. any crits welcome!!!



  • woogity
    also on the back of his helm im gonna go for some dreadlock-type dangly parts, but made out of spines.
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    Proportions are not believable for an alien and WAY off for a human. Get your body proportioned properly before you start the armor. I can't see how anything could actually fit inside that armor. Please post some wireframe shots from closer up and never use a black background.
  • woogity
    kk wireframe comin up ill also make an 8 heads in photoshop for proportion, other than the hands being large which was intentional i dont think its super far off, as for the armor, i get that crit alot, ill work on the weight and believeablility of that
  • woogity
    recheck with a gradiant background... wireframe on hardened normals, and 8 heads check, final looks to be about 7 1/2 to 7 2/3 heads high acceptable for a human. im gonna tweak his proportions a bit anyways because it looks like his lower leg could be a bit longer, and his torso a little bit longer as well. no remodeling on the armor yet.revisedwireframeporportions.jpg
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    hey woogity, always good to see another member from Bmore!
    model looks cool, the legs remind me of Spawn with all of the spikes and stuff. Feel like his arms and shoulders are a bit weak looking while his hands are a bit too big, but it could just be the viewing angle. Oh and checked out ur website, cool stuff, liking the low poly Sauron. Also, is it just a coincidence you have the same background gif pattern as the one on my website? :[ I did not make it myself, so if you want to use it, feel free. I got it from www.k10k.net, they have free pixel patterns. Maybe I'll see you at IGDA Baltimore chapter meetings...
  • woogity
    thanks steady spawn is one of the big influence in this piece hopefully it will come across more once the concept comes up
  • woogity
    K have him at the point i think im ready to import it to zbrush,hes unwrapped and i added everything but his weapons which ill do later, added a vader-esque skirt, i feel like it adds a nice transition in his mid region lemmie know what you think. also helm is completed with the based out spinal dreadlock forms.

    9200 tris now

  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    to much noise,- very spiky right now - he looks like cactus.
    Perhaps some smoothing groups could bring in some balance here
  • woogity
    ok thanks for the heads up ill get on that, i hardened the normals so it would be easier to see the topology if thats what your getting at, but i think your refering to the overall design ill see if i can tone it down a little without losing the character of the armor.
  • woogity
    kk shaded the armor sepearately, and softened most of the normals hopefully this clears up the general design a bit. Should be starting him up in zbrush soon.


    all crits welcome!

  • Kawe
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    Kawe polycounter lvl 8
    too many spikes. try taking a few out and make the best use of the few you have left instead.
  • woogity
    k removed half of the spikes from the legs, im gonna keep the ones on the arms because i dont want to stray to far from my concept, which ill upload later tonight. added some more faces to the spikes i do have with the polys i freed up from the others, lemmie know if you prefer this to the old one pls
  • woogity
    kk i have a copy of the concept here, there is a color version but im not gonna use the colors i picked initially so this is just the drawing, also i know its not good, im just uploading it so anyone who is criting the model has something to go off of.


  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    I agree with some others, he's looking too spiky right now.

    From looking at the concept, I'd say the problem is the modeled spikes are waaay bigger than in the concept. In the model, it's hard to notice anything other than the immense jaggedness. In the concept, the spikes aren't what your eye first look at.

    I'd say, make a seperate version and try toning the spikeness down a LOT, and see if it looks better, than you can try adding a bit more back in. It looks like it has some good potential, but it's just too noisy as it is right now to focus on its good points.
  • woogity
    Mezz, Kawe, renderhjs, thanks for the crits, im feeling the same way, i think that Mezz hit the nail on the head, not too many of them they are just way out of scale compared to the concept and they are breaking up the shilouette way too much. thanks for the constructiveness of your comments when i get off of work ill tone them down with the original amount and see how it looks.

    thanks again

  • etsuja
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    etsuja polycounter lvl 17
    Seems like there is just too much going on in this character design. Maybe it will look better when it's textured.
  • woogity
    hey finally got back to this, the normals are sloppy at the moment and after some thinking i have decided the shoulder armor is gonna get changed and made a symmetrcial let me know what u think about this idea, also any comments on the armor would be helpful, again its verry wip right now, goin for a sort of half leather half plate style for the armor zoogitynormalstest_1%20copy.jpg

  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Coming along well overall, but the design still feels a bit too... messy. It just seems like there's still a lot of noise everywhere, and therefore it's too hard to focus on anything in particular in it. I think what it needs are some areas that are very low in details, smooth, and just lacking in any noise overall. This will help the contrast and make it more pleasing overall, I think. :)
  • woogity
    ok im going to bring down the detail on the armor on his arms since its already rather detailed in the model, and the skirts need work as well im terrible at cloth so this is important for me

    mezz: thanks your crits are very constructive ill work on this when i get home!

  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    If it's yer personal style.... there is no such thing as to much detail ( eg. Geof Darrow ) "to much" noise usually means noise lacks focus. No variation ( low frequency and high frequency contrast ( instead of jes same bumpy normal map frequency everywhere )) even something as noisey as a pocupine's quills have variation interest. ( flows small head to large round ass )

    You have technical ability, maybe a few paint overs will help to inspire?

    good luck from another Baltimoron.

    frequency master:
  • AnimeAngel
    I like this character, but to me it seems he is wearing lots of soft flowing and folded cloth, maybe silk or somthing. I don't get armor from it at all. Could use a lot less wrinkles and more hard edges. If its plate armor with leather, the plate should be smooth and have hard edges while the leather would have medium soft edges. Also leather doesn't really fold that much since it really isn't that soft. Especially hardened leather that would be used on armor.
    Offline / Send Message
    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    too many +90 degree angles will kill a good normal map, id suggest your next design takes this into account.

    slap me if im wrong
  • woogity
    nah your absolutly right it will normals here are in an early stage tho im going to redo the shoulder with a new design which is much more friendly, also the spikes normals im going to mod in photoshop to apply better, also have some work to do with x normal for some fine definition which should make the armor/leather/and flesh distinguish themselves better. updates coming soon

    - woog
  • woogity
    srry forgot to mention on the original post this has the updated shoulder armor, let me know what your thoughts are on the revision im still on the fence myself.

    hey rough stage textures i still have alot to do on the metal, as well as an incandescence pass, but i wanted to post something to keep the thread up let me know what u thing of this thus far, again this is very WIP thanks!


  • buddikaman
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    buddikaman polycounter lvl 18
    Looking good man. I have enjoyed watching this progress and love the design. Keep it up!

    Scott Petty
    Environment Artist
  • JamesP
    I am diggin the character for the most part, good job!

    One suggestion I would like to make is on the lower leg armor that goes around the calf. It seems to widen out the closer it gets to his feet taking away from the "x" frame look. I think if the armor more mimicked say a bodybuilders physique in the sense it tapers the closer you get to the feet, it would improve the overall look.

    Keep it up!
    woogity wrote: »
    srry forgot to mention on the original post this has the updated shoulder armor, let me know what your thoughts are on the revision im still on the fence myself.

    hey rough stage textures i still have alot to do on the metal, as well as an incandescence pass, but i wanted to post something to keep the thread up let me know what u thing of this thus far, again this is very WIP thanks!


  • woogity
    hey got some mental ray renders texture is done moving on to the weapons ill have some captures of those up later tonight, also started a new thread and a new project i need feedback on that one alot at this stage.


    skinned human faces on the thigh guards :-P

  • woogity
    ok weapon base meshs built, main hand is gonna be the kuni and the mace will be off hand, they are gonna be connected with a chain.


    thanks for feedbacks

  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Hey man, looks like your running a few projects, I think I just commented on your elephant guy. Right, it looks like its coming along really well, but I am worried about the side profile proportions. I haven't seen a picture since early on so I am not sure if you fixed it yet, and I apologize for only seeing this thread now. I understand that you are far along and I know how it sucks when people comment on stuff from the concept phase towards the end of a project.

    Well, at least early on in the images you provided, he looked way too flat from the side. If you actually over exaggerate the natural curves of the spine, you will get a far better looking character in the end. I included a quick photoshop file to show you what I mean. Hope you find this helpful.


    I like the progress so far so keep it up.

    p.s. the green line is where the arm would go.
  • woogity
    hey man thanks for the er warp over? haha yea i noticed too, i gave him a little more of a butt and more of a curve to his upper back, i probably could have stood to have moved the shoulders back as well thanks for the heads up ill keep the exaggerated spine in mind for future builds. i think at this point a lattuce tweak would be out of the wuestion tho :(

  • woogity
    Some pre- rig renders, please ignore the fingers clipping the handguard on his kuni. im gonna call this one done for the time being ill have some posed renders up in a bit need to finish my other project first


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