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consoles you own/owned

polycounter lvl 17
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bugo polycounter lvl 17
Hey guys, i was just wondering which consoles everybody had in the old days and present days, here´s my list:

Atari 2600 - can´t remember what I really did with it
Master System - I think I sold
Genesis - still in the box at home
Super Nintendo - sold
SegaCD - still in the box at home
3DO - I think throw in the trash after some years
Dreamcast - I think I sold
Gameboy Advanced - At my side, but I can´t play because i don´t have backlight
GameCube - sold
PSP - sold
Wii - sold
NDS - sold

Next ones:

PSP lite


PSP and Super Nintendo


  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Odyssey 2000 (or whatever that thing is called)
    Dreamcast (friends)

    Had a 360, actually two both broken T*thumbs up*
    DS lite, had an old one, traded for a new one with a broken left bumper.

    Eventually, a ps3.
    Prolly psp too.

    edit: hahah, forgot I had a wii
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    n64 and now PS2, DS lite , psp ( altho i only play lumines ) and a wii with some gamecube classics but i think im gonna sell it since i dont play it.
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    i've only ever, and still have

    coleco + roller controller
    game boy color
  • Farfarer
    Until this generation, I was a PC only gamer.

    Now I have 360, DS, Wii and recently a PS3.

    Was gonna sell my 360 but for the price I'd get for it I may as well keep it.

    PC is still king for me :)
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    Super Nintendo
    Sega Megradrive II (genesis for USA, won in a drawing contest)
    Game boy (won in a drawing contest)
    Game boy Pocket (won a drawing contest too :D like too many games)

    When i had the SNES i also had the first PC, a 286, i played too many games with it like titus the fox :).

    Now all i play is with a Computer but I'm planning to buy a Ps3 to play some games i like.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    - Atari 2600
    - NES
    - Genesis
    - SNES
    - Saturn
    - Playstation
    - Dreamcast
    - Gameboy Color
    - PS2
    - Xbox
    - Gamecube
    - PSP
    - DS
    - Xbox360
    - PS3
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    BBC TV game (whatever the hell it was called. Had pong and that on it)
    Atari 2600
    Master System
    Amiga CD32, ohhhhh yes, bought very cheap off a mate, pile of absolute shite
    GB colour / GB advance (inherited from work)
    Xbox 360, sill broken in a box.

    Apart from the PSP and DS the rest of this list is in boxes somewhere in the country, in various attics. Though i think my mum waited til my back was turned at Uni and sold the beloved megadrive to some romanian orphans
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    should make this a poll with multiple choices allowed. would give a nice immediate look at popular polycount consoles
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9

    ... PC ever since
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Atari 2600 - My brother still has it and has 9 games for it still
    Colecovision - no idea
    Sega Genesis & Sega CD! - sold to a friend in the military SEWER SHARKS FTW
    Sega Handheld - can't for the life of me remember the name :D Sold it while in the military
    3DO - Had one for a couple of days and returned it.
    PS1- Forgot I had that, no clue what happened to it.
    PS2- sold to my roommate in the military for other half of TV.
    Xbox (x2)- Gave to my brother and my niece and nephews (I stopped playing after a while) and the other gave to my dad.
    Xbox 360- Gave to my brother and my niece and nephews(I stopped playing after a while)
    PS3- sitting at the house still playing

    I start to see a pattern here.. I wish I would have kept the 360 now, the wife won't let me buy a new one again. :D
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Used to be a games collector so have ended up with all sorts of systems over the years. Never got a Turbo Duo, Jaguar, or CD-i though (along with a few systems I'm sure no one here's ever heard of). Though this gen of games hasn't really interested me much.

    (2x) Atari 2600
    (1x) Atari 5400
    (1x) Atari 7800
    (4x) NES
    (1x) Sega Master System
    (4x) Sega Genesis
    (2x) Sega CD
    (1X) 32X
    (1x) 3DO
    (2x) SNES
    (2x) Sega Saturn
    (1x) PS1
    (1x) N64
    (1X) Dreamcast
    (2x) PS2
    (1x) Gamecube
    (1x) XBox
    (2x) R-Zone
    (1x) Gameboy Pocket
    (1x) Game Gear
    (2x) DS
    (1x) PSP
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    All you ever need is an SNES. Roms are ok, but nothing is as great to playing killer instinct on the old console. I still have the music cd that came packaged with the game. :)

    Did anyone ever have the xband thing for sega or snes?

    gameboy color
    gameboy advance
  • Quokimbo
    oobersli wrote: »
    All you ever need is an SNES. Roms are ok, but nothing is as great to playing killer instinct on the old console. I still have the music cd that came packaged with the game. :)

    I remember that CD! I think I had to go over to a friends house to listen to the music cause my parents were old school tape listeners still...

    Also I recently played through Zelda ALTTP again for like the 30th time. I can run through it all hearts in under a week, I have never done a run through though(time trail stuff) hrmmm lol
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    -PS1 - it's packed in the closet now.
    -PS2 - my brother took it with him when he moved out.
    -PC - doh.

  • Chunkey
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    Chunkey polycounter lvl 19
    Including what my bros had which I had access to:

    Commodore Vic 20- somewhere up in the loft.
    Spectrum 48k- knocking about somewhere
    Sega Master System- up in the loft
    NES- Sold
    SNES- sold
    Megadrive with 32x and Mega CD add on- sold
    Amiga 600- still own
    Amiga 1200- still own
    Amiga 4000- sold
    PS1- sold
    PS2- still own
    PSP- Still own
    Gameboy- knocking about somewhere
    N64- sold
    DS- still own
    Sega Saturn (Jap)- still own but wanting to sell as it's boxed up and collecting dust
    Xbox- sold
    Xbox 360- still own
    PC- still own

    I think that's the lot :p
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    Atari Lynx (am I the only one that had this?)
    Sega CD
    Sega Genesis
    Sega 32X
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    no Turbografx 16 love?
  • Jonathan
    Atari something (the one with Joust and the jungle/swinging from vines stuff), NES (Duck Hunt for the win!), Sega Genesis (Madden and X-men games were great on the Genesis), Sega Game Gear (never got the TV tuner for it unfortunately, Nintendo Gameboy, SNES (brother had it, I had the Genesis), rented the Sega Saturn a few times (Virtual Fighter and Daytona USA, woot!), N64 (Goldeneye!!!), Sega Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube (i.e.-buyer's remorse), Xbox, Xbox360, PS3, Wii, PSP, DS, and probably a few more that I can't think of. :)
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 19
    . Master System 1
    . Game Boy (+ the huge kit with the fake analogic stick and the magnifying glass)
    . Super Nintendo (with Gameboy card adapter + Nintendo Paint-like )
    . Nintendo 64
    . WII
    . Nintendo DS Lite
    . Xbox 360

    I actually miss my master system 1 :D
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Atari 2600 x2
    Gameboy (with the huge ass magnifying glass..)
    XBox360....which is the only one I use now, the others have disappeared into the abyss.

    I rarely play games on the computer as I like the separation from a work machine...I have barely even touched Sega machines, I think I may have played Sonic and Eternal Champions on the Genesis.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Sega Master System II(given away)
    Sega Game Gear
    Gameboy micro

    You may think I'm a pc-gamer but I would own more consoles if game prices were reasonable here. They cost almost 3 times as much as pc games do :/

    EDIT: hawken, I thought you had a Dreamcast, did something bad happen to it? That would be sad.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    -Microsoft: Xbox, Xbox 360
    -Nintendo: N64, Gamecube, Wii
    -Nintendo Handheld: grey brick gameboy, GBA SP, DS
    -SEGA: Genesis, Dreamcast
    -Sony: PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    - Sega Master System
    - Game Boy (x3)
    - Game Boy Advance
    - Game Boy Advance SP
    - N64 (x2)
    - Sega Saturn
    - Playstation
    - Dreamcast (x2)
    - Playstation 2
    - Xbox
    - GameCube
    - Nintendo DS
    - Wii
    - Xbox360
    - Sunset Riders arcade cabinet (now MAME/Emulation)

    ...and still have every one.

    I never had a NES or SNES. Fear me!
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Atari 2600
    SNES X2
    N64 X2
    Genisis - Square
    PS2 - Big

    Xbox 360
    PS2 - Slim
    PSP - Fat
    GameCube (sisters)
    Wii (sisters)
  • StJoris
    SNES (with a huge black thing on it that allows to play floppy-games, not sure what its called, as such the total sum of all other games I've played doesnt exceed the number of snes ones ha)
    Gameboy Colour
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Atari 2600
    Turbo Grafix
    Turbo Grafix hand held
    Sega Master System
    Game Boy
    Sega Saturn
    Super Nintendo
    Nintendo 64
    PS 1
    PS 2
    XBOX 360----on my 8th one.......

    I was a strict PC gamer for a years, but since next gen consoles PC stuff just hasn't been the same...
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    gotta catch them all!
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
  • ThatDon
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    ThatDon polycounter lvl 11
    Currently I'm rocking a PS2(old fatty one) and GBA Mirco ;)
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Intellivision - Owned/Abandoned
    NES - Owned/Sold/GN Twin
    SNES - Owned/Sold/Own
    N64 - Owned/Sold/Own x 2
    PSX - Owned/Sold
    Gameboy - Owned/Sold
    Gameboy Pocket - Owned/Sold
    GBA - Owned/Sold
    GBA SP - Own
    NDS - Owned/Sold
    NDS Lite - Own
    Gamecube - Own
    PS2 - Own
    360 - Own
    Wii - Own
    PS3 - Own
    Pocketfami - Own
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Commodore 64 (not really a console I know, but it was the first thing I had)
    Atari 2600
    Sega Master System II
    Nintendo Entertainment System
    Sega Mega Drive II
    Super Nintendo Entertainment System
    Nintendo Gameboy
    Sony Playstation
    Sony Playstation 2
    Nintendo DS
    xbox 360
    Nintendo Wii
    Retro Duo
    Sony Playstation 3 (on the way)

  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    -Amiga 1200 (though not really a console but wa splugged on the TV, had a gamepad and was only used ofr games at first)
    -Lynx II
    -Game Gear
    -Megadrive II+32X
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    oh wow, looking at the lists here some people have I now see how much Ive missed out on...then again Ive always been a one man, one system type of guy:

    super nintendo

  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    -ZX Spectrum (w00t for tapes & noise!)
    -Gameboy Color
    -Gameboy Advanced
    -XBox 360 (Bought since launch, still works perfikt! \o/ )

    Still own 'em all.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    ive played way more than whats on my list, just whatever my friends have :D PC is best though! (and NOT a console!)
  • sub_roland
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    sub_roland polycounter lvl 12
    after the sega my mom stopped buying consoles for me, then i was the age of working when cube and xbox came out, so i bought them, now i just got done with college so i couldn't afford the new ones, hoping to get a job and buy the new stuff
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    not seeing here wonderswan or gp32, is it extremely rare?
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    EmAr wrote: »

    EDIT: hawken, I thought you had a Dreamcast, did something bad happen to it? That would be sad.

    listing my collection here wouldn't make any difference. By jingo I'll try though! :poly124: My friends owned a lot of consoles when I was young so I often played megadrive, neo geo and master system. Sonic was one of my favorite games growing up but never actually owned it.

    in chronological order, * = still own, boxed.

    *Atari 2600

    - strange joystick magnifying glass thing


    (amiga 500)


    (amiga 1200)

    *Dreamcast (water cooled!)
    - *arcade sticks x2
    - *samba de amigo maracas
    - *sega guns x2
    - *sega compact keyboards, mouse etc
    - *Karaoke machine plus sega microphones x2
    - *network adaptor
    - *virtual on sticks
    - *dreameye webcamera

    - virtua fightersticks

    - *disc system
    - *dance mat
    - *FB keyboard & rom
    - *paddles

    *Super Famicom
    - *mouse
    - *BS Stellaview
    - *strange CD loading rom thing from china


    *playstation 1

    famicom twin (junked)


    *Playstation 3

  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, I wish so badly that Dreamcast was properly distributed in my country. I have never even seen many of those controllers :/ If I ever come to Japan I'll visit you first if you accept me as a guest ;) Do you have Zero Gunner BTW :P
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16

    - gb
    - gba
    - ps1
    - ps2

    - ds
    - ps3
    - wii
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    what I own still (and yea they still all work)

    -sega gensis
    -sega 32x
    -playstation 2
    -xbox 360
    -gameboy advanced
    -Game boy DS
  • CrazyButcher
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    CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 18

    moved on to computer then
  • Kraftwerk
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    Kraftwerk polycounter lvl 19
    Atari 2600
    Playstation 2
    GameBoy Advance
    Nintendo Wii

    Next Playstation 3 finally want to play MGS4 and the upcomming Little Big Planet.
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Super Nintendo
    Nintendo 64
    Gameboy Color
    Gameboy Advance
    Nintendo DS
    Playstation Portable
    Xbox 360
    Nintendo DS Lite

    Seems like I'm a Nintendo guy ^^
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
  • InProgress
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    InProgress polycounter lvl 14
    - Sega Genesis
    - PC
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
  • root
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    root polycounter lvl 18
    nintendo: nes, snes, n64, gamecube, wii; gba, ds, ds lite
    sony: ps2

    of the above, I no longer have a nes kicking around. Gave my (afterburner'd) gba to my little sister, and my girlfriend smashed my first ds.

    We have two roommates though, and so our living room is just this pile of every gaming console imaginable, with a 360 added to the mix just yesterday.
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