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Silver Bullet - System Memory 64bit Modern Programs

polycounter lvl 18
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oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
Different forum, but is there a silver bullet someone can link me to disprove the below. I have explained numerous times that 3d artistry does love memory, and working with multiple programs to share textures and meshes increases the need. So in other words, it more than servers that need this. I did a little research on google, but other than forums where its a "he said, she said" I don't have anything super concrete to get this guy to stop:

"You may think that your seeing a difference, but really, it's your processor and the capped out limit of RAM from the north and south bridges that you are seeing.. You can't really see a clear difference between 3GB or 4GB of RAM, unless like I said, You are running a server system, or a computer you use daily with a server running on it.

I game a lot, and also work on computers for a living, along with schooling with computer science. The Duo-Core processors, not even saying the quad-core, are extremely amazing, and the mobo will cap the RAM around 3GB - 3.5GB of RAM, depending.. of course you can add more, but it's just sitting there, wasting ur money and space.

Even with using 3dsmax and PSP along with Sony vegas, my 2.5 GB of RAM is outstanding, no stopping, nothing, and that's with a pent. 4 3.0gHZ"

*Bangs head against wall.


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