Officially, it's not out until tomorrow (June 24). Anyone check it out yet? I loved it. I love Futurama so my opinion is biased, but I believe it was better than the first feature-length film they did, Bender's Big Score.
The first half of the movie, I had tears I was laughing so hard. It could have been the booze, though.
I will pick it up sometime this week and watch it again
I didn't mind big score, but this one I was just wanting it to end multiple times
hahaha totally, so awesome.
this movie was really cool.
the suicide both made another apperance. funny stuff
Enjoyed the movie(s), they do drag on a bit but I think the main purpose for that is they wanted each movie to work as a 4 part episode too. The gags are sprinkled a lot more lightly than the shows, but then a movie length animation with gags every 5 seconds can be tiresome also.
Took me 3 attempts to watch it all even, i REALLY wanted to like it but it just felt like they had lost their pacing, perhaps going outside the normal episode running time has thrown them.
Can anyone say they felt the same about benders big score but loved a billion backs?
most of futurama has always been zany-silliness, so... basically what I expect, I liked it more than the last one though, feels less like a few 30 min episodes stuck together and more like a cohesive long episode.
and Tumerboy:
edit: can't get it to wrap in black ;p
It's an Othello reference.
cool, thanks for learnin' me sumptin.
I wonder if its supposed to be like that or if someone forgot to texture those uvs there? Come to think of it I have no idea what software they use, though they usually use at least some 3d.
edit: heres an example from a test render I did a while ago: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u178/fallennyght/morguetestrender4.jpg
There was more Zap and Kif in this one, which was a plus. But I think if I had to choose between the two, I preferred Benders Big Score.
Futurama uses PowerAnimator for the CG. But apart from the intro they use it sparingly.