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Pyro update



  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Saidin311 wrote: »
    I'm curious as to how you managed to unlock all 3 weapons withOUT going to a server with friends, or an achievement box.

    1 word

    I unlocked all 3 within 12 hours of legitimate non-farming gameplay. Loving the backburner, hating the flaregun.

    Clearcutter earned in the water lol
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah it's not hard to unlock them. You only need 22 achievements in total to get all 3. I unlocked mine without going to any achievement specific map over 2 nights of playtime after work. Farming is no big deal though. I can see people wanting to do it just because they are curious, and don't really use the pyro all that much anyway. I haven't unlocked any of the medic weapons yet. I just don't play as medic much and don't really care. Farming for achievements in the classes I do play just doesn't sound fun though so I won't.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    anyone think the flaregun's a bit weak - its nice getting a critical hit every once a while but the shottie still seems the preference so far....

    meh is it worth it still getting the uber-axe?
  • Mitch Cosgrave
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    Mitch Cosgrave polycounter lvl 17
    So far I'm loving the pyro update. I dont think the flare gun is really intended as a high damage weapon, but it's great to harass slow classes from a distance with it. No one likes getting set on fire, especially from a distance hehe.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Backburner is ridiculous! Way overpowered as far as I'm concerned. 1 on 1 Pyro, the one with the Backburner wins every time. I tried to unlock some achievements over the weekend, but there were just too many Pyros playing. It took a few maps playing with the same people before things balanced out and became fun to play.
    Had an epic engie session with junkers Saturday night! And a mad Heavy round last night just mowing down Pyros. Still not enough achievements to gain any unlocks.

  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Backburner is not a 100% anti pyro weapon actually. It raises your health by 50 and does no critical hit from the front or side so a pyro who keeps you from getting behind them has a decent chance of killing you despite the extra 50 damage they have to deal. Plus they can air blast you away and shotgun if they're good.

    So far my opinion on the update weapons is mixed. The Backburner is finally a weapon which drags the pyro up from a near useless defender unit to one that can actually take on a heavy with a fair chance of coming out on top. The added compresed air blast gives the pyro a chance to deal with demo stickies too, which is really great. The flaregun is nice in certain places since it lets you set snipers on fire, but mostly it's lame, and the axetinguisher is also pretty lame. You have to set them on fire, then get up close, and then axe them, so that's kind of an involved process. Just using the abckburner and getting behind them is easier. I would rather have had something like a fire extinguisher that lets you put out team-mates who are on fire, with an alternate use as a big object to smash enemies over the head with.

    Really enjoying the update though, and can't wait for the spy and demo ones.
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    I prefer the axtinguisher myself. More often than not if I'm close enough to light them up I'm close enough to score an axe hit. Direction doesn't matter. Plus I prefer to have the airblast than not. I don't really see pyros with a backburner as a threat, regardless of what class I'm using. I'm usually on the lookout for backstabs anyway so now I just lump pyros in with with spies when I'm moving. Also there is nothing more satisfying than sending a crit rocket back into a soldier's face with an airblast. Best kill experience I've had in this game so far!

    I'm definitely looking forward to all the rest of the updates as well. They really breathe new life into the game with each release, which is a great way to keep your game alive long after the initial sale.
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    I'm having a lot of fun with the pyro. I unlocked all kinds of things.

    The only thing I'm worried about with these is whether or not my past experience will be counted towards future upgrades. For example I've played the soldier and engineer for about 150 hours and been quite successful. I wonder if what I did with them will give me some upgrades straight out the door. Probably not. Future frustration I bet :)
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    dfacto wrote: »
    Plus they can air blast you away and shotgun if they're good.

    Backburner doesn't blast air

    though airblast does suck up tons of ammo and is hard to move around pipebombs...
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    leilei wrote: »
    Backburner doesn't blast air

    That's what I mean. In a backburner vs normal battle the normal flamer can blast the backburner guy away and then shotgun him while backpedalling. The best the backburner can do is pull out the shotgun and try to keep up. Have to be pretty good at pyro to execute that move though.

    One thing that bothers me about the backburner though is that the critical from behind is kind of iffy. Many times it hits, and other times you run right up to someone's back and then past them to do a sweep of a medic-heavy combo for example, and the crit doesn't kick in, consequently getting you killed.
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    I rape heavies from the rear with the backburner. spawn camping in gold rush couldn't get any better now. unless I had a lawn chair to rest on while I watch my enemies run like burning chickens.
  • okkun
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    okkun polycounter lvl 20
    haha, silly pyros, they're so soft... I haven't dominated that many people since I started playing..
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    okkun wrote: »
    haha, silly pyros, they're so soft... I haven't dominated that many people since I started playing..

    Neither have I. As a pyro with the backburner I'm tearing people new assholes left and right.
  • Mitch Cosgrave
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    Mitch Cosgrave polycounter lvl 17
    caseyjones wrote: »
    Had an epic engie session with junkers Saturday night!

    That was freakin epic, and a lot of fun. I couldn't believe we held out so well, it was brilliant.
    On the note of the pyro new weapons, i generally still keep the shotgun as my backup weapon. However, the stock flamethrower is great. With the airblast, it's absolutely fantastic being able to separate medics from the ubercharge target. While deflecting rockets is fun, the air blast is a really really good weapon when used strategically. It can push engineers way from healing a sentry, which is great. I managed to juggle a heavy earlier on dust, then burn him mid air as he fell to his death.
    So far, i have nothing but good things to say about the update.
  • Mark Dygert
    Now that pyros can take out turrets if they rush, I'd like to see the engs get an upgrade to the turret that has a flame thrower that kicks in for close combat.

    Instead of whacking the pyros they need to elevate the other classes to compensate. I always hated the "oh crap we made XYZ over powered, lets dial it down". If you make a decision and it doesn't work out, stick to it but also fix it in a way that won't screw your fans over. Which is what I see them doing so far. yea!

    And who the hell needs an achievement box for pyro's? I had the flare gun for a few hours before I even realized it.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Vig wrote: »
    Now that pyros can take out turrets if they rush, I'd like to see the engs get an upgrade to the turret that has a flame thrower that kicks in for close combat.

    I dunno I think that's a nice balance there, with pyros no longer being completely worthless against turrets. If there is one thing that's unfair though is that pyros can burn engi buildings through the floor or walls on many maps, which is quite fun as a pyro, but very unfair for an engi.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    the achievement box maps are great, go in as an engi, set up a turret and watch as the pyros get pissed as it kicks the shit out of them. even more fun if you've got a heavy to cover it too
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    dfacto wrote: »
    That's what I mean. In a backburner vs normal battle the normal flamer can blast the backburner guy away and then shotgun him while backpedalling. The best the backburner can do is pull out the shotgun and try to keep up. Have to be pretty good at pyro to execute that move though.

    Are you kidding? That doesnt work at all. After you air blast it takes a full second before you are allowed to shoot flame again, or any other weapon, by the time you get the shotgun, the other pyro will either have shotgunned you twice, or will have caught up with his flamethrower, especially if you were backpedalling which puts your speed at 85 or 90 percent of normal. Youre better off to just fight it out.

    One thing the air blast IS amazing at is working with an engie to have an unkillable sentry. Just camp with an engie and blow away all stickies and rockets and pipes coming your way and you get infinite ammo with the dispenser. Its pretty much made sentries near impossible to kill with that teamwork. Makes me wonder how clans will use it.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    pyros have always been very good with turrets, since the fire fans out you can shoot them from around a corner
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Marine wrote: »
    the achievement box maps are great, go in as an engi, set up a turret and watch as the pyros get pissed as it kicks the shit out of them. even more fun if you've got a heavy to cover it too

    After I farmed my achievements (what?) I did that, as a heavy. I'd basically camp in front of the supply cabinet and fire my gun infinitely while the rest tried to farm. mwuahaha!
  • Mark Dygert
    I was playing 2 fort last night, down in the intel room by the health drop, and a scout came tearing in, I lit him on fire, he started to go for the health so I used the air blast and he went sailing off course like Mary Poppins. He missed the health, I scoped it up and finished him off.

    I never realized it pushed people so far. Those scouts sail for days if you catch them in the air.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    yeah i got one at the top of C in gravelpit.. wheee
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