It kicked ass! I loved every bit of it. Be sure to watch through all of the credits.
Loved the style and character designs. Made me come home and work more on my turtle.
I might just go see it again. My only complaint is how short it was. I wanted more.
- BoBo
you may want to check this out...
there's a vid preview of some of the art in the book over here
Yes, very cool movie.
And yeah, I dig the animations...just not much on the designs...though seems to be the standard.
btw, now I'm curious to see this turtle of yours bobo
Go see it. :]
TBH it could look like a sack of shit, but because Jack Blacks in it, its gonna sell! ;D
Oh, It doesn't. It's a feast for the eyes, a feast I say.
Running into James Hong in the bathroom, priceless.
Steven would be sad...
I loved this movie. The first and only Dreamworks Animation movie that will stand the test of time for more than 6 months. I have a friend who works there and I am 'constantly' giving him shit for working on such shitty animated movies. A few months ago he said that this was the first movie that he was proud to work on. He was right.
Reminded me a lot of Mulan - but good for the entire movie and not just the awesome avalanche scene from that movie.
I also really want a full length movie done in the intro's style. Freaking amazing.
'Lets hang out'