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Saboteur guy

polycounter lvl 13
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vik polycounter lvl 13
Based on East`s ninja guy (http://www.davidostman.se/blog/3d-gallery/ninja/ -kickass model David!) who kindly allowed me to post this here for feedback. Started as a Zbrush practice and had a blast doing him. Had to put it on hold for a while because of uni assignments but now I want to finish texturing him and move on to some other projects. :poly122:



  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    not too sure whats goin on with this guy, or why hes in short shorts. I see you enjoy sculpting, but you should try making majority of that armor in a traditional 3d package. For basic stuff like that, I think you would get better results. Especially untill you get a better feel for masking and such in zbrush (I assume this is zbrush). Lazy mouse feature, found in the "stroke" roll down, is your friend. Use it for masks and long strokes.

    Also, might just be personal taste, but that T pose doesnt work for me. Its just inevitably going to stretch the hell out of any shoulder texture u make when you lower the arms. Find a half way point between up and down. It will come off alot more natural.
  • frubes
    hi, i quite like the idea for the model, would be nice to see a concept if you have one. Hes a bit crysis like for my tastes but nonetheless its looking good. My only other comment would be that some of the forms of the helmet (notably the side bit on his head) are not quite as crisp or as well shaped as it appears they should be. Some of them feel a little bit squishy if you know what i mean. The side piece on the helmet isnt perfectly spherical and the forms and crisp lines on the front of his face/visor are nice and sharp. Just feels a bit of a mish mash of forms.
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    thanks for the reply guys. stimpak: T-pose vs 45 degrees pose - it may be just me but I find it a bit of pain rotaing the hands and arms. with the t-pose it`s easier. but I use both tbh
    frubes: yup bit too "organic", could use some more mechanical lines. the whole thing was done in ZBrush and it`s not that great for nonorganic stuff imo (I learned that the hard way)

  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    still working on the colour map


    beauty shot of the seams :poly122:

  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Far be it from me to question the ninja guy, but I think If I was going to put on a powerarmour breastplate with full head piece I might consider wearing some shoes too. If nothing else it'd stop me from stepping on broken glass and caltrops that I can't see because of the reduced visibility caused by the dark visor.
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    sadly, I have to agree:P I wanted to add armour pieces to partly cover the legs but run out of time with all those uni assignments. When I came back to it I didnt really feel like modelling anything new for this guy so the legs remained kinda `naked`. :susp: not sure where to go with the legs now, maybe I will smooth out the surface and paint it with skin color :poly128:

    btw visor not gonna be dark, probably yellow or red. reflective or glowing or dim im not sure

  • AsylumSeaker
    I don't understand why he's wearing tights, or why he's full of bullet holes. I also don't think its a good idea to leave those arms bare, at least put some dark spandex over them or something otherwise they would shine in the moonlight.

    I like the shapes in his armor and helmet.
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    ok, added some armour to the legs. also some more texturing work.

  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    finsihed the spec maps.


    q uick paintover as I`m thinking of making some gloves
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    For me, theres just no depth to the texture work. Even though you have a high poly for locals, it just isnt working, the diffuse is currently fighting all the work the local is doing to make things "pop". You painted in shadows, which is a good thing to do, but only a little. Here, it seems you painted the diffuse like you would if you wasnt even using lcoals, which makes it look, well, poor. The colour scheme is very bland and fighting each other as well, nothing visually pops.

    At least IMO, anyway.
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    you`re right I will avoid adding too much shadow on the colour map in the future. thanks.

    here are the gloves so far
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