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Portfolio critique please.

polycounter lvl 17
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Waz polycounter lvl 17
Before I start applying at more studios I figured I better get a critique from you guys on my portfolio and resume to catch any errors I might have missed. I am currently looking for work mostly around Canada however would love the opportunity to work abroad once my passport gets back after having it expire on me. You can find the gallery and the rest of my site here:



  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Are you a character artist or environment artist? I can see you know how to use the software very well, but this might throw some employers off.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Nice portfolio, you seem to be pretty good at characters as well as props and vehicles, I dont know a whole lot about the game industry but is it really so bad to apply for both kinds of jobs?
  • kymbyli
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    The games industry is all about specializing. You will work in teams and you have to pin point which bit of the team you want to be. Most developer studios have different teams for environment and character, if some one is unsure where to put you it will matter.
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    I think your work is great and you should be able to find a character OR prop job like vehicle modeler. They are right you should choose and focus on it in your portfolio though. That doesn't exactly mean you have to remove your prop work because its top notch. But they shouldnt be mixed together like they are now.

    Also install lightbox if you're going to do popup windows IMO. Its easier to navigate and maintain.
  • Waz
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    Waz polycounter lvl 17
    Thank you for the replys. I realize most studios are either looking for character or environmental but I am capable of producing both I believe and will be applying for jobs for one or the other depending on the studio and the current job postings. Personally I enjoy creating both and in both cases you are looking at forms and shapes only environmental shapes tend to be a little more blocky then character modeling. I have started applying to studios and look forward to the new opportunity that awaits me.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    If I had any complaint, it is that you simply don't have enough work in your portfolio. What I do see here shows a clear progression in skill. You start off on the low end but steadily work your way up. Your latest posted model, the dwarf, looks great. It is a very solid portfolio piece and shows stylistic consistency as well as technical proficiency.

    Keep working on new pieces, and retire some of your older works as you progress. I definitely think you stand a good chance of getting a job doing this. All you need is to keep working.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah they're all top notch work...I'd gear for character work in this case since you have a bit more to show but I guess in interviews won't hurt to have other stuff in prints ???
  • VikingJim
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    Hey, the models shown look great, the only thing i have to say is that the "dark knight" character's armor looks far to similar to Arthas' armor from the Warcraft 3 cinematics. especially in the legs. Also the sword is very similar to Frostmourne. Other than that your work looks pretty good. Keep it up!
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